Buddy Boy Blakelee- Good Ole Boy

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:02 pm

(August 13, 2014)

“It looked like it were gonna be a real good season an’ when 4 of our guys turned up on the Norton List it looked even better- Mari at PG, Tine at SG, Berg at SF, an’ May at PF. An’ guess what? I STILL think our C, Juan Cony, is our best player!

“We weren’t afraid a nobody this year so I wanted a tough scheduel. An’ FIN’LY we was in a tourmanent, the WS Midwest Invitational! Unfortunitley it were one a them years where we played mos’ly road games. We mighta gone a little too tough with alla them road games. Time would tell.

“First day a practice. Wow! we had 10 guys we could throw in any time, any situation. We was picked 3rd agin, behind KY an’ Ark., but I figgered we’d give ‘em both a run fer their money.

“We won our two exhibitions big an’ we’re ready ta go!

“We won our first two easy then headed fer the tourmanent which we intended ta win!

“We met #1 seed, #15 ranked Miami in the semis an’ crushed ‘em. We approached the final like a afterthought an’ it almos’ cost us, but we woke up an’ won by 8. That put us at 5-0. We had talent! We tended ta jump out ta a big early lead then relax a little. I was trying ta git my guys NOT ta relax but ta keep hammerin’ away.

On Nov. 27 we foun’ ourself ranked #11! Highest one a my teams had ever bin ranked ta that point an’ it sure felt good!

“The bubble busted on Dec. 1 when Washington beat us there. We had beat ‘em by 19 at the tourmanent an’ we was too dang cocky! Not only that but we was flatter than granny’s… feet. Problem was our next game was at #14 Memphis so we’d need to wake up right quick er lose two in a row. An’ we los’ that one too. That put us at 7-2, an’ I didn’t like it. We give up 76 then 78 an’ thass too many!

“We got a scare at Colerader, winnin’ by jes’ one. Then we beat Gonzaga big ta end the pre-confernce scheduel 11-2. Not bad but 12-1 woulda bin better an’ woulda bin where we shoulda finished!”

“Let’s take a break. WATL Atlanta.”
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 22, 2014 10:48 pm

(August 16, 2014 continued)

“Well, like they say, the price a poker done went up when we got ta the conference. Still, at the halfway mark we was 7-1, tied fer the lead with Ark. BUT… our nex’ two was with Ark. An’ Ky, the two bes’ teams in the conf., along with us, an’ both top 10 teams. We was #12, RPI 12. One a our recruits did not hit the SAT score so we need ta git back ta recruitin’. We never really lef’ cuz we thought he might not hit the score. Lotsa good prospec’s.

“We beat KY by 6 at home an’ Ark. Got themselves upset so we was 1 up on ‘em an’ 2 or more on the rest but we was playin’ in their yard.

“Los’ by 7. They led mosta the way but we stayed close.It were a real defensive battle. Both a our startin’ guards fouled out an’ that was the differ'nce. I picked up a T, which I almos’ never do. The real diff was TOs, it was our worse game a the year in that department. Oh well, git ‘em nex’ time. We los’ but jumped ta #10. Mike May was #16 on the Norton List.

“We held ‘Bama ta 26 in a late game. No idea how ya do that ta a team. 2 ta play an’ still tied with Ark., which meant they’d git the #1 seed. We had ta stay focused. Then they was one, an’ it were still a tie. We was at home an’ so was they. We both won. So we’d be #2. We was 25-4, 14-2, ranked #8, RPI #7.”

“Let’s take a break.”

“It was Auburn in the roun’ of 8. We won easy. Nex’ was #13 KY. This wouldn’t be easy! Beat ‘em by six at our place. An’ we beat ‘em by 5 tanight!

“It’s us an’ #6 Ark. Fer the title. We’ll git a good seed no matter what but we could git a #1 seed with a win. 61-64. Helluva game! They won it on a 30 footer at the horn. Tough way ta lose.

“#3 East. We play Charlotte, 19-13. 75-62. Nex’ was Cincinnati, 21-8, ranked #23. 75-63. Nex’ game oughta be 75-64!

“My first Sweet Sixteen ever. #7 seed Brigham Young upset Memphis so they’re nex’. 78-72. First 30 win season. First trip to the Elite Eight!

“#1 seed, #1 ranked, 36-0 Maryland. This is gonna be one tough matchup! Oh well, we’d do what we can an’ hope fer the best. An’ we played the game of our life! 62-53 an’ the final four!!! The story was RBs, 50-22. That an’ free throws. Happiest I’d ever been on a basketball court. We led all the way after the first few minutes an’ ever time they got close we had a answer.

