Recruiting Strategies: Looking for Advice

Recruiting Strategies: Looking for Advice

Postby b1gd51 » Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:11 am

I'm still somewhat new to the game and I've read the game guide on the recruiting process, so I have a general idea about how it works... but I was wondering if anyone would care to share their specific strategies when recruiting players?

For instance, where do you even begin w/ targeting players initially? From what I can tell, there's really no way to see beforehand if recruits are even remotely interested in your school, so you gotta go in blind when adding players to your list. I'm playing as UNC (62 prestige) so my recruit rank ceiling is around 500 (3 Stars) according to the email I got at the start of the season. I'm not expecting to get a lot of big-name recruits, but I would like to at least try and target a few 4-star & 5-star guys.

So what are your deciding factors in determining which prospects to go after? In other words, if I'm looking to go after at least one 5-star prospect, what can I do to stop myself from adding them all to my list? Or should I add them all to my list?

When you're done filling out your list, how do you go about allocating points?

I'm just looking for some strategies I could try out and build off of to make my own.
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Re: Recruiting Strategies: Looking for Advice

Postby AKH » Fri Jan 10, 2020 8:40 am

First step for most people is looking for people close to you (the distance dropdown), and then maybe checking for other instate guys (that might be further away than the lowest settings on distance).

If you are going to try to poach higher recruits (I think 5stars are probably unwise hail marys at 62 prestige) make sure to interview them right away so you get access to their preferences so you can check what they value.

(also check out the guides pinned in this forum)
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Re: Recruiting Strategies: Looking for Advice

Postby AKH » Fri Jan 10, 2020 8:43 am

(also, like you, im interested in hearing what people are doing)
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Re: Recruiting Strategies: Looking for Advice

Postby darrellet86 » Fri Jan 10, 2020 1:00 pm

b1gd51 wrote:I'm still somewhat new to the game and I've read the game guide on the recruiting process, so I have a general idea about how it works... but I was wondering if anyone would care to share their specific strategies when recruiting players?

For instance, where do you even begin w/ targeting players initially? From what I can tell, there's really no way to see beforehand if recruits are even remotely interested in your school, so you gotta go in blind when adding players to your list. I'm playing as UNC (62 prestige) so my recruit rank ceiling is around 500 (3 Stars) according to the email I got at the start of the season. I'm not expecting to get a lot of big-name recruits, but I would like to at least try and target a few 4-star & 5-star guys.

So what are your deciding factors in determining which prospects to go after? In other words, if I'm looking to go after at least one 5-star prospect, what can I do to stop myself from adding them all to my list? Or should I add them all to my list?

When you're done filling out your list, how do you go about allocating points?

I'm just looking for some strategies I could try out and build off of to make my own.

So looking at the Tennessee Volunteers Youtube dynasty someone made for the 2019 version one thing stood out to me but I'm not sure if it resonates with 2020's version: any prestige under 71 can't have a realistic shot at targeting 4* players. Now I'm not sure if this is true or not but I've gone into my Wyoming dynasty with that mindset. For me, since im not in a high talent pool area, I just focus on 3* star players based solely on rankings, and not necessarily stats, simply because in the small school dynasties I have had, the talent drop from year 1 to year 2/3 is stark, because a lot of the Sr and RS Sr players are in the low to mid 80s and the freshman and sophomores are in the 60s/71, without huge jumps up in terms of ratings development.

I also have it set to auto-scout for me.

Now as far as prospects go I start with all 3* within 100 miles, then once I get to the hire levels I focus on potential needs. The tricky thing is most of the rosters are balanced (21 for each class), so you might not have any exact positional needs due to the amount of players at each position on the roster. So I go over my roster and then I target positions I know will either have a big talent drop next year, or want to fill an immediate need at starter next year because some 3*'s will get you a high 70s player.

I offer my initial group, then each week I check interest. If it's under 50 after two weeks I cut my losses and go to the recruits list and anyone without an offer I target and offer. Rinse and repeat it because you will lose a lot of prospects. In my first class with Wyoming after got 10-3 we landed 15 3*, and a few 2* with a 4* center transfer from Iowa. I can talk more later but gotta run to a meeting!
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Re: Recruiting Strategies: Looking for Advice

Postby darrellet86 » Fri Jan 10, 2020 3:39 pm

b1gd51 wrote:I'm still somewhat new to the game and I've read the game guide on the recruiting process, so I have a general idea about how it works... but I was wondering if anyone would care to share their specific strategies when recruiting players?

For instance, where do you even begin w/ targeting players initially? From what I can tell, there's really no way to see beforehand if recruits are even remotely interested in your school, so you gotta go in blind when adding players to your list. I'm playing as UNC (62 prestige) so my recruit rank ceiling is around 500 (3 Stars) according to the email I got at the start of the season. I'm not expecting to get a lot of big-name recruits, but I would like to at least try and target a few 4-star & 5-star guys.

So what are your deciding factors in determining which prospects to go after? In other words, if I'm looking to go after at least one 5-star prospect, what can I do to stop myself from adding them all to my list? Or should I add them all to my list?

When you're done filling out your list, how do you go about allocating points?

