After Dystopia

Re: After Dystopia

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:03 pm

3/9: #9 seed Central FL, 11-17, 6-12, beat #8. We play them in the quarters.

3/10: 79-60. 17, 3, 3 for Sith, 11, 11 for Pry. Easy win.

But Sid Sith hurt his back. He’ll play limited minutes for the rest of the tournament.

#5 seed Memphis, 15-13, 9-9 in the semis.

3/11: 69-40. 15, 16, 2, 4, 5 for Pry, 11, 14 for Ford, 14, 7 for Anes. 56 RBs, 9 TOs.

17-12, 10-8 Houston upset Cincy. We play them for the title.

Ford hurt his leg. He’ll go, but not sure how effective he’ll be.

3/12: 73-53 and the title. 20 for Anes but then 7 guys who scored between 6 and 10. +13 TOs.

Will we be #1 overall? 31-2, 16-2, #2, RPI #1.

#2 overall, #1 Midwest. We play Quinnipiac, 16-16, first.

A breakthrough? We have people who’ve been looking at the video over and over and over. Someone thought she saw a shimmer. We enhanced the videos and the shimmer was there- in every video we have where an explosion took place.

What does that mean? We know that stealth technology was in place before the world fell apart 500 years ago. Has someone rediscovered it, or gone back into the files and found out how it was done?

Who? Why? What can we do about it?

What we can do is what we will do. We’ve been checking strictly via visual means. If someone- and who the someone is will have to wait- is coming at us with masking or stealth technology we’re going to check for mass with our robotic and video guards. We can program for that in no time. The feeling is we have the technology already. It’s just a matter of putting it into the machines.

The point was made that we will need to blow up any intruders coming at us. Then the point was made that we don’t want to blow that stuff up right here in the communities.

So, over the next few days we’re going to move our guardian robots and video cams out to spots as far out on the edges of our communities as possible, and even farther away than that, equip them with small explosives that will blow up the cloaked drones that are coming at us. That will either blow any explosives on board or stop them from exploding. We don’t care which right now. We’ll fine tune later.

Manufacture has already begun.

3/14: Damn! Before we could get things in place our other four communities were hit just as hard as the first four. Massive damage and lots of casualties. The only consolation is that this will probably be the last successful strike.

3/16: 59-48. We were awful. 18, 5, 5, 4 for Mars, 14, 10 for Pry. No one else did much of anything. We won because we had a huge edge in talent.

Jay Holt cracked an ankle and he’s out for about 2 weeks.

#9 seed, conf. rival Houston, 18-13, 10-8, in the 2nd round.

3/18: 70-58. We quickly jumped to a 22 point lead and never looked back. 25, 14 for Pry. 45 RBs, 10 TOs.

Will Mars hurt his shoulder. We think he’ll be okay for our next game.

Equipment in place in about 20% of the areas in the 8 communities.

#4 seed, #18 ranked Oklahoma ST, 24-8, in the Sweet Sixteen.

3/23: 78-55. 22, 17 for Pry, 16, 4, 2 for Anes. 53 RBs, 8 TOs.

#2 seed, #6 ranked Michigan, 26-8, in the Elite Eight.

3/25: And just that quickly it ends, 61-71. We shot 29.6%, we gave up 10 threes, and we let them control the boards, 36-46.

Our defenses are in place.

3/26: We needed to make some adjustments. A few birds and bats were misidentified. We know how to tweak to fix that. All of this stuff is computerized and remotely directed so we can actually reprogram and send the fix out to all of the equipment right where it is. No need to actually fix manually.

3/27: And the fix is complete.

3/31: Strikes aimed at 4 communities were 100% repulsed. Lots of explosions out in the middle of nowhere but no damage to any property, no casualties.

We need to capture one of these shielded drones somehow. Our people are working on ways to do that.

4/3: All kinds of upsets and in the end #12 Pitt defeated #6 Michigan, 97-91 for the title.

4/4: Awards: Sol Pry made 2nd team All American, and I was national COY. In conf., Sol was POY, Defensive POY, and 1st team. Will Mars was Frosh OY and 1st team. Sid Sith, Hal Ford, and Rob Mack made 2nd team. I got Conf. COY.

We’re still trying to come up with a way to capture an enemy drone, in hopes of- well lots of things, including finding out who the enemy is.

