New League Starting Up

New League Starting Up

Postby davwms » Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:22 am

I am starting up a new league soon: North American Football League

This will be a realistic fictional league. Realistic meaning that teams are located in North America and in cities that could reasonably host a professional sports team.
I am hoping for a 20 team league and we have 14 or 15 teams already set up. We could modify that up or down as needed to start up the league.

Team cities are basically set up, but not set in stone and the team nicknames are really just place holders for now, and can be changed as well as the city (within reason)

The website is up but will be constantly modified to add links, as needed:

We have most of our league communication through a facebook group:

It may not be the best option but apparently is the easiest for everyone. I could easily create a forum for the league if enough people wanted it.

This won't be a one and done league. I also run a basketball league that has just finished it's 7th season that started up in 2013. if interested.

If interested in joining the NAFL, contact me. Either PM here or

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Re: New League Starting Up

Postby davwms » Fri Mar 23, 2018 8:43 am

Just finished week 1 and we still have 2 teams available.

North American Football League



The two available teams are:
Minnesota Mustangs & Los Angeles Outlaws
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Re: New League Starting Up

Postby AKH » Fri Mar 23, 2018 9:39 am

looks good. Will look into the issue you posted. best of luck with the league and let us know if you need help with anything.
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Re: New League Starting Up

Postby davwms » Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:23 am

We are entering Week #6 and another team has opened up. We now have 3 teams with no GM:

Chicago Blues, Minnesota Mustangs, & Los Angeles Outlawas
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Re: New League Starting Up

Postby ZootMurph » Tue Jun 11, 2019 9:55 am

Is this league still going?

If so, the URL no longer works.
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