I'm just looking for some strategies I could try out and build off of to make my own.

Also when it comes to making my list I only go by the amount of 9/10 interest points I can use per recruit. So with Wyoming I have 218 recruiting points to use and 21 scholarships. So I have 20 targets at 10 points each with a scholarship offer, then one at 9 points with an offer and another prospect at 9 points without an offer. This makes things tedious but it works for me.
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Re: Recruiting Strategies: Looking for Advice

Postby Rizzo » Fri Jan 10, 2020 4:47 pm

I understand that system but my problem is you’re grabbing players blindly at the beginning of recruiting and going all-in with 20 points and a scholarship offer. You haven’t even scouted a fraction of the players that you can to possibly find a better fit or even a better player for your system. It seems very overwhelming at first to hammer home a decent list to start recruiting and comparing players.
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Re: Recruiting Strategies: Looking for Advice

Postby darrellet86 » Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:39 pm

Rizzo wrote:I understand that system but my problem is you’re grabbing players blindly at the beginning of recruiting and going all-in with 20 points and a scholarship offer. You haven’t even scouted a fraction of the players that you can to possibly find a better fit or even a better player for your system. It seems very overwhelming at first to hammer home a decent list to start recruiting and comparing players.

Yeah I totally get where you are coming from, now if I was playing at a bigger school that doesn't have to worry about such a huge talent gap, say Ohio State for example, then my strategy would be fully scouting players and being more selective with the players I target. I just think smaller schools have to deal with that drop in skill level.
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Re: Recruiting Strategies: Looking for Advice

Postby b1gd51 » Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:40 pm

Appreciate all the replies!

I did one playthrough as a test of sorts w/ Auto recruit/scout turned on to see how the CPU operated and the CPU was able to land one 4-star recruit and, surprisingly, one 5-star recruit ranked #39 overall. I think at the time his interest level in UNC was in the low 40's. I was surprised mostly because it was my first time playing through an entire season and it took until the end of the year and every week recruiting from the CPU to land him, just judging from the total points that were spent, but nonetheless, he did.

So then I reloaded the game and went through the season again while the Auto scout was still targeting the same two guys. The 4-star recruit signed every time during the same week w/o fail, so they may be a little easier to pick up than I initially realized... but the 5-star guy was a pain to sign again. Florida and Florida St. were his top 2 choices and after signing w/ one of them, I kept reloading the game the week before he committed to a school just to see how hard it was to land him and I probably reloaded 20 times and was just about to give up and let it go before he finally committed to me again. So yeah, it's hard as mess to get the 5-star guys, but I expected that. I do like how you can still find decent 3-star recruits in the high-70's, low-80's (at least initially before gains and losses).

As for the strategies, I had been starting initially by state and location; mainly targetting guys in NC or within 300 miles. Deciding then which guys to add to my list is where I was having trouble because my tendency was trying to add as many as I could and spreading myself too thin. I'm starting a new league from scratch w/ UNC to try recruiting/scouting myself after reading the guides and the advice. Going to start in-state then branch out to within 100 miles like suggested and see how that goes.

If anyone still has more to add, though, keep it coming! The more tips/strategies, the better. Again, much appreciated for the feedback.
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Re: Recruiting Strategies: Looking for Advice

Postby darrellet86 » Sun Jan 12, 2020 12:39 am

b1gd51 wrote:Appreciate all the replies!

I did one playthrough as a test of sorts w/ Auto recruit/scout turned on to see how the CPU operated and the CPU was able to land one 4-star recruit and, surprisingly, one 5-star recruit ranked #39 overall. I think at the time his interest level in UNC was in the low 40's. I was surprised mostly because it was my first time playing through an entire season and it took until the end of the year and every week recruiting from the CPU to land him, just judging from the total points that were spent, but nonetheless, he did.

So then I reloaded the game and went through the season again while the Auto scout was still targeting the same two guys. The 4-star recruit signed every time during the same week w/o fail, so they may be a little easier to pick up than I initially realized... but the 5-star guy was a pain to sign again. Florida and Florida St. were his top 2 choices and after signing w/ one of them, I kept reloading the game the week before he committed to a school just to see how hard it was to land him and I probably reloaded 20 times and was just about to give up and let it go before he finally committed to me again. So yeah, it's hard as mess to get the 5-star guys, but I expected that. I do like how you can still find decent 3-star recruits in the high-70's, low-80's (at least initially before gains and losses).

As for the strategies, I had been starting initially by state and location; mainly targetting guys in NC or within 300 miles. Deciding then which guys to add to my list is where I was having trouble because my tendency was trying to add as many as I could and spreading myself too thin. I'm starting a new league from scratch w/ UNC to try recruiting/scouting myself after reading the guides and the advice. Going to start in-state then branch out to within 100 miles like suggested and see how that goes.

If anyone still has more to add, though, keep it coming! The more tips/strategies, the better. Again, much appreciated for the feedback.

That's great to hear man! Especially about the 4* and 5* recruits..will make the rest of this season a little different now for my recruiting list!
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Re: Recruiting Strategies: Looking for Advice

Postby stiets1118 » Sun Jan 12, 2020 1:21 pm

Personally, I start by looking at my position needