Looking for help with historical project

Looking for help with historical project

Postby Gary Gorski » Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:04 pm

I'm getting ready to announce some news on DDS:PB 2017 and I was hoping to get a little bit of help from the community. In this post there is a link to an Excel spreadsheet which lists every player drafted in the last 40 years and has a set of data. There's two things I would really like some help on though if anyone is willing to take on the task in order to improve the reality of historical play. There is a column for country and columns titled Jersey1-Jersey5.

I've defaulted all of the players to USA and jerseys to 0 but the historical play would be even better if we had proper info there. The data is self-explanatory. We just need the name of the country for foreign born players and Jersey1-5 should be any numbers they wore with 1 being their most recognizable number. That way Michael Jordan has the chance to be 23 and if that's already taken then maybe 45 or even 12! A great reference for this data is basketball-reference. Here's a sample page

http://www.basketball-reference.com/pla ... ami01.html

The only thing I ask is that you DO NOT reorder the list or add/delete players. I need them in the same location to copy and paste back. You will see many lines that have nothing but blanks - just ignore them but leave those lines as is

If you're interested in helping out, even just a little bit I would appreciate it. I think a good idea would be to post in this thread that you are covering from players 1-200 so that someone else can come in and take 201-475 or whatever. When you're done just email me the file back at support-at-wolverinestudios.com and I will merge it in.

Thank you to anyone willing to spend a little bit of time on this. It will only make the next version even better than it is shaping up to be.

http://www.wolverinestudios.com/downloa ... alhelp.xls
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Re: Looking for help with historical project

Postby spitfire » Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:30 pm

Sure, I'll help out. I'll start at the back and work up, 3569-3898, W to Z. I assume that if a player has more than five jersey numbers you want just the most prominent? Do you have a timeline as to when you need the data?
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Re: Looking for help with historical project

Postby Gary Gorski » Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:03 pm

Yes most prominent is best and we don't need 5 - just leave zeros and the game will simply assign a number at that point. There's no real timeline on it. The data will just be added whenever I get it - its not like the game would not work without it. It will just make the game a little more accurate and have players be a little more recognizable to have as close to their proper jersey numbers in historical play
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Re: Looking for help with historical project

Postby spitfire » Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:10 pm

Sounds good. I'll get on it in between bouts of deleting spam!!! :)
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Re: Looking for help with historical project

Postby spitfire » Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:19 pm

Ok, one more question. Basketball-reference has several Z's listed after the last guy on your list, George Zidek. They are Derrick Zimmerman, Jim Zoet, Bill Zopf and Matt Zunic. Each appeared in only one season. Your first post says the list has every player from the last 40 years. Zopf played in 1971 and Zunic in 1949, so I guess they don't qualify. Zimmerman is from 2006 and Zoet 1983. Should they be added to the list? What exactly is the cut-off season for inclusion on the list, just in case folks come across others who aren't there?
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Re: Looking for help with historical project

Postby Gary Gorski » Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:21 pm

I only need the players I have listed there which are the players drafted from 1977 on. As the historical project possibly expands in the future the data from the players not listed may be needed but for right now we only need to focus on the guys listed in the file and not the blanks/missing ones

*edited the original post to make this more clear - thx
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Re: Looking for help with historical project

Postby spitfire » Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:42 pm

Thanks. That clears it up.
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Re: Looking for help with historical project

Postby spitfire » Tue Sep 20, 2016 7:42 am

Gary Gorski wrote:Yes most prominent is best and we don't need 5 - just leave zeros and the game will simply assign a number at that point.

So far I've found two players who wore uniform #0 during their careers. One, Orlando Woolridge, was a fairly prominent player. If the game assigns a random number when it finds a zero these guys wouldn't get their proper uni number. Is there a way around that? I'm noting players who wore #0 at the bottom of the spreadsheet as I encounter them.
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Re: Looking for help with historical project

Postby Gary Gorski » Tue Sep 20, 2016 2:48 pm

I thought about that after. I think what I will have to do is set the default in the spreadsheet to -1. If you want to replace all the zeros in the jersey columns with -1 that's fine and then you can put 0 in the place it should be for the appropriate players
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