What console gaming system should I buy my 6 year old son?

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What console gaming system should I buy my 6 year old son?

Postby Tiger Fan » Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:46 pm

My 6 year old son is outgrowing his gameboy and for Christmas wants one of the new hockey games (either NHL2k8 or NHL2008) and a system.

I used to play the old EA NHL series on Sega Genesis and Playstation but haven't really even looked at a console game in probably 10 years so I dont have a clue what to get him.

His main interest will be sports and car racing games (thank godness) and none of the shoot-em up type games. It looks like I can get him a PS2 with NHL2K8 for under $200. Going with one of the other systems would be at least twice the price. I don't have a problem paying the extra money if it will make a huge difference but with the way things evolve am I further ahead just getting him a PS2 now and buying him the latest machine in 3 or 4 years when he is a little older?

Also, any idea if NHL2K8 is as good or better than NHL2008 from EA Sports. I can find plenty of comparisions with the new generation machines but little talk or screenshots about the PS2 versions.

thanks for any feedback.
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Postby CraigInTwinCities » Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:56 pm

NHL 2K8 is lightyears ahead of EA's game in style, presentation and gameplay.

I'll be reviewing it soon for Dignews.com.

As for what system to get, at 6, he's ready for a more advanced system but too young for a system full of M-rated games.

Therefore, and this'll be easier on your pocketbook, I recommend the Nintendo Wii (I think $199 or $249) ... so long as it had NHL 2K8 on it. (I am reviewing the 360 version, so I'm not sure.) It's not true HD gaming, but it doesn't sound like that's your priority anyway...

However, if this system is to be shared between father and six-year-old, The 360 ($399 for the decent one) is in a "sweet spot" position of being cheaper than the PS3 ($499 or $599) but more versatile than Wii.

I own both a 360 and a PS3, and I love PS3 the best... but I have no kids yet with my wife.
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Postby Tiger Fan » Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:15 pm

Thanks Craig.

I dont see either of the NHL games available for the Wii so that seems to rule it out. I will be interested in seeing your review of NHL2k8 for the XBox.

I think I am leaning towards it but being able to buy him a bunch of PS2 sports games for less than $20 each is real attractive. They may be a little outdated graphics-wise but again he is just 6 and besides we will just be hooking it up to an old 27" tv in the kids playroom so HD is not a concern.

Another thought I had since he is still so young. What are the controllers like? Is one of the games (PS3, PS2 or XBox360) maybe a lot easier for kids to hold and learn how to play or are they all about the same?
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Postby CraigInTwinCities » Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:26 pm

Tiger Fan wrote:Thanks Craig.

I dont see either of the NHL games available for the Wii so that seems to rule it out. I will be interested in seeing your review of NHL2k8 for the XBox.

I think I am leaning towards it but being able to buy him a bunch of PS2 sports games for less than $20 each is real attractive. They may be a little outdated graphics-wise but again he is just 6 and besides we will just be hooking it up to an old 27" tv in the kids playroom so HD is not a concern.

Another thought I had since he is still so young. What are the controllers like? Is one of the games (PS3, PS2 or XBox360) maybe a lot easier for kids to hold and learn how to play or are they all about the same?

Personally, I love the DualShock2 on the old PS2 better than any other controller. It's a great system because there are still decent games being made for it (unlike original Xbox) and a HUGE library of cheap, older titles.

The Wii has a very intuitive controller, for gamers and non-gamers alike.

I like the 360, but hate the old Xbox because the white and black buttons were placed very weird and unintuitive.

PS3 is not far off from the Wii... it has a SixAxis controller that is a lot like the Nintendo Nunchuck.

Very subjective, but those are my opionions.

Have you considered getting him a PSP?
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Postby Zorro » Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:44 pm

Tiger, Do not forget you can play all the GameCube games with the Wii system. I just got one of my old favorite games NFL2K3 for 2.99. Some of the old sports ones are still very good to play. Also, Nothing is better then playing Tiger Woods with the Wii System. Wii comes with a sports package that kids love. It has Golf, Baseball, Bowling, Tennis and Boxing. You get that free with Wii and kids love it. Before buying anything I would check out the Wii and see if your son would like it. {I know you would} If not I would then say go with the PS2. It has a ton of games you can get. The 360 or the PS3 is way to much money for you to spend on a 6 year old when you can get him something he will love for half the price. Good luck my friend and choose wisely....................................Z
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Postby kernie » Wed Oct 03, 2007 9:38 pm

I won't get into technical jargon but i will tell you that I bought a WII for my son who is 9 and he loves it. I eat lunch with him and his classmates on occasion in the cafeteria and it isn't even close between PS3, XBOX 360, and the WII amongst him and his peers they all favor Wii. For the older teenage crowd though this may not be the case.
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Postby Tiger Fan » Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:09 am

Well we decided on the PS2 because there was a good deal including one of the popstar singing games that he might like as well. I understand Santa has already picked up NHL08 for him and I am sure a baseball game will also arrive on Christmas morning.

thanks for the help.
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Postby Zorro » Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:47 pm

Tiger Fan wrote:Well we decided on the PS2 because there was a good deal including one of the popstar singing games that he might like as well. I understand Santa has already picked up NHL08 for him and I am sure a baseball game will also arrive on Christmas morning.

thanks for the help.
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game system

Postby fredreed » Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:38 pm

I would stay clear from buying the xbox 360 If I were you because of all the overheating problems that that box and controllers have. Buy the PS3 instead, and don't even try to buy the WII because you won't find it in any stores.
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Postby wolfie64 » Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:24 pm

I have a Wii and highly recommend it. If you have trouble finding one, keep looking. Eventually you will get one. Buying a PS3 because a Wii is hard to find is ridiculous. The Wii is hard to find for a reason. Think about it.
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