Assistant Coach Question

Assistant Coach Question

Postby Aceshigh24 » Sun Feb 25, 2018 1:15 pm

I haven't played this game in a long time and I've searched the board for answers and just want to clarify. I started a Career as the 2nd Assistant on Lousiville as the Scout. Based on prior board answers/questions do i really have to watch games and make notes of these players? What happens if i don't? Will i never grow as a coach and or not get any new job offers because i wasn't doing my job? Can you just sim the season with no repercussions?

I feel like that is just too much work and i may have to start over LOL. I don't have that kind of time.
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Re: Assistant Coach Question

Postby Gary Gorski » Sun Feb 25, 2018 1:17 pm

Yeah the asst. coach options are really for someone who wants to play the game in a very different manner - as if you were a real assistant and putting in the time doing stuff you don't really want to do until you get to the first seat with some school :) Of course you can just quick sim through the season and take a different job at the end of the year if you don't like it
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Re: Assistant Coach Question

Postby Aceshigh24 » Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:02 pm

Ahhhhhhhhhhh OK that makes sense. So in my case as the scout, do i get prompted or should i get prompted on when i have to scout? Like i guess, how do i know when to scout a game or do what I'm supposed to do?
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Re: Assistant Coach Question

Postby Gary Gorski » Sun Feb 25, 2018 4:54 pm

Prior to watching a game in 2D/GameCast mode you should get a quick quiz which asks you questions about the players and play style of the opposing team. The better you do on the quiz your team gets a bonus for that game (ie you scouted them well and they are well prepared to play). You can watch a 2D game of an upcoming opponent and look over their roster and stats etc and take notes so that you are prepared. As I said, its a MUCH different style of playing the game.
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Re: Assistant Coach Question

Postby Aceshigh24 » Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:00 pm

Yooooooooooooooooooooooo this answering of questions before each game as the scout is soooooooooooooooooooooo dope!!!!

I think i will stay at this job for a little longer now. Woop woop, nice feature.
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Re: Assistant Coach Question

Postby Goirish374 » Mon May 06, 2019 5:38 am

i'm having an issue with the scouting quiz.

a few times now i have been asked a question i specifically have in my notes, which i have answered exactly (team FT%, best starting player % from the three point line) and the game has counted it as an incorrect answer. at first i assumed i was making errors but i have been exacting and precise with some of these notes and still not getting credit for entering what is clearly the correct range of answer. this is commonly the difference between 4/6 and 6/6 on the quiz.

i seem to have the highest failure rate with questions related to the rank of a team stat and the various %'s of starters (3s and FTs)...i sort the stats page by GS to define starters, but does the quiz maybe use a different definition of starter? anyone who has ever started? starter for our game currently?

the scouting report is released and then the opponent continues to play other games. this could change the value of a statistical answer depending on whether the answer is drawn from the scouting report or the team's stats immediately before the game is i supposed to be drawing my answers from the scouting report or the team's current stats?

also: how is "second best player" defined. i've been using current ability from the atttribute screen but there are frequently ties and i seem to consistently guess wrong in that situation.

also also: when a team is scouted to press "at times" during the game, how does that translate to the choices of "little to no press usage" vs "about half the game." again, i seem to guess incorrectly consistently.

thanks for any help...i'm quite at a loss, here.
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