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What are your timeout strategies?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 12:55 pm
by ZorbaGarp
Curious what effects others have seen with their timeout strategies? Do you address individual players or a whole team? Any different results seen based on different approaches? Does it matter?

Re: What are your timeout strategies?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 3:33 pm
by PointGuard
I just do what I think is appropriate for the situation (and what I feel like) at the moment the time out occurs. If I'm setting up a play, I normally praise the key player for that play. Otherwise it's a mix between directing it at individual players and the team. If they're playing well, mostly praise. If they're not playing well, maybe express concern. I rarely scream but have done it.

You can read their immediate response to whatever you do, but as to how much that really affects things, it's always hard to know.