Feature Request (for the next game obviously!)

Feature Request (for the next game obviously!)

Postby Robmeister89 » Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:58 pm

So much more can be added on to what I'm about to suggest but I'm going to start very small with only one feature... the idea as a whole is "Commissioner's Office". So much can be moved to there from the Configuration but I have one idea that is new (sort of)...

GM 'Processed' Trades

When the Commissioner logs in he should be taken straight to his "office" to view his "Tasks". From there he will see a list of things that need to be handled. You can include Import Files, Configure Teams, Upload Bin, Upload HTML, Generate HTML(if separate from the bin upload, which I have it that way so this would have to be included for me], Generate CVS, Trade Module, and one new task... "Trades to Process".

What happens is the GMs, when logged in, will have a new menu option. "Trades". From here the GM will have access to the trade module with his own team on the left and without the ability to process a trade. Instead he'll have an option "Offer Trade". This will then send an email (you see we're finally putting this feature to some real use!!!) with said trade as a proposal. The email will then have two options:
1) Accept Trade... this will then send the trade to the "Commissioner's Office" for processing
2) Decline Trade... this will then send an email back to the first GM with notice of declining the trade [not likely to be used often if the league uses forums for trade talk]

I think you guys should consider bringing a PFS feature back... League Chat. If we get League Chat back then owners can simply login to League Chat to discuss trades if the league does not have forums. Not everyone is going to have forums, I know some leagues have used Slack but having a League Chat feature will allow those conversations to take place there. Of course we will need an option to PM each other from the League Chat.. This last part is obviously not part of the above request but its something to consider.

I don't think the email module is used nearly enough, its a really neat feature that allows GMs to send each other emails/messages but I personally have not once used it because I don't see a reason to [at this time!] and I really want to see it used for something useful.

I know CF17 added in the Commissioner Office idea already but it can be expanded on so much more in the Pro game.
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