Suggestion - List Player Jersey Number in Play Result Desc

Suggestion - List Player Jersey Number in Play Result Desc

Postby regenerator » Fri Nov 08, 2019 9:39 am

I like the option to have the 2D live game action display by player jersey number. Looks nice and adds an extra dimension towards the "you are there" experience you want in a live simulation.
I think to really get the most out of this feature, however, you should make a small modification that wouldn't take much time to implement, esp in respect to how uch it would add in a positive sense to in game action/feel.
After a play is completed and the game focus shifts back to the playcall screen during a game, it lists the play result, as we all know by now, in sentence form, featuring player name, yards gained, etc. Well, I think you should def add the player's jersey number before their name as a tie in with the number representation we see on the 2d graphic field of play. I think this will really help emphasize a player;'s identity in our mind's as far as knowing them by their number, as we often do in real life, sometimes as much as their name (yes its a different sport, but the ultimate example of what I mean is Michael Jordan - he will always be "#23" as much as "Jordan" in our mind's eye).

"Pass by Montana, J. complete to Rice, J for 10 yards"

"Pass by #16 Montana, J complete to #80 Rice, J for 10 yards"

seec? So much better...
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