4/23: We ask for money again. We got it 3 years in a row. I’m not counting on much. No luck.

34-3, 16-2, but an early end to the season in the Elite Eight. We’re at the stage of our program when we expect to reach the Final Four just about every year, and expect titles- regularly.

Overall record: 476-110, .812.

4/26: We have a plan for capturing drones. With just a little luck, the next time they raid we should be able to capture about ½ dozen in each community, unharmed. We’ll see how that goes.

4/29: Success! We captured a total of 17 drones. We had hoped for 36 or more but we’ll take it. They have all been disarmed and are being brought to a lab in Detroit for study.
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Re: After Dystopia

Postby Wayne23 » Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:59 pm

5/1: #1 preseason.

5/5: China? There’s not a lot to go by. No writing at all on any of the drones. No symbols even. But, we managed to get into the guidance system. It was very simple, but what little that was there was coded in what turned out to be Mandarin.

First, we didn’t even know there were people in China. Second, how did they know about us- so MUCH about us?

The big question is, what do we do. And another big question is, where are the drones coming from? There’s no way they’re flying all the way from China…

5/15: We’re sending drones west of the Mississippi to look for settlements. We know about north, we’ve been there, so the former states of Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska to start with.

6/5: No one ion the transfer pool.

6/7: Nothing in the four states. We’re going further west- Colorado, southern Wyoming, Utah, Southern Idaho.

6/17: There’s a settlement in northern Utah. The drone identified it, took some pics, and got out of there. We don’t think it was detected. We’re going to do some high altitude night flights. Just flights after dark. Hope to gain info regarding how many people, how sophisticated the tech is… We’re proceeding slowly and cautiously.

6/23: Looks like about 35000-45000 in the settlement, and they have a lot of sophisticated equipment. They seem to have been there for a long time. There’s a lot of military equipment.

The Joint Council is discussing how to approach this. After two other attacks on our communities were totally thwarted there have been no more.

6/26: 3 scholarships. Looking at 10.

6/28: The debate is strong. Loud, and divided. Some ant to send a negotiating team. Others want to hit them with everything we have.

7/1: The debate continues.

7/2: We hit the settlement with everything we have.

7/3: We go back in and hit the settlement with everything we have again.

7/4: We send armed teams in to check for survivors and to check to see what we can learn about who they are (were), and what kinds of armaments they had.

7/6: We bring back several things for analysis and possible replication, including working models, diagrams, and plans for the shielded drones, and for a few other things. It is clear a full scale attack on us was imminent. If we had not acted when we did, they were days, maybe hours away from hitting us with a full scale attack meant to destroy us.

The question now is whether to go to their home base in China and attack there.

7/14: Debate continues. A ship has been sent to Madagascar. From there we will go to India, from where we will launch cloaked drones to spy on China. We need to know where their settlements are and how many they have.

7/20: There are three settlement in northeastern China, and 11 more in what was formerly the eastern part of the Russian Federation. After scouring a very wide area we believe those are the only Chinese settlements. We
estimate that there are 1.1-1.3 million Chinese, and that they have a very strong military capability.

7/24: We are manufacturing weapons, offensive and defensive, in preparation for whatever may come. By now the Chinese will certainly know that we have destroyed their settlement west of the Mississippi.

8/1: Waiting and preparing. We have used what we learned from the weapons captured in the Utah settlement to create similar weapons of our own.

8/7: 9 on the Norton list: Ram Jack, Sg, is #1, Sol Pry, C, #4, Ad Sear, PF, #5, Key Dunn, C, #14, Will Mars, PG, #19, Jay Holt, C, #25, Coy Peng, PG, #31, Dil Anes, PG, #35, and Jin Pool, SF, #48.

8/9: We are almost fully prepared for whatever may come next, full scale attack, defense against an attack, or whatever. But, there can be no attack- by either side yet. In order to attack the attackers need to be within 500-700 miles of the targets. That’s really the effective range of the drones both sides are using. We’re looking into places we can establish bases within that distance of the 14 Chinese settlements. It would require a minimum of three bases, given how spread out the settlements are.

At the same time we are doing air patrol of everything within a 750 miles radius of our western most, eastern most, southernmost and northern most communities. This takes lots of resources, but it is vital.

We feel that it will be 3-6 months before we are in place and ready to attack, if we decide to do that. The plan is that when we are fully prepared, and not before, we will try to establish contact with the Chinese under a white flag of truce. We think that will happen somewhere between November and February.

