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Bring back the chat room

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:24 pm
by Templer
In PFS, there was once a in-game chat room.

I remember that in PFS often during the work with our teams chats were startet.
I miss this in-game chat room.
As far I know, the only league that has a functioning "chat system" is the CFA.

Re: Bring back the chat room

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 5:06 pm
by brooks_piggott
This won't happen. It required too much infrastructure on the server side to keep it going. Better for leagues to use other chat systems out there... skype, facebook, slack, forum chat, etc.

Re: Bring back the chat room

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 5:13 am
by Templer
Wolverine Studios offer many games/simulations for virtual managers.
Why does Wolverine Studios not offer its own hosted, thought-out chat, with separated rooms for each game as a center meeting place for their managers?

Re: Bring back the chat room

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 9:17 am
by Robmeister89
Templer wrote:Wolverine Studios offer many games/simulations for virtual managers.
Why does Wolverine Studios not offer its own hosted, thought-out chat, with separated rooms for each game as a center meeting place for their managers?

Wolverine Studios is a company that offers a forum for communication and feedback. Its up to individual leagues to create their own chat room. The CFA hasn't always had a shoutbox (what you're referring to as our chat room) and even when we didn't, we didn't bother using the in-game chat. It was a complicated system that wasn't used by many and they removed it. If you want a chat so badly why not just create a slack account for your league? Slack is completely free and a great chat tool that allows you to create multiple rooms to discuss different topics.

Re: Bring back the chat room

PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:31 pm
by gbmoore
Agree. The in game chat wasn’t great.

All sim nation leagues have a shoutbox, by the way. The wwpf has that and slack.