Extremely Disappointed

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Extremely Disappointed

Postby Wayne23 » Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:21 am

Pro wrestling? I thought you wrote sports simulations. Rasslin' is a scripted, predetermined exhibition, not a sport. Vince McMahon has admitted as much in a court of law. Let's stick with sports not juvenile fantasies. Don't waste your considerable talents on nonsense.
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Postby Tim Plum » Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:41 am

So we'll take this as a vote for college basketball :)
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Postby Gileyal » Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:45 am

If you guys go with wrestling, please do something VERY different than the ones that are out there. I just got bored so quickly with them...
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Postby Zorro » Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:50 pm

Tim Plum wrote:So we'll take this as a vote for college basketball :)
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Postby Zorro » Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:27 pm

P.S. Let me say I was also highly surprised when Wrestling was even a option thought about here. I guess there are a lot more wrestling fans out there then I thought. Now this is not a rub.{I do not do that}I was just surprised that there would be that much interest in a wrestling game here..............................Z
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Postby Bryan Swartz » Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:58 pm

If you guys go with wrestling, please do something VERY different than the ones that are out there. I just got bored so quickly with them...

Perhaps you could suggest what things should be done then?
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Postby CraigInTwinCities » Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:53 pm

Since Wolverine will be doing both titles eventually, no matter which comes first, here's some ideas I have on how to make a wrestling sports-management text sim that doesn't suck (LOL):

1) The mini-mode contained in THQ's WWE games has some good ideas, but many many flaws. Writers and storylines are a good idea, but seem to have NO impact on ratings success whatsoever. Their manager mode also tends to suck because there are too many ways to spend money, but not enough to bring money in. The seven-match, two open-slot design is extremely flawed and doesn't reflect the promo/match ratio on most WWE broadcasts. It's extremely hard to sign superstars for longer than a month, and hard to keep a broadcast consistent when you have to sign 8-16 superstars to one-month extensions all the time when your promotion is bleeding money. I always end up going bankrupt far too soon. But the number of match types is good. It's just that there needs to be a LOT more detail involved in storylines and writers, with more of a sense of and control over how a storyline develops week to week. Finally, the WWE Manager mode lacks a "watch the full broadcast you've built" mode in the truest sense... if I labor for an hour putting together a two-hour RAW show, I want to SEE the promos, the interviews, the storylines, not just wrestle/sim through seven generic matches with generic play-by-play and call it good.

2) In Total Extreme Wrestling from Grey Dog, I found the demo to be too narrow (and the code extremely SLOW) in terms of there being no ramp-up mode. You're just tossed into a promotion of your choosing with a ton of fictional wrestlers to manage, no idea who they are, and you're supposed to build weekly broadcasts and PPV's off that? The learning curve is EXTREMELY steep... I studied the game for over five hours one night and still had no idea how to put together even my initial broadcast, because I was still learning my roster of superstars.

3) In most other text-based sports-management sims I've tried out (and there's a ton out there, it seems), some simplify the GM tasks a bit, but toss you into a really CRAPPY "arcade mode" set of matches with NO clue how to control anything... you end up losing with whoever you control, which can really screw with your booking.

4) In short, there's no wrestling game of this type that I've liked, even though I enjoy following Raw and ECW, and to a lesser extent, SmackDown. So your task would be a HUGE challenge, as far as I'm concerned.

5) I think there probably needs to be less emphasis on in-ring action, and more of an emphasis on management. What makes or breaks most promotions (and SmackDown has been broken for years, IMO, while RAW and ECW are hot) is assembling top talent and developing young talent and offering up storylines that get those personalities over with audiences. A completely new approach should be considered than any existing game of this type has used; one which emphasizes storyline-building on a week-to-week mode, maybe based off multiple options to choose from, not only in match type, but in promos, interviews and storyline twists to keep a storyline fresh and surprising, which would result in better ratings and buy-rates of PPVs, if done successfully.

6) While legally you'd have to build fictional promotions, you ought to gauge potential support from the Mod community in terms of getting real superstars and real promotions into the game. If there's plenty of support for that, great. Otherwise, build up support for it before venturing in this direction. Because it's a hell of a lot easier to know how to book The Hardy Boyz and Rob Van Dam than it is to know how to book fictional wrestlers like Hack and Spit, or Bruiser Bubba.

7) Stay away from the arcade/action mode unless you can get it looking great; most games in this category that attempt this look like bad Sega Genesis games... at best!

Just a first-blush set of impressions/suggestions.

But I still prefer to see DDS:CB done first!
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Postby Zorro » Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:06 pm

CraigInTwinCities wrote:

Because it's a hell of a lot easier to know how to book The Hardy Boyz and Rob Van Dam than it is to know how to book fictional wrestlers like Hack and Spit, or Bruiser Bubba.

Who in the world are they? Am I the only one who does not watch wrestling? By the way Craig, I kinda like the name Bruiser Bubba. Did you just now make it up?If we ever get a Wrestling game{And I hope not}I am going to create a superstar wrestler and call him Bruiser Bubba. ...................Z
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Postby CraigInTwinCities » Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:11 pm

Yeah, Hack-n-Spit and Bruiser Bubba are just some random names I came up with to illustrate the point.
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Postby Cooleyvol » Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:15 pm

QITC, where do you read they'll do both? I don't see that.

Given, if Wrestling wins this poll, its a given they'll do both b/c they're definitely going to do another college bb game.

On the other hand, if bb wins this poll, I see nothing that says they'll do wrestling for sure............and if you think RAW/ECW are hot, you're not watching the same shows as me.
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