8/21: We offer to an SG, an SF, and a C.

9/1: Preparations continue. We decided to go with 4 settlements within striking distance of the various Chinese targets. The first thing we did was to shield them, and the second was to put the very best defenses possible in place.
So far there is no sign that the Chinese even know we’re here.

9/18: We get Tom Sims, C, #18. We lost the other two.

No in season tourney this year. Tough schedule.

9/25: Got the PF, Jay Fox, #9. Lost the guard.

10/2: First day of practice. No luck getting a guard.

10/25: Still no sign that the Chinese know we’re in the neighborhood.

11/6: We have a rich, deep, powerful team. Here it is:

Soph Will Mars starts at PG, Frosh Ram Jack, a strong contender for national POY, is at SG. Backing them up is junior Coy Peng, with junior Dil Anes behind him.

Soph Ad Sear is back at SF with frosh Ray Perk backing him up.

Inside it’s junior Sol Pry and senior Jay Holt. Frosh Key Dunn is backing up.

We’re 3-4 weeks away from being fully prepared for whatever we decide to do. The settlements are coming along very quickly.
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Re: After Dystopia

Postby Wayne23 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:52 pm

11/15: 82-68 over #9 Duke here. 26, 12 for Pry, 23, 6, 4, 2, 2 for SG Ram Jack, 13, 11 for Sear. 47 RBs, 12 TOs.

11/18: 73-55 at #19 Michigan. 24, 7, 3, 2, 4 for Jack, who is the real thing! 13, 12, 2, 1, 6 for Holt, and 13, 12 for Pry. 48 RBs, 12 TOs.

11/20: Both of our recruits signed but we’re still trying to land a guard.

11/22: 98-60 over Pitt here. 29, 4, 2 for Jack, 18 for Mars, 13, 8 for Pry. 8 TOs (+9).

11/25: 82-64 over #12 North Carolina here. 27, 5, 5 for Mars, 25, 7, 3 for Jack, 6, 19 for Pry, 14, 2, 5 for Peng. 46 RBs, 12 TOs.

11/29: 80-70 at #13 New Mexico. 37, 8 for Jack, 18, 20 for Pry. Quite the 1-2 combo! 55 RBs, but 22 TOs, our 1st bad ball handling game of the season.

12/2: 71-56 at Michigan ST. 33, 6 for Jack. 45 RBs, 12 TOs.

12/4: 6-0, #2, RPI #3.

12/6: 72-62 at #18 Georgetown. They doubled Jack all night, and held him to 9 and 7. 19, 11, 4, 4, 2 for Pry, 13 for Peng. 40 RBs but 17 TOs.

The settlements are as ready as we can make them in every way. The Joint Council has decided to send the peace delegation to China tomorrow. A city in the northeast appears to be the capitol, so that’s where they will go.

They will sail under a white flag.

12/7: The ship, sailing under a white flag, was sunk. All hands lost. We launched an immediate attack upon all 14 Chinese settlements as they launched an attack on us.

This is all out war. Heavy casualties on both sides, among both attackers and defenders.

12/8: The war rages on. Massive destruction. We think we’re hurting them more than they are hurting us.

12/9: After a third day of all out attacks both sides are stepping back. We’ve been manufacturing replacement drones, ships, planes, ammunition… We think we have them in a very tough spot. There was very little activity from their side today. We will be ready to attack again tomorrow.

12/10: We attacked with all we had. We are now occupying all 14 Chinese communities. This will take enormous resources, and it could last for a long time, but they are no longer a military threat to us.

12/11: 80-70 over New Mexico ST here. 24, 11 for Jack, 19, 2, 6 for Mars, 14, 9, 3, 3 for Holt. 45 RBs.

12/17: We are planning on 20,000 long term occupying troops, about 2,500 from each of our 8 communities. We will rotate people in and out over time, on a staggered basis. For now, 56,000 troops are in the 14 communities in China. They are finding where weapons and ammunition are kept, where they’re manufactured… Eventually we will control all of that, as well as their navy, and we’ll use what we need and bring the rest here. The process has begun. We really like their ships. We are leaving their fishing boats but taking all of the military ships.

