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Starting With A Blank History

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2020 5:01 am
by thedraem41

I'm interested in starting a game with an empty historical database. My goal would be to do the same with the College Basketball game and sim about 70 years before jumping into the game as a player. Is it possible to begin the game without any history.

Re: Starting With A Blank History

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2020 11:46 am
by Max Boyer
I think the only way to do so would be to edit the database using a program like SQLite Studio and settings the values (championships, victories, etc.) down to 0 every team and possibly do the same for the players.
Then you can re-import the database or create a new roster pack and start from there. Note that I don't know yet how to create a roster pack so I can't help with that, I've just read about it!