Wolverine and football

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Postby hobbitrjw » Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:20 pm

With Regard to how things get announced and when they get announced,I have to applaud Wolverine Studios for the way they do it. Too many game companies announce games that eventually never get released,and I always sit back and think "Well why did you announce it in the first place then" To me it is what someone else said earlier "False Advertising" and in my opinion should be illegal. So great job Wolverine Studios on your hard work to ensure that what you announce does come to fruition.
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Postby jlemmen43 » Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:21 pm

This is a great idea. Arlie at Grey Dog is in the process of making a pro game to match the BowlBound game, but it's probably gonna be a while. So may the best product win.

I'm sure if the pro game is made by Wolverine, hopefully there will be a college game shortly after. It's been proven to work with the basketball titles. What I mean by that is: there's a similar format to both DDSCB and DDSPB, that looks like it makes it a lot easier to develop. I know a lot of people out there are both basketball and football fans on both pro and collegiate levels, so this could mean a strong combination of all 4 parts. That would be gaming heaven!!!
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