12/20: 67-64at Seton Hall. 20 lead changes, 12 ties. Jack and Sear were in foul trouble most of the way, which is a big reason why it was so close. +15 RBs. It was tied with 56 seconds left. We hit a 3, stole the ball, hit another 3, and that pretty much did it, but nothing about this one was easy.

12/22: Sabotage and guerilla warfare. Being an occupying force is never easy. We knew it wouldn’t be.

12/25: We end the pre-conf. season at 9-0, #2, RPI #1. +15.1 PPG, +12.2 RBs, +2.0 TOs- an area we could improve in.
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Re: After Dystopia

Postby Wayne23 » Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:46 am

12/30: 82-71 at East Carolina. 31, 5, 3 for Jack, 19, 11 for Pry. We were never threatened.

1/2/2593: 75-49 over Houston here. Huge game for Jack- 24, 9, 5, 3, 7. 18, 8 for Pry, 11, 10 for Holt, 12, 8 for Dunn from the bench. 46 RBs, 9 TOs.

1/4: Our occupying troops are heavily armed, and they don’t venture out except in groups. We’ve had casualties, but not many, and our retaliation is ruthless- it has to be.

1/6: 63-71 at Tulane. Not a game we expected to lose. We were up 11 early in the 2nd, and then the shots stopped dropping; we were 4-27 for our last 27 shots. Tulane packed it in and let us have the outside shots, and they just wouldn’t go in. Our outside D was awful. They were 16-34 on threes. And the third factor was rebounding, -10, which never happens to us. Just a terrible 2nd half in every way. 23, 4, 4 for Jack, 16, 8, 4, 3, 2 for Pry, but they didn’t get much help.

1/9: 82-32 over South FL here. We held them to 11 in the 2nd half. 35, 8 for Jack, 17, 10 for Pry, 9, 12 for Holt. 55 RBs, 9 TOs.

1/13: 70-53 at Central FL. 18 for Jack, 9, 12, 3, 6 for Pry, 11, 5, 4 for Mars.

3 teams in conf. with one loss.

1/16: 87-48 over SMU here. As usual, Jack and Pry led the way.

1/18: 68-79 at Cincy. We fell behind by 19 early. It was 17 at the half, and we never got closer than 7. 21 TOs.

The staff met in the plane on the way home. I am less than happy with 2 conference losses in 7 games. We’re not playing the kind of ball we expected to be playing. There are no obvious solutions. We’re not taking care of the ball as well as we’d like, but we’re +3.1 TOs, and +6.6 assists. 2 guys are doing most of our scoring, Jack and Pry, but that isn’t a negative. It’s tough to pinpoint why we aren’t doing better.

1/20: 84-60 over Temple here. 26, 4, 11, 4 for Mars, 25, 4 for Jack, 12, 14, 2, 2, 3 for Pry.

1/23: 83-72 at Memphis. 32, 7 for Jack, 19, 17, 4, 3 for Pry, 16, 3, 6 for Mars. In a 3 way tie for 1st with 9 to play, with 5 teams within a game of each other.

1/25: 64-34 over Tulsa here. 25, 7 for Jack, 10, 11 for Pry.

We’re now alone in 1st in the conf.

We’re using robots to do some of the occupying force work. We did some reprogramming and now we have dozens of robots in each Chinese community. They search for hidden weapons and such, and take on jobs that would be dangerous for humans.

1/27: 62-52 at South FL. 27, 6 for Jack, 15, 10, 2, 2, 2 for Pry.

1/29: 18-2, 9-2, #2, RPI #2. +16.8 PPG, +12.7 RBs, +3.4 TOs. 1.5 game lead in conf. over 2 teams with 7 to play.

Ram Jack is #2 and Sol Pry #7 on the Norton list.
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Re: After Dystopia

Postby Wayne23 » Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:52 am

1/31: 85-56 over East Carolina here. 41, 6, 3 for Jack, 20, 7 for Pry, 13, 7 for Holt.

2/3: Big road win, 80-66 over a very good Houston team. 37, 5 for Jack, 14, 11 for Pry, 10, 6, 7 for Mars, 11 RBs for Sear.

We now hold a 2 game lead over Cincy, 2.5 over Tulsa, 3.5 or more over the rest, with 5 to play.

