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Can't change training schedule

PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:45 am
by Cajun007
I'm early in my season and have allotted all of my training points and my players are complaining and becoming fatigued. I change the training points and it will not let me save it? The save button appears static and you can't click on it at all.

Re: Can't change training schedule

PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 10:46 am
by francua4
I tried to duplicate the issue you're experiencing, but I'm finding my training schedules are saving when I change them. I'm wondering if this is just a matter of using too many points per week?

The training points are extremely sensitive. From what I'm gathering some players can handle a higher training regimen and others can't and even then I've never had a player who can stick in the 23-25 point range the entire season. I usually don't get any complaining when I set the points to 22 or 23, if you're above that for a particular player consistently throughout the year you'll more then likely get some bitching and moaning.