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Transferring Saves...

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2018 4:54 pm
by iPrestige
Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone has any insights on the proper way of transferring saves from one device to another (including saves that are modded or database-enabled*)?

I not great when it comes to working with files so I don't want to mess any of my saves up. I'm going to be purchasing a laptop soon , and I plan on transferring all of my saves for both DDSPB and DDSCB onto said laptop.

P.S. Is it possible for me to transfer joint-saves? I have a DDSPB & DDSCB joint-save that I currently have going on. I want to transfer those saves to my laptop once it's in my possession. Will I be able to do that successfully? If so, would the steps be any different if said saves were non-inclusive?

* (database enabled = gives me access to the games database using a database app which allows me to edit player names, team names, player's attributes, etc.)

Thanks in advance guys !

Re: Transferring Saves...

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2018 6:35 pm
by PointGuard
Go to Saves folder within each game and copy the folder for the association you wish to transfer and the file for that association (file ends in .cbb for college basketball and .pbb for professional basketball). For example if the association name was ABC, then it would be the folder called ABC and the file called ABC.cbb--if it was college basketball or ABC.pbb if it was pro basketball). Copy those to a thumb drive and then on the other computer paste those into the Saves folder for the appropriate game.

Then you should be able to load and play each of the two games on the new computer and the joint CB/PB that you have should work too.

Re: Transferring Saves...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:50 pm
by The Purple Emperor
I would also make sure the file path on your new computer is exactly the same as on the old computer. It is usually C://Wolverine Studios/whatevergamenameis/saves