“We’d be playin’ #2 in the country North Carolina, 34-2. #3 UCLA vs. #15 Louisville in the other game. Hard ta describe what ity was like ta bring a team ta the final four but it was great.

“End a the line, 60-73. Lead changed hands lotsa times but they took over late when we got inta all kinds a foul trouble. Weren’t the refs, really, NC was jes’ quicker than us an’ we hadta foul cuz we couldn’t stop ‘em no other way. Hey, 31-6, 14-2, played in the final four. I’d hafta say I’m perty happy with the season.

“UNC beat UCLA by 26 fer the title so we lost ta the champs. They was lotsa A.D.s wantin’ ta talk ta me at the final four. Would I take a job somewheres else? If the right one came along I sure would!

“Awards first though. I got conference COY. Mike May an’ Juan Cony made 1st team. Keb Tine made 2nd.

“Lots a job offers, some of ‘em interestin’, but none interestin’ enough. Me an’ Loretta is stayin’ here at Vanderbilt. An’ I wanta stop right here an’ address somethin’. It is definitely me an’ Loretta. I would NOT make a move without her bein’ okay with it. Basketball is a big thing in my life, but not as big as Loretta an’ my kids. An’ I mean that 100%.

“We did what we needed ta do ta wrap up the year. I axed fer a facilities upgrade. Got it. Went from B- ta B+. Thas’ a big diff’rence.

“Wound up the year with Team Prestige a 50, 207-81, .719. Offense-39, Defense-67, Recruitin’-98, Scoutin’- 80, Player Development- 58, Reputation- 43. Lookin’ forerd ta another good year what with the four real good players we got comin’ back plus a real good recruitin’ class. Prob'ly won't have the talent we had this year but we'll do okay i think.”

“And we’ll see about that next time. WATL Atlanta.”
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Postby Wayne23 » Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:52 am

(August 23, 2014)

“Jackson Lee, WATL Atlanta. We’re here with another episode of the life of coach Jerome ‘Buddy Boy’ Blakelee. Coach is entering his 10th season as a head coach. Last year he took Vanderbilt all the way to the final four. Here’s Coach Blakelee on tape .”

“I knowed we didn’t have the team this season that we had las’ but I had two good uns, Keb Tine, a junior PG/SG, an’ PF Mike May, a senior. We had a good startin’ five as I seen it, but not much bench.

“We bought the National Gold scoutin’ report. Then we went after some real good transfers. We got Walt More, a sophomore 5 star C an’ Ray Jon, a 4 star junior PG. Good haul!

“3 scholarships ta fill. Some perty fair lookin’ players are talkin’ ta us.

“Tine (#24) an’ May (#30) both made the Norton list.

“Wow! 9/18 an’ all three recruits agreed. Amazin’! We’re in the WS Midwest Invitational. Plannin’ ta win it! We pushed the scheduel a little. I want some challenges.

“First day a practice come an’ I liked what I seen. We had 6-7 players, mebbe 8.

“We was picked 2nd in the confernce, behind Kentucky.

We won that WS tourmanent easy. After two weeks we was 6-0, ranked #9, an’ we’d played all decent ta good teams.

We ended the pre-confernce season 11-2, ranked #21. After 2 losses back ta back we done nuthin’ but win an’ our rankin’ done nuthin’ but slide.

“So far the on’y way teams beat us was by hittin’ a lotta threes an’ KY did that at their place. They’d come to us in the las’ reg’ler season game so hopefully it’d be diff’rent then.

At the halfway mark we’re 17-4, 6-2, tied fer 1st with KY an’ Texas A & M, ranked #11, RPI #4. As expected one a our recruits did not hit the SAT score so we’re chasin’.

Didn’t do so good 2nd half, 4-4. We went inta the post season 21-8, 10-6, 2nd in the conference, #15, RPI #20.

“In the confernce tourney we faced LSU which beat us by 7 at their place. Beat ‘em by 18.

“In the round a 4 it were Texas A & M what finished tied with us fer 2nd. We won by 24 at our place early on. They had 2 starters out with injuries. 63-52.

#4 Kentucky fer the title. They shellacked us twicet in the reg’ler season. 74-88 tanight. They’re flat better’n us. Now ta see where we go in the NCAA tourney. Hopin’ fer a 4 seed. Nope. [B]#6 East. We play Ole Miss, 17-12. They’re in our conference an’ they beat us by 3 at their place.

“71-59. #3 seed, #10 ranked Oklahoma, 26-5 is nex’. They are one tough team, but w[/B]e don’t match up too bad with ‘em. I think if we play good we got a chancet. 71-55. Great win! An’ we’re back in the Sweet Sixteen. Feels right good!

#2 seed, #2 ranked, 33-2 UConn. This ain’t gonna be easy. 71-95. They was even better’n Kentucky.