2/4: A gigantic explosion in the Chinese community of Beilin, in what was once Siberia. It wiped out half the city with thousands dead and massive loss of property. As nearly as we can figure it our, our robots discovered a huge weapons and ammunition cache. It was booby trapped, and it blew. We lost 15 troops, which is an amazingly small number, given the size of the explosions, and the fires that followed. Thank goodness for the robots.

2/7: 90-63 over Tulane here. 40, 9, 3 for Jack, 17, 6, 3 for sub Key Dunn.

Our robots stumbled into a nest of guerillas in the Qui Long community. We sent in our occupying troops and wiped most of them out. We captured a dozen or so and will interrogate.

2/12: 21-2, 12-2, #2, RPI #1. Jack is still #2, and Pry is #9 on the Norton list. We’re #1 in the nation in RBs, Blocks, and assists allowed, #4 in assists, #11 in PPG, #8 in PPG allowed. Only #27 in TOs (12.9).

2/13: We didn’t learn much from the guerillas we captured.

2/14: 81-62 over Central FL here. 27, 6, 3 for Jack, 15, 12 for Pry, 19, 2, 8, 2 for Mars. +17 RBs.

2/17: 73-51 at SMU. 26, 5, 3, 3 for Jack, 12, 8, 2, 3, 3 for Holt. 40 RBs, 7 TOs.

2 up on Cincy with 2 to play. 5 ½ up on 3rd place.

2/21: 83-59 over Cincy here. 23, 12, 4, 2, 2 for Pry. 24, 5, 2 for Jack, 12, 12 for Holt. 51 RBs.

We now have a 3 game lead with 1 to play.

2/24: 66-58 at Temple to end the regular season. 29, 4, 2 for Mars, 16, 3, 4 for Jack.

3/5: 25-2, 16-2, #2, RPI #1. +17.7 PPG, +13.4 RBs, + 3.5 TOs.

Shocked to lose only 3 to the NBA draft: junior Coy Peng, and frosh Key Dunn and Len Dean. Peng and Dunn were our 6th and 7th. Pry, Jack, Anes, Mars, Sear all stayed. Great news!
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Re: After Dystopia

Postby Wayne23 » Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:39 pm

3/9: #8 seed Temple, 13-15, 8-10, in the quarter finals.

3/10: 73-69. Too close! They had the ball at the end and got a good look for the tie, but it front rimmed. 17, 2, 3, 2, 2 for Jack, 18 for Peng. Fouls hurt us; Pry fouled out in 17 minutes, Jack played only 21.

#5 seed Memphis, 12-16, 9-9, in the semis.

3/11: 89-72. 50 in the 1st half. 27, 12 for Pry. The bench had 43. Jack played only 14 minutes due to fouls- that’s 2 games in a row.

#6 seed Houston, 20-11, 8-10, upset Cincy, so we play them for the title. Their starting SF broke his elbow in yesterday’s game.

3/12: 85-49. It was never a game. 27, 11, 2, 2, 3 for tourney MOP Pry, 18, 5, 5 for Jack. 52 RBs, 6 TOs.

28-2, 16-2, #2 RPI #1 going to the selection show.

#1 Midwest, #2 overall. Kentucky got the #1 seed. They have 4 losses, we have 2. We’re #1 in RPI, they’re #3. I don’t get it.

We play Iona, 16-14, 1st.

3/16: 89-43. It was not pretty. 28, 7, 5 for Jack, 15, 3, 3 for Mars, 9, 11 for Pry. 52 RBs, 9 TOs.

#9 seed Duquesne, 24-9, in the 2nd round.

3/18: 81-71. It was never close. We led by as many as 33. 29, 14, 3, 3, 3 for Jack, 19, 8 for Pry, 18 for mars.

#5 seed, #18 ranked Indiana, 23-11, in the Sweet Sixteen.

3/23: 78-72. We were down 8 with 7:22 left. We finally woke up. 33, 11, 3 for Jack, 11, 12 for Holt, 10, 7, 5, 4, 2 for Sear. 48 RBs, 9 TOs.

#6 seed, #14 ranked Southern Illinois, 30-6, in the Elite Eight. On paper this is a mismatch, but it doesn’t always work out that way.

3/25: 89-75. 31, 7, 2, 4, 2 for Jack, 17, 4, 5 for Mars. They stayed close most of the way.

It’s #1 seed, #1 ranked Kentucky, 33-4, in the round of 4. Their SG is #1 on the Norton list, ours is #2. That’s the matchup to watch. We need Pry to have a really good game.

