Time to simulate a game

Time to simulate a game

Postby abziani » Mon Nov 25, 2019 5:32 pm

Hi Guys. How are you?
I am just curious about the time to simulate a game. I have been playing the game and I have a very old laptop (I bought it around 10 years ago). It took around 8 minutes to simulate a game in 2d mode. I just wanna know about the other computers. How long does your computer need to simulate a game?
If it is really different I am thinking about buyinh a new one (black Friday is so close)
Thank you for the answers.
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Re: Time to simulate a game

Postby Double Dribble » Mon Nov 25, 2019 5:47 pm

Some users (including me) have said that there seems to be an issue with the games being simmed too slowly at the fastest speed. It almost seems it freezes at times at the fastest speed.

Having said that, with my laptop, which is newer, but definitely not state of the art, it only takes a couple of minutes to sim a game. It just isn't smooth. It might freeze at 10 minutes in the first quarter for ten seconds or so and then jump to 10 minute mark in the second quarter.

I find the 2d game engine moves smoother and maybe even quicker when you put it at the next to fastest sim speed. Maybe try that before buying a new computer.

Also, to be fair, most users have not reported an issue with 2d moving too slowly, just me and one or two others.
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Re: Time to simulate a game

Postby abziani » Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:42 pm

Yes. It happened here too with the fastest and the second to fastest speed. Just in the "third" speed it worked right. I believe the problem is related with the boxes that show up on the right upper side talking about the players and the referees interaction (which by the way I believe is useless).

Thanks for the feedback
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Re: Time to simulate a game

Postby Invisible Witness » Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:47 pm

I'm experiencing the same issue. At the fastest sim speed the game freezes then randomly unfreezes plus I get tons of messages about certain players yelling at Ref. I tried next to the fastest sim speed and there was no issue however it took almost 10 minutes to sim the whole game.
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Re: Time to simulate a game

Postby abziani » Tue Nov 26, 2019 3:27 am

Gary, please, Could it be possible to insert an option to show those messages or not? I mean those messages about the conversation between the players and the referees at the upper right side.
Another thing that I realized could speed the simulation down was that bar right behind the court that shows up when the player does some specific thing during te game like a rebound or a field goal. This is cool but again useless. Could that be an option too, Gary? It could be selected on the "option" section on the 2d simulation.

Thanks in advance, Gary.
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Re: Time to simulate a game

Postby JohnnySlick » Tue Nov 26, 2019 12:12 pm

I actually like the "players yelling at the ref" toasts. In fact, if I had a gripe it's that absent coach interaction I've yet to see a player get T'd up for arguing. This is probably adding extra elements into the game, but if I had my druthers, I'd like to see...

- Players having a score that indicates how angry they're getting in a game. That score goes up and down depending on if they get whistled for a foul, if they feel that they should have drawn a foul but didn't, if they complain to the ref, etc. This should interact with DI somehow, perhaps by having low-DI players earn more "points" towards this score for each event than higher-DI guys.

- You'd have some way of seeing this "score" represented in the lineup screen. "Oh, Danny Fortson's getting heated tonight. I'd better drop him on the bench" (which, if you bench a guy when he's angry, he's going to get angry at you for benching him, which is as it should be). I'd imagine that stowing a player on the bench until they cool down would be an (maybe the only, aside from the team winning) way of dropping the score down. Oh, right... if a player is getting mouthy and looking close to getting T'd up, that's where the coach could start drawing the ire of the referees instead by yelling at them. The coach gets a higher chance of getting hit with the T but the interaction would cause the player to calm down.

- The higher a player's "temper score" (that's what I'm calling it now) gets in a game, the more likely they are to commit a technical foul.

- For the most part, "scores" aren't retained from one game to the next, although maybe if a guy is otherwise unhappy that might have an effect on how quickly he loses his temper in-game.

Anyway, like I said, I'm sure this would require Gary to add extra stuff into the in-game model, which right there likely means "that is something to add in a future version" at best. Still, just wanted to put a mouse in someone's ear!
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Re: Time to simulate a game

Postby Gary Gorski » Tue Nov 26, 2019 9:38 pm

The information box should already not be showing if you have turned the speed up to the highest level. I don't know if the toasts are supposed to be turned off at the highest speed but I can look into that.

I very much disagree that they are useless though (otherwise I wouldn't have put them in the game) - if you don't have those messages how are you supposed to know if a player is constantly arguing and even if he is not getting to the point of a technical everytime you see a negative message it means the referees have turned against you slightly so if your players are making the refs upset you might see more calls in favor of the other team. If you didn't see the messages letting you know how the interaction with the referees were going then it would just be a total random guess as to the mood of the refs and whether or not you yourself should be working them (or might try to work them back into at least being even again)
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Re: Time to simulate a game

Postby Double Dribble » Tue Nov 26, 2019 10:22 pm

I think the issue is when I am playing on fastest speed, I am doing it just to get a sense of the flow of the game. I don't need to know every detail, especially if it seems like those boxes are slowing the game down. I certainly think that info would be useful if you are coaching closely and slowly and reading all the play by play.

But for those that play on the fastest speed? we just want to have the opportunity to make small adjustments every half quarter or so without getting bogged down and we maybe slow it down during the final 5 minutes of the game. Then those information boxes would be useful.
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Re: Time to simulate a game

Postby abziani » Thu Nov 28, 2019 4:59 am

Totally Agreed
I said it is useless for this point of view. I like to let the game simulate it for me. I kind of just watch the game like if I were the Real Manager. Sorry for the word “useless”, Gary. I mean the coach should be worried about those messages.
But like I said I believe that if the messages could be removed the speed of the game would increase drastically.
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Re: Time to simulate a game

Postby Wastl » Sat Nov 30, 2019 6:49 pm

Same Problem,
game freeces at higher speed.
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