“We end up 25-10, not as good as las’ year, an’ not quite as good as I had hoped, records wise, but I figgered Sweet 16 was the goal an’ we reached it. Now ta wait fer the offers. I done all I could here an’ it’s time ta move on an’ up.”

“I went ta the final four an’ had some real interstin’ conversations. Memphis beat North Carolina fer the title.

Awards: Mike May made 1st team, Keb Tine an’ Matt Ark 2nd, an’ I got Coach a the Year.

“Now fer the offers. Cain’t wait, Loretta neither. Houston? A little less budget ($5000) but 57 Team Prestige, ta our 48. Hm… We’re gonna go take a look. Facilities is much better. On’y losin’ one starter from a decent team. We’re goin’ ta Texas! They’ll be on’y one more move after this one, we hope!

“Time ta hire a staff. Got three great, experienced coaches. Thrilled ta have ‘em. Like ta have some budget dollars. Goin’ fer it. Nope.

I end up the season with a record a 232-91, .718. Off- 44, Def.-77, Recruit-98, Scout-81,
Player Dev.- 64, Rep.- 48.

“Lookin’ forerd ta our first season!”

“We’ll here about that first season in Houston after these messages.”
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Postby Wayne23 » Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:50 pm

(August 23, 2014 Continued)

“Loretta an’ me knowed that Houston had a proud basketball history. We could prob’ly do everthin’ we wanted ta do here. BUT, I wanted ta en’ up at Georgia Tech, back home. We was hopin’ ta be real successful here in time, an’ ta have that lead us ta GT, my dream school.

“We bought the national gold and the international basic scoutin’ reports. Fin’ly invited ta a big early season tourney, the NIT. Rock put tagether one toiugh schedule. We’ll be ready fer this nex’ year. This year? Not so sure. Then we git ta the conference we got #1 Memphis an’ #2 UConn (damn Yankees!), an’ we play both of ‘em twicet.

“We’re thin at guard so I picked up a good lookin’ transfer PG.

“We was goin’ after 5 recruits an’ we needed guards.

“I gotta say that after spendin’ a couple a months here there was a lot ta like, but A. D. Carlton 'Rock' Stone was about dumber than a whole WAREHOUSE full a rocks, not jes’ a box of ‘em. He ain’t a lotta he’p ta me.

“We went along doin’ alla the things ya do. We was chasin’ all top 100 recruits which was right nice!

“First day a practice. We’re thin, an’ not all that good. Good news is we got all our recruits. A couple might have trouble hittin’ the SAT score but we keep tellin’ ‘em ta start studyin’ now. We’ll see. We’re picked 4th in the conference. I’d take that.

“Two biggest supprizes from the exhibitions was Vik Young at PF an’ Lan Keet at SG. They got theyselfs some minutes. We ain’t bad but I don’t think we’re good enough fer this conference. Time’ll tell!

“Great! Let’s start the season vs. the #1 team in the country. Won’t be at the preseason NIT fer long, I’m guessin’! 66-74, OT. We done real good! They hit a couple a threes late an’ that was the diff.

6-3 at the end a the preconference sched. More than happy given our RPI is 31, which means we played some real good teams, which we did. We rebound real good, could take better care a the ball. We playin’ 7 an’ all 7 is givin’ us some good things. #8 ain’t bad either.

‘We were completelty up an’ down. Beat #3 UConn then lose ta a nobody. 10-7, 4-4 at the halfway mark. Shoulda bin 12-5, 6-2.

“All a my recruits hit our SAT score. 7-5. 6 left, 3 aginst top 10 teams, 2 a those on the road. Yeah.

We won our las’ 3 ta finish alone in 4th. I’ll take it. We’re 16-11, 10-8 goin’ ta the tourmanent. Hope ta win the first one there but that’ll prob’ly be it. RPI is 60 so we should git to the NIT or the CHI.

#5 seed Temple, 14-14, 9-9. We beat ‘em by 4 at our place. 54-38.

“# 1 seed Cincinnati beat us twice
, once bad. I dunno but I think we oughta be able to hang with these guys.

72-75. We hung with ‘em, jes’ couldn’t quite beat ‘em. We played good. CT beat ‘em fer the title.

“Lessee where we go. Could be the big one er not. Hard ta say. NCAA #10 in the West aginst #7 Buffalo. This is a game we could win.

61-47. We played smart an’ we owned the boards.

“#2 seed Oklahoma. Tough one.41-58. 25 TOs.

We end up 18-13, 10-8.

“At the final four. I ain’t lookin’ but that don’t mean I wouldn’t listen.

“Maryland vs. Oklahoma fer the title. Maryland by 20.

Awards: Keb Mann made the 2nd team.