4/1: 93-79! It was close for 32 minutes. Then we went on an 11-0 run. 27, 9, 4, 2, 7 for Jack (His opposite had 25, 7), 27, 8, 3, 3 for Pry, who was the key; he ate up everyone they put in at C. Great bench play. +8 TOs, +4 RBs.

#3 seed, #12 ranked Illinois, 29-7, for the title. Has our time come? Both teams are 100% healthy.

4/3: 83-61 and the national title! 46-28 at the half, and they never got closer than 12 in the 2nd half. 20 for Jack, who played only 11 minutes before fouling out. I got a T on his 4th. 16, 11 for Ad Sear, 11, 10, 4, 5 for Pry, 19 for Coy Peng from the bench. 45 RBs, 9 TOs.

Great feeling!

4/4: Awards: Ram Jack was tourney MOP, and 1st team All American. Sol Pry was 2nd team. I was national COY. In conf., Jack as POY, frosh OY, 1st team. Jay Holt as Defensive POY, 2nd team. Pry also made 1st team, and Mars 2nd team.

4/9: I get a raise and an extension. All of my assistants get the same. Team Prestige is up to 99.

4/16: The PG finally signs.

4/23: We ask for money again. We get $25,000!

34-2 and the national championship! Overall I’m 510-112, .820, for 18 seasons.

The occupation has been peaceful. Our robots are able to spot danger and alert us to situations that might cause trouble. That leads to occasional cleaning up of messes, but overall, the people seem to understand that the goal is to return them to self rule, and it’s going well.

At home the robots are still doing most of the work. The occupying troops mean everyone has to put in a 28 hour week, but that’s not awful.
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14338
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Re: After Dystopia

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:17 am

5/1: #1 preseason.

5/7: We are reducing our occupying forces by 1000 in each community.

Tremendous breakthrough on the medical front. We now have nanobots programmed to identified cancer cells and kill them.

6/26: 5 scholarships. We want at least 3 bigs. Looking at 15.

8/7: 7 on the Norton list: SG Ram Jack #3, PF/SF Ad Sear #6, C Sol Pry #8, PG Will Mars #20, PF Jem Fox #24, PG Dil Anes #26, SF Jin Pool #36.

8/21: We offer to a PG, an SF, a PF, and 2 Cs.

9/11: We get #3 Center Art Tonn, and #12 PF Ron Max.

9/18: We get #1 SF Don Myll, but lose 2. We need a guard and a big.

In the Hawaiian Shootout. Challenging schedule.

9/25: And we get the other 2 recruits: #7 PG Lin Faul, and #10 C Will Drex. Terrific class! And none should have any trouble with our SAT score.

9/27: Concern regarding a possible contaminant in the new nanobot cancer treatment. Patients are getting sick, some are getting very sick.

9/30: A few deaths among cancer patients using the nanobot treatment, but our researchers think they have it figured out.

10/2: First day of practice. We have an excellent shot at repeating.

10/4: We have a fix for the nanobot issue.

11/6: Powerful 7 man rotation:

Junior Will Mars is at PG, soph Ram Jack at SG. Senior Dil Anes backs up at both spots.

Junior Ad Sear returns at SF.

Frosh Jem Fox starts at PF, backs up at SF and C. Senior Sol Pry starts at C. Soph Ray Perk backs up at PF. Soph Jin Pool is ready at SF and PF, and junior juco Cal Tate at guard.
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14338
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: After Dystopia

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:00 am

We’ve sent airplanes and drones to every part of the world except the Australia/New Zealand area. There are a few tiny settlements here and there but no major population centers. Australia/New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands
in that region are all still undoubtedly under water due to climate change. So we can be certain that there will be no more surprise attacks or invasions from areas we did not know were settled.

11/14: We opened with #3 Florida, here. 73-57. 12, 12 for Pry, 17, 6, 2 for Mars, 13, 4, 3, 3 for Jack, but he fouled out. 12, 6 for Perk.

Off to the Hawaiian Shootout, which is actually in Cleveland. We’re the #1 seed.

11/18: 72-48 over Virginia Tech. 24, 8, 3 for Jack, 18, 4, 2 for Pry, 11, 8 for Fox.

#5 seed Charlotte is next.

