Meaning of Player Ratings

Meaning of Player Ratings

Postby terps1gdm » Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:29 pm

Is there somewhere, what the meaning of each of the player rating is?

Second question, which ratings affect shooting pct, is it just FGI and FGJ?
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Re: Meaning of Player Ratings

Postby Tim Moungey » Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:05 am

It's been a while since I've looked, so I'm not sure of in-game.

Inside Shooting - Covers the FGD (Dunk) and FGI (Inside ratings)
Outside Shooting - Covers the FGJ (Jumper) and FG3 (3 Point shooting ratings)
Free Throw Shooting - Self-explanatory
Scoring - Likelihood of taking shots/ability to create own shot
Passing - Self-explanatory
Handling - Self-explanatory
Offensive Rebounding - Self-explanatory
Defensive Rebounding - Self-explanatory
Defense - A catchall measure of defensive ability not covered by blocks and steals
Blocks - Self-explanatory
Steals - Self-explanatory
Draw Fouls - Ability to get their opponent to foul
Discipline - Likelihood of fouling
IQ - Affects turnovers, fouls, shooting %, and though never officially stated by Gary, my belief is that this is one of the factors that's weighted when determining playoff success. Vital for point guards and scorers IMO

Note: The FGD, FGI, FGJ, and FG3 ratings will not appear in the game. You have to export the database to look them up. I believe the design decision is to keep the game from getting *too* easy - especially in single player, because they're the percentages of those respective shot types if that player took infinite attempts of those shot types.

You can, however, get a sense of this by looking at the FGI (Which combines FGD and FGI), FGJ, FG3 statistics on the roster screen. Keep in mind there's variance from season to season, opponent to opponent, and the distribution of shots depends on your offensive setup, opponent strategies and players (drive stoppers will force more jumpers, for example) and zones will usually result in more 3 point attempts.
Tim Moungey
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Re: Meaning of Player Ratings

Postby hefewe1zen » Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:24 am

Handing and passing are far from self-explanatory to me.

Is passing the technical ability to not throw the ball away? Or does it lead to more and easier shots for teammates?

Is handling simply the technical ability to not give the ball away? Does it help with drives or anything?

Regarding the shoot ratings, I'm not sure how drives come into the equation. Is it a different type of shoot or a move where a player takes the ball to a different area of the court and takes a shoot from there?
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Re: Meaning of Player Ratings

Postby Firefistus » Fri Jul 24, 2020 2:36 pm

I know this is an old thread, but as someone who religiously watches and plays basketball, the FGI and FGJ made absolutely zero sense to me. I didn't know what DRFL was either, I would suggest having 2 lines with a little more context to the subjects. Most were easily decipherable, but if someone didn't know anything about basketball they would be totally lost.
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