“Offers: Lots but none I’d consider. Ask fer $. Got $9,500. I’ll take it.

I end up the season with a 11 year record a 250-104, .706. Off- 48, Def-80, Recruit-98, Scout-82, Player Dev-69, Reputation-50. Lookin’ fer a real good year nex’ year.”

“We’ll see about that next week. WATL Atlanta.”
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Postby Wayne23 » Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:56 pm

(August 30, 2014)

I had real high hopes fer this season. We was startin’ at the Coaches Classic with #10 UCLA so we’d find out a lot right quick. Tough schedule all the way through.

“Picked 4th in confernce. Wanna do better’n that!

“I hate ta start with a loss. Workin’ hard ta pull the upset in the Coaches Classic but it ain’t gonna be easy, we’re the 14 seed, UCLA is the 3.

“60-59, OT. Great win!!! Lloyd Olson banged a 3 at the buzzer in OT after hitting a 17 footer at the buzzer in regulation.

“Then come #6 seed, #24 ranked Utah. 61-57.

“#2 seed, #9 ranked Maryland in the semifinals. 68-60 and we’re in the title game! We never trailed.

“#5 seed, #14 ranked Georgetown fer the title. 59-68. Not tonight. Helluva run though. Shots wouldn’t fall, 36%, 3-14 on threes. Hey, great start ta the year! Ranked #14! Way it turned out this was mebbe the high point a the season.

“9-3 for the pre-confernce. I’ll take it. We played 6 ranked teams. We’re #20, RPI #9.

“Up and down durin’ the 1st half a the conference sched. I eventuelly tweaked the lineup. Prob’ly waited too long. 14-7, 5-4 at the halfway point. It’s perty basic when ya look at the stat sheet. When we take care a the ball we in an’ when we don’t we lose.

“Frustratin’ as hell. We beat 21-1 Cincinnati an’ then lose at home ta Tulsa, what was 7-13.

“20-8, 11-5 with 2 to play but they’re 2 tough ones. I’d be happy with a split. The lineup switch he’ped. Los’ both of ‘em so we’re 4th. 20-10, 11-7. Ranked #22, RPI #16.

“We play Temple which jes’ beat us at their place las’ week. But they’re #4 ranked an’ 26-2, 17-1. 54-81.

“Leas’ see where we go. 21-11, #21, RPI #18. #5 South vs. the winner of a play in game. Wound up bein’ Mississippi State 18-13. 54-52. We excaped! We was down 11 with 4:50 ta play.

“#4 seed #17 ranked Kentucky, 21-10. We gotta stop ‘em inside ta have any chancet but they ain’t really better’n us. If’n we play we kin beat ‘em. 55-60. Blowed a 11 point lead. 23 TOs.

“The end of another disappointin’ season. It ain't that we was bad, we wasn’t. We jes’ wasn’t as good as we shoulda bin.

“I went ta the final four, a course. Cincinnati an’ UConn from our conference met in the semis so we’d have a team in the title game. It were the damn Yankees a course. Hard to root fer ‘em agin North Carolina but they ARE in our conference.

“UNC by 8. Didn’t break my heart.

“Awards: Lloyd Olson got freshman a the Year. Him an’ Ben Bank made 2nd team.

“I got the feelin’ we’ll be here fer awhile longer. I on’y ‘spect ta make one more move. As I ‘spected, no temptin’ offers.

“I axed fer a facilities upgrade. Didn’t git it.

“My numbers after 12 years is 272-116, .701. Off- 51, Def- 85, Recruit- 98, Scout- 83, Player Development- 73, Reputation- 53.

“Whas the goal fer next year? At LEAST Elite Eight. We on’y losin’ 2 guys an’ we got 6 awesome recruits comin’ in.”

“And we’ll see how that goes next week. WATL Atlanta.”

(Author’s note: I set the Potential ratings way too high. Won’t do that again.)
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
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Postby Wayne23 » Fri Nov 28, 2014 7:20 am

(August 30, 2014 continued)

“I remember havin’ a real good feelin’ at the start a this season. Then I picked up a 5 star transfer SF. We chased some mighty fine recruits an’ landed ‘em. When schedule time come I tole Rock ta lay it on us. He got us ta the WS Midwest which we was plannin’ on winnin’. Practic’ly everbody else we was playin’ was ranked or close to it. An’ by then we was through recruitin’.

“We was picked 3rd in conference. A course UConn (Damn Rankees!) was ranked #3 an’ Cincinnati #7, an’ we wasn’t ranked. We intended ta be though.

“When the season started I had me 8 guys what I was comfortable with in any situation. #09 an’ #10 was almos’ as good.

We won that WS Midwest thing easy. Started off 7-0, ranked #9. But it was a real tough schedule so I knowed we’d lose a couple. We ended up 9-2 fer the pre-confernce games. 6-2 aginst ranked teams.