11/19: 91-62. 33, 4 for Jack, 12, 14 for Pry, 11, 9 for Perk. 46 RBs, 8 TOs.

#2 seed, #4 ranked Indiana in the finals.

11/20: 76-69. We were comfortably ahead most of the way. 24, 4, 3, 2, 5 for Jack, 14, 14 for Pry. 41 RBs, 12 TOs.

Like last year we have a terrific inside/outside combo in Pry and Jack.

All 5 recruits signed, as expected.

11/21: 89-60 at Oregon. 29, 5, 4 for Jack, 19, 12 for Pry, 12, 7 for Perk, 6, 11, 8 for Mars. 50 RBs (+19).

11/24: 91-71 over #4 Indiana here. 24, 7 for Pry, 16, 7 for Jack, 9, 12, 2, 3 for Mars, 11, 7, 5 for Anes. 48 RBs, 6 TOs.

11/27: 6-0, #1, RPI #5.

11/28: 82-56 over Louisville here. 19, 4 for Jack, 20, 2, 4 for Anes, 13, 5 for Pool. 50 RBs, 10 TOs.

Sub Marcus Payne sprained his wrist. Out about 2 weeks.

12/1: 80-58 at Stanford. 17, 4, 3, 5, 3 for Jack, 14, 11 for Pry.

It’s been years since there was a movement to move from a moneyless system to one using currency, but Toronto seems to have a sizable group heading in that direction. The concern is always that this leads to inequalities, and inevitably to some people living in poverty while others accumulate wealth. It’s early, but there seems to be a battle brewing in Toronto.

12/5: 83-70 at Michigan ST. 18, 10, 2 for Pry. 5 guys in double figures.

6th man Ray Perk hurt his hand. We have a week off so he should be okay for our next.

12/13: 59-65 at #21 New Mexico ST. They beat us outside and at the line- 10 threes to our 4, 17 free throws to our 9. Two of our starters fouled out and a 3rd had 4. No one on their team had more than 3 fouls.

12/19: 70-57 at #16 North Carolina. 24, 6 for Jack, 17, 2, 4, 2 for Mars.

12/25: At the end of pre-conf. play we’re 10-1, #1, RPI #1. +19.1 PPG, +11.7 RBs, +6.4 TOs.
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14338
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: After Dystopia

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:51 am

We’ve sent airplanes and drones to every part of the world except the Australia/New Zealand area. There are a few tiny settlements here and there but no major population centers. Australia/New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands in that region are all still undoubtedly under water due to climate change. So we can be certain that there will be no more surprise attacks or invasions from areas we did not know were settled.

11/14: We opened with #3 Florida, here. 73-57. 12, 12 for Pry, 17, 6, 2 for Mars, 13, 4, 3, 3 for Jack, but he fouled out. 12, 6 for Perk.

Off to the Hawaiian Shootout, which is actually in Cleveland. We’re the #1 seed.

11/18: 72-48 over Virginia Tech. 24, 8, 3 for Jack, 18, 4, 2 for Pry, 11, 8 for Fox.

#5 seed Charlotte is next.

11/19: 91-62. 33, 4 for Jack, 12, 14 for Pry, 11, 9 for Perk. 46 RBs, 8 TOs.

#2 seed, #4 ranked Indiana in the finals.

11/20: 76-69. We were comfortably ahead most of the way. 24, 4, 3, 2, 5 for Jack, 14, 14 for Pry. 41 RBs, 12 TOs.

Like last year we have a terrific inside/outside combo in Pry and Jack.

All 5 recruits signed, as expected.

11/21: 89-60 at Oregon. 29, 5, 4 for Jack, 19, 12 for Pry, 12, 7 for Perk, 6, 11, 8 for Mars. 50 RBs (+19).

11/24: 91-71 over #4 Indiana here. 24, 7 for Pry, 16, 7 for Jack, 9, 12, 2, 3 for Mars, 11, 7, 5 for Anes. 48 RBs, 6 TOs.

11/27: 6-0, #1, RPI #5.

11/28: 82-56 over Louisville here. 19, 4 for Jack, 20, 2, 4 for Anes, 13, 5 for Pool. 50 RBs, 10 TOs.

Sub Marcus Payne sprained his wrist. Out about 2 weeks.

12/1: 80-58 at Stanford. 17, 4, 3, 5, 3 for Jack, 14, 11 for Pry.

