Player Profile and Flags - dynamic or no?

Player Profile and Flags - dynamic or no?

Postby Nawlins34 » Thu Jan 31, 2019 7:29 pm

So with the player ratings, I get it; they can improve with training, but they will lower over time with age.

How about the actual player profile to the right when viewing the player card?

Is it possible for a player's leadership or disposition to increase/decrease over time?

Can a young player who values money the most transition to value winning later in their career if they never experience the playoffs or a championship? Or even the opposite?

While we're at it, how about Flags: "1st Draft Pick" - makes sense to be permanent, is it possible for a player to gain/lose a flag during their career or is that permanent?

Thanks in advance to all who provide any insight on these questions.
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Re: Player Profile and Flags - dynamic or no?

Postby AKH » Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:37 am

Personality can change, but not a lot.

Player flags are updated at the start of every season, but also not a lot. But you may see veteran WR lose his deep threat status. You can see a guy with off field issues battle through them and become a role model and such things.
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