"One a the good things about the scheduel was that we played both UConn (Damn Yankees!) an’ Cincinnati first there then at our place. Tord the en’ if ya need wins an’ ya allus do, ya want them tough games at home.

“We was 16-3, 7-2 at the halfway point. Ranked #16, RPI #8, one back a 1st.

“BIG win at home vs. UConn! In a 3 way tie fer 1st, 19-4, 10-2, with 6 ta play.

“Los’ one we shoulda won. In 3rd with 2 ta play but one’s hoem vs. Cioncinnati. We could en’ up 2nd. Then UConn los’ one they shoulda won an’ it’s REAL interestin’ goin’ ta the final game with Cinci! Beat ‘em but got the #3 seed anyway. 24-5, 15-3 at the en’ a the reg’ler season. Ranked # 12, RPI is # 10.

We los’ ta Cinci by 4 in the semis. 20 TOs done us in. Cinci crushed the damn Yankees fer the title.

“Selection day. Hopin’ fer a 3, ‘spectin’ a 4 or 5, dreadin’ a 6. #4 South vs. #13 Southern Utah. I’ll take it! 72-47.

“#5 seed, #22 ranked Duke. Tough game but we can win if we play. 71-63 an’ we’re in the Sweet Sixteen. We won this one in the backcourt.

“#1 seed, #6 ranked Syracuse. We gonna hafta play REAL good ta have a chancet. 61-70. 19 TOs. We didn’t play all that bad but the TOs an’ fouls kilt us.

“Still, one a my better seasons, 27-7.

“I went ta the final four. I figgered I’d be here in Houston until a real elite school in Dixie called. I could do what I wanted ta do here, but my heart was back in the heart a the south.

“Syracuse beat North Carolina fer the title. Damn Yankees!

“Awards: Ben Bank made 1st team an’ I got the coachin’ award.

“Offers? Yeah we got ‘em. Some from perty good schools but none from one a them elite schools.

“I axed fer a facilities upgrade. Got it. Went from B ta A-. That should he’p with recruitin’.

“Okay, Team Prestige is up ta 63. My numbers: Off- 55, Def- 91, Recruit- 98, Scout- 83, Player Development- 78, Reputation- 58. Record fer 13 seasons is 299-123, .709.

“On ta a even better season nex’ year.”

“We’ll talk about that a week from today on WATL Atlanta.”
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 29, 2014 8:27 am

(September 6, 2014)

“We was lookin’ ta have a very big year this year. If’n we didn’t git ta the Final Four I’d be disappointed.

We had 2 guys on the Norton list, Jon Clay at #9, an’ Greg Hopp at #45.

“Chasin’ some very high ranked recruits.

“In the preseason NIT, an’ a very challengin’ scheduel in gen’ral. Practic’ly all ranked opponents.

“Signed both of ‘em but the kid from China will have trouble with the SAT. We’ll find out in Janerrary.

Picked #1 in conference even though Cincinnati is ranked #5 an’ UConn #6 an’ we ain’t ranked. I agree!

We got ta the final a the preseason NIT beatin’ three ranked teams afore losin’ by 10 ta #1 in the country North Carolina.

“At the [B]halfway mark a conference play we was 18-3, 9-0, up 2 on Cincinnati an’ at leas’ 3 on everbody else. RPI #1, Ranked #9.
2nd half would be tougher, with 2 road games that would be a challenge.

“That kid from China hit the SAT score so we’re done with recruitin’.

“Won our 1st 11 confernce games then lost at Cincinnati; worse TO game a the year. Road game at UConn still ahead a us.

“Then Memphis upset us at our place an’ the race was wide open cuz UCoonn was nex’ an’ we could lose 3 straight if we wasn’t careful.

Yep, we los’ that un too. Now we was one back a Cinci an’ tied with UConn. Time ta turn it aroun’.

“Then UConn beat Cinci an’ with 2 ta play the 3 of us was in a tie. UConn got theirself upset in the nex’ ta las’ game. Then Cinci got THEIR selfs upset in the final game so sense we won both a them games we finished 1st.

We was 24-6, 15-3, Ranked #7, RPI #1, goin’ ta the tourmanent.

“Our C, Mack Haye, got banged up perty good in the 1st game. He’d play, but he wouldn’t be 100%.

“Barley won our semifinal then it was UConn fer the title. A course they was real strong inside. This ud be a tough un.”

58-62 in OT. Haye could on’y play 21 minutes, an’ that were the differnce. Haye’ll be back fer the NCAA but this prob’ly coast us a top seed. Hopin’ fer a #2. Our record is 26-7, ranked #7, RPI #1.

“Not in the East. Not in the Midwest. #2 in the South.

“UNLV beat us in the reg’ler season an’ here they was agin in round 2. Beat ‘em by 18 this time an’ it weren’t that close.

“An’ our ole pals, Cincinnati was next in the Sweet Sixteen. In the reg’ler season we won by 17 at home an’ los’ be 16 there so it were up fer grabs. 67-60. We pulled away in the las’ five minutes er so. Jon Clay hit 5 threes an’ Mack Haye was huge inside.

#1 seed, #6 ranked, 30-5 Michigan State in the Elite Eight. On paper it looked like it would be close. Their first big guy off the bench was out with a injury. 60-45 an’ we’re in the final four! 52 RBs! We never trailed.

“I bin here afore, with Vanderbilt in ’63, but this here is a much better team.

We play #5 ranked Louisville, 31-4. Everthin’ I see tells me it should be a real good match up.

“The excitement a the final four is bigger ever year. Real circus but the kids love ity an’ I don’t blame ‘em. I’m tryin’ ta keep ‘em focused but the other coaches is havin’ the same problems I am. When the games start everbidy’ll be focused.

47-63. Their PG kilt us, 33 points. Their D was good but we couldn’t make a shot. Hey, great season! An’ we’re on’y losin’ one guy ta graduation.

“North Carolina won the title.
“Awards: Mack Haye made 1st team, 3 guys made 2nd. Team Prestige is at 71 so won’t be no offers that we’ll look at ‘cept Georgia Tech er Duke er somethin’ like that. Nope.

I ax fer money. I git $25,000. Houston is serious about gittin’ a title!

Great season, 30-8, final four. 329-131, .715, Off- 61, Def- 95, Recruit- 98, Scout- 84, Player Development- 85, Reputation- 66. Lookin’ ta win it all nex’ year.”

“We’ll be right back…”
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Postby Wayne23 » Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:56 am

(September 6, 2014 continued)

We was ranked #6 ta start the season. Clay was #6 an’ Hopp #43 on the Norton lis’. Picked 1st in conference agin. Got 3 Centers, 2 PGs ta commit.

“Exhibition games showed me we got a TEAM! We are gonna be very hard to score on, an’ very hard to reboun’ aginst.

8-3 fer the pre-confernce season. That were a little disappointin’ but all three losses was ta ranked teams on the road. All the wins was aginst ranked teams ‘cept one so it were a perty tough scheduel.

16-4, 8-1at the halfway point. Cain’t belive we los’ at home ta Cincinnati but we did. Ranked #11, RPI #6 tied fer 1st with Cinci. It were a 2 team race strickly.

“Then we beat Cinci there, 80-79 in OT when Jon Clay hit a 18 footer at the horn. Clay was #11 on the Norton lis’ and that was under ratin’ him.

We ended the reg’ler season 25-4, 17-1, 1 up on Cinci an’ 4 er more on the res’. Ranked #8, RPI #4, won our las’ 12.

“As we ‘spected it was Cinci fer the conference tourney champeenship. We was in white. Trouble was the team in white los’ both reg’ler season games.

“Whites won this time.[B]75-56. Hope that gits us a #1 seed. 28-4, 17-1, #7, RPI #2.[/B]

“Nope. #2 East. Hard ta believe we git the #2 in the toughest region. #2 okay, but they ain’t 7 teams better’n us. We was screwed. On’y thing ta do is git ta the final four by beatin’ the team ahead a us. We got a goal!

“We sailed ta the Sweet Sixteen where we met Pittsburgh- in Pittsburgh. It was tough but we beat ‘em 63-58. #1 in the country North Carolina in the Elite Eight. If ya wanna win it all ya gotta beat everbody. Thass what I tole my kids.

Nope, we got our clock cleaned. It was disappointin’ but I guess we still a year away.

“I went ta the final four. I talked ta all a the right people. At this level the jobs I’m interested in don’t open up all that often though. At least we lost ta the champs, North Carolina won it all.

Awards: Clay an’ Haye made 1st team an’ I got the coachin’ award.
“Some real good schools sent out feelers but none of ‘em was where I wantred ta be so I’d be here for at leas’ one more year, which was fine with Loretta an’ me. The kids was perty much growed up by now. The girls was both in college an’ Jerome Jr. was in parts unknown doin’ prob’ly doin’ things we didn’t wanna know about. Both of us loved our jobs an’ spent as much time tagether as we could. These was good years, but then all of ‘em was good years when ya come down to it.

I axed fer $. Got $10,000.
So now I coached fer 15 seasons. 360-136, .726. Off- 65, Def- 95, Recruit- 98, Scout- 85, Player Development- 90, Reputation- 73. Team Prestige- 72.
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Dec 04, 2014 5:15 pm

(September 13, 2014)

“I was thinkin’ this could be the year. A lotta things need ta happen right an; ya need a little luck but I knowed I had a team!