It’s been years since there was a movement to move from a moneyless system to one using currency, but Toronto seems to have a sizable group heading in that direction. The concern is always that this leads to inequalities, and inevitably to some people living in poverty while others accumulate wealth. It’s early, but there seems to be a battle brewing in Toronto.

12/5: 83-70 at Michigan ST. 18, 10, 2 for Pry. 5 guys in double figures.

6th man Ray Perk hurt his hand. We have a week off so he should be okay for our next.

12/13: 59-65 at #21 New Mexico ST. They beat us outside and at the line- 10 threes to our 4, 17 free throws to our 9. Two of our starters fouled out and a 3rd had 4. No one on their team had more than 3 fouls.

12/19: 70-57 at #16 North Carolina. 24, 6 for Jack, 17, 2, 4, 2 for Mars.

12/25: At the end of pre-conf. play we’re 10-1, #1, RPI #1. +19.1 PPG, +11.7 RBs, +6.4 TOs.
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14338
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: After Dystopia

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:18 pm

12/27: 79-52 over Tulsa here. 22, 4, 5 for Jack, 9, 12 for Pry.

We’re withdrawing another 100 troops from each Chinese community. Self rule is in place, and everything has been peaceful for a long time. We may keep a token force in China permanently, but it won’t be long before nearly all of our troops are out of there.

1/2/2594: 80-72 at our chief conference rival, #7 ranked Cincinnati. 18, 12, 2, 3 for Pry, 20, 5, 4, 4 for Jack, 11, 2, 9 for Mars. 45 RBs, 12 TOs. 17 lead changes, 8 ties. With 3:01 left we went on a 12-1 run, and that did it.

A group of business people in Toronto presented a petition to their Council to go to a moneyed economy with wages and salaries, profit and loss… All 7 other communities are preparing position papers to be presented to the Toronto Council opposing the move. A brief is being prepared to present to the Joint Council saying that the decision regarding the Toronto community should be resolved at the joint Council since there are major implications for all 8 communities.

We’re all remembering when Detroit had a moneyed economy, how much of a hassle that was, and what eventually happened- a war.

1/6: 97-81 over a good Houston team here. 16, 20, 4 for Pry, 26, 6, 5, 3 for Jack, 16, 3, 2 for Sear.

1/9: 75-79 at #22 East Carolina. We blew an 11 point lead late. We lost this one outside, we were 2-13, they were 11-23 on threes.

The Joint Council has taken the motion over whether they should have jurisdiction in the Toronto economic debate under advisement. They will confer with the Toronto Council. The Toronto Council tabled all motions related to the economy.

1/11: 84-56 over Temple here. 27, 2, 3 for Jack, 16, 7, 4 for Mars, 10, 13 for Pry, 10, 9, 4 for Perk. Easy win.

1/14: 73-32 over Central FL here. 22, 4 for Jack, 20, 3, 4 for Mars. Ugly.

1/16: 94-74 at #23 Memphis. 18, 13, 4 for Pry, 5 in doubles. +12 TOs, +9 RBs.

We’re now in a tie for 1st with East Carolina, ½ game ahead of Memphis.

1/20: 71-41 at SMU. A team effort. Only 5 TOs.

1/23: In a weird scheduling quirk we play SMIU back to back. We beat them here 78-44. 22, 7, 3 for Jack, 16, 14, 4 for Pry, 15, 6, 6 for Mars. 6 TOs.

We’re tied with East Carolina, 2 up on 3rd place, halfway through conf. play.

The Joint Council and Toronto Council are still discussing the economic issue.

1/25: 90-58 over Tulane here. 30, 5, 4 for Jack, 19, 11, 3 for Pry.

Little used sub Marcus pain hurt his back. About 2 weeks.

1/27: 81-65 at Tulsa. 25, 17, 3 for Pry, who has been extremely consistent all season. 23, 9 for Jack.

All of the conference contenders lost. We’re 1 ½ up on East Carolina, and at least 3 up on everyone else.

1/29: 20-2, 10-1, #1, RPI #1. +20.8 PPG, +11.2 RBs, +7.4 TOs. Nationally we’re #1 in RBs, #2 in assists, #3 in blocks and TOs, #5 in PPG, #7 in PPG Allowed.

Ram Jack is #5, and Sol Pry is #7 on the Norton list.
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14338
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm


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