I can't support Wolverine Studios based on this kind of behavior

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Postby Septhaka » Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:08 pm

DNeely - I have ultimately decided to continue my support for Wolverine despite Tim Plum's behavior. Tim sent me a PM that spent more time criticizing me for creating a "row" rather than attempting to make amends for his behavior. So that didn't really help. I decided it would be unfair of me to penalize the company and/or myself for his behavior.

I continue to support Wolverine Studios and am looking forward to the new basketball game!
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Postby TPB Player » Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:26 pm

I don't know who in their right minds would ever hire Tim Plum to be a PR type of guy. He has never been helpful anywhere I have seen and often comes across as rude or crass.
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Postby TC Dale » Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:46 pm

Tim has been a stalwart defender of whomever he works for, and his dedication to whom he works for and with is exemplary. Other skills might not be as highly rated as his determination and help he gives behind the scenes, but anyone that publically has to grind an issue instead of taking it privately with the owner of the company is just grandstanding IMO. If you have an issue with someone you take it to the person that can do something about it.

Carping about private behavior is better served by addressing it with the owner of the company itself first instead of trying it publically instead.

Tim might be rough around the edges but his heart is in the right place. He cares a lot about the sport sim genre, and sometimes he reacts before he thinks... that isn't enough to publically hang him I would say.

You have issues with a employee of the company I would as an owner want to know privately FIRST before someone decides to take it as a war across company forum sites.

But then again YMMV.
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Postby Gary Gorski » Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:33 pm

TPB Player wrote:I don't know who in their right minds would ever hire Tim Plum to be a PR type of guy. He has never been helpful anywhere I have seen and often comes across as rude or crass.

Alright, this is going to stop now. Apparently you seem to have forgotten that Tim tried to help YOU on occassions in the past. It took all of five minutes for me to find a thread where he attempted to help you with a problem at a prior company and was neither rude or crass.


Tim has helped literally hundreds of people get their licenses reset in an extremely timely and efficient manner and has made post after post here and elsewhere helping people. I'm sure that in his vast amounts of posts he's made a comment or two that could be construed as rude - but unless you've never done so yourself then I see no reason to be in this thread piling on. I'm as guilty as the next guy of making a rude comment at least at one point time. I am proud to have Tim as a member of the Wolverine team and will not have a thread open to bash people who volunteer their time to help me. The initial point of this thread has run its course and this thread is closed.
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