“Jon Clay was chose #4 in the pro draft.

“2 scholarships. We need guards.

“We got one recruit early an’ felt like we was real close ta the #1 rated recruit in the country. We was invited ta the preseason NIT. I put tagether another strong scheduel, all ranked teams ‘cept fer one.

We got the #1 recruit!

We’re at #4 in the country as of 10/23.

“Afore we knowed it the season started. We done real good in the first two games a the NIT. Then it was #1 in the country North Carolina. They beat us by 13. Well, it’s early. We’ll get ‘em nex’ time.

“We was sailin’ right along at 7-1, #4 in the country an' then Illinois upset us by 1 on a lucky shot at the en’. We shoulda never let ‘em get that close, a course but it was one a them nights when the shots wouldn’t go in. Our strength was inside. We had 4 hosses an’ they shared the time about equal at SF, PF, an’ C.

“We beat #4 Texas ta en’ the preconference season at 9-2, ranked #10, RPI #1.

At the halfway mark a confernce play we was 18-2, 9-0, 1 up on UConn, 2 on Cinci.

“Cincinnati beat us at their place an’ that put us in a tie fer 1st with UConn with Cinci 1 back an’ 6 ta play.

“An’ on Valentime’s Day come the big game with #11 UConn at our place. The crowd was LOUD! An’ it sure helped. It was a real defensive game an’ we never trailed after the 1st minute. 50-40. +6 TOs, +6 RBs.

“We finished up the reg’ler season 26-3, 17-1, 1st place, ranked #6, RPI #1.

Cincinnati upset UConn in the semifinals a the conference tourmanent. They’re the on’y team what beat us in conference play. An’ sure enuff they done beat us agin this time, 60-72. That prob’ly cost us a #1 seed. 21 TOs is what done it.

“Okay, we’re a watchin’ the selection show. #1 in the West. Very happy ta git that seed!

We sailed ta the Sweet Sixteen where we’d meet UConn agin. Beat ‘em twicet in the reg’ler season but we knowed they was a tough team. 74-61. They beat us up outside but couldn’t match our inside game.

UNLV nex’. They on’y los’ oncet all year, in their very first game, ta UConn, 35-1. 76-62 an’ we’s in the final four! It’s my 3rd time but this is the bes’ team I ever brung.

#15 Louisville, 28-8. We don’t think they kin match our inside game, an’ their startin’ PG done broke his wrist in their las’ game. 64-59. Too dang close but I’m in my first title game. It’s aginst #1 North Carolina a course. 53-66. Los’ by 13 the las’ time too. 20 TOs (-12), 49 RBs (+15). We didn’ty hit shots. They dkidn;t either but they hit more. On’y losin’ 2 guards an’ we got 2 great ones comin’ in.

Awards: Eric Robb got Freshman of thr Year an’ 1st team. Ben King, Mike Hein, an’ Mack Haye made 2nd team.

My dream job come open. I jes’ accepted the head coachin’ job at Georgia Tech. Loretta an’ me was more exicted than mebbe we ever bin! I lef’ right away. Loretta will join me on the first a June.

“I hire a awesome bunch a assistants.

“The Houston years was great years an’ yeah, I’m leavin’ a team what jes’ might win it all, mebbe 2-3 times. But there ain’t no place like home, an’ Georgia, the part near Georgia tech- thass home. No regrets an’ I plan on winnin’ me some titles here afore too long!

I axe fer a facilities upgrade an’ I git it! Up from C+ ta B!

At the en’ a 16 years coachin’ I’m 393-141`, .736.Reputation 78, an’ I don’t ‘spec’ ta ever move agin. this is my las’ coachin’ stop.”

“We’ll talk about Coach Blakelee at Georgia Tech after these messages.”
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Dec 06, 2014 7:37 pm

(September 13, 2014 Continued)

“I got a late start ta my career but oncet I started I done perty good. Now here I am, at age 54, finely at my dream job. I figger it’ll take a couple a years but after that look out worl’!

“Never talked about it but GT wanted Loretta fer #2 in the Alumni Publications. The #1 is 68 years old an’ he plans ta retire at 70. Loretta would step right in. She took the job at a real good salary. Our youngest is gonna graduate in May. She stayed in Houston ta finish up there. Middle daughter is in Houston too, in medical school. Jerome Jr.? We don’t hear from him too often. I know he runs with a tough crowd in Houston, an’ sad ta say, I think he’s doin’ drugs. About breaks my heart but I went an’ talked ta all a the psychologists an’ them an’ they say ain’t nuthin’ kin be done ‘til he’s ready ta change. Hope it happens soon.

“They wasn’t much in the transfer pool so we decided ta wait for recruitin’ time. Oh, we was ranked #16 in the first preseason poll.

“We was lookin’ fer 7, an’ we wanted guards. Lookin’ at 14, 10 guards.

“Hess an’ Cull made the Norton lis’ at #21 asn’ #22.

“Tough schedule, startin’ at the NIT.

“We got seven recruits, 4 PGs, 1 SG, 1 SF, 1 PF. First day a practice an’ I had me a team. Bench was mebbe a little short though.

“Picked 5th in the conference
but it is mebbe the toughest conference in the country. One a our goals is ta finish 3rd. Another is Sweet Sixteen. The 2nd one might be easier than the 1st.

“Last preseason poll has us at #13.

“I like this team. I don’t see a national title but this team’ll build us toward one. I got 7 hosses comin’ in nex’ year.

That NIT had a strong field. We got all the way ta the final though. #1 in the country North Carolina was too much fer us but not by much, 83-88 in OT. We are REAL tough inside. We got 64 RBs, an’ I ain’t never heerd a such a thing afore!

We ended the preconference season at 10-2. Maryland tyhumped us but we beat 9 ranked teams. We’re at #9, RPI #2. Cull at SG an’ Hess at PF (an’ SF) are our hosses, like we thought, but Marq Jake is doin’ a great job at C. We’re +9.2 in RBs but our weak spot is TOs, -2.4. Oh well, lots a PGs comin’ in next year.

“Early in conference play we beat #10 Duke an’ #8 Syracuse back ta baxck. Course we’ll be plyin’ both of ‘em away later on.

18-3, 8-1 halfway through conference play. 1 behin’ North Carolina which we ain’t played in confernce yet. It’ll be the las’ game a the reg’ler season at their place.

“Everbody hit our SAT score so it’s official, we got all 7! #4 in the country right now. My ole’ Houston team is #7.

‘Jes’ got 101 at NC ST! 3 ta play, #3 Louisville at home, #23 Wake Fores’ on the road, #1 North Carolina on the road. Whew! 2 outta 3 would be fantastic!

“74-72 over Louisville. One helluva game! Marq Jake made a half hook in heavy traffic with 2/10 of a second lef’.

“83-67 over Wake Fores’ ta clinch 2nd place. I guess I shoulda had more belief in my team early on!

“About a month ago I started ta give Jim Cull more time at PG an’ Mark Rode less, but kep’ him in at SG, an’ it’s worked real good.

“That North Carolina got theyself one TEAM! They handed us our heads. Louisville los’ so we finish 2nd by 2 games ahead a them an’ Syracuse, an’ 2 behine UNC.

“Goin’ ta the tourmanent we’re 26-4, 16-2, Ranked #3. RPI #1.

“NC State in the round a 8. Beat ‘em 101-73 las’ time. 82-61.

“All the fav’rit’s won so we play #4 Louisville in the semifinals. Beat ‘em by on’y 2 on our floor. Thbis one’s on a neutral court so we better come ta play! We did, 91-71.

So North Carolina again. Hope we kin do better than las’ time but it’s gonna take some kinda miracle fer anybody ta beat UNC. They on’y los’ oncet all year. No miracles taday. 62-80. We shot 24% but part a that was their great D.

“Hopin’ we kin still git a #1 seed but we’ll see. #1 in the Midwest!

“We cruised ta the Sweet Sixteen where we played #16 Syracuse, what we beat by 17 in the reg’ler season. 67-69. Marq Jake went down with a broke arm 8 minutes in an’ we knew we was in trouble. We hung in alla the way though, an’ we almos’ beat ‘em. They come down, trailin’ 67-66, with jes’ about 2 secon’s lef’. Their PG threw up a three with Jim Cull right in his face, an’ don’t ya know that in it went. Oh well. It was one terrific season fer us. The docs said Marq would be okay in a couple a months.

“I wasn’t lookin’ fer a job an’ didn’t ‘spect ta be ever agin but me an’ Loretta went ta the final four. I ‘spect ta take my team here nex’ year.

“North Carolina won the title which was no supprize!

Awards: Jim Cull made 1st team an’ Mike Hess made 2nd. Jes’ as I ‘spected.

“We hit alla our goals an’ our Team Prestige is up ta 84. Some real good teams called but I ain’t ever plannin’ ta leave here.

“No staff ta hire. I axed fer a facilities upgrade. Nope. Still at B which ain’t bad I s’pose.

End a the year an’ I’m at 423-127, .742. Great numbers, reputation at 83. Hopin’ fer real big doins nex’ year!”

“And we’ll see about that after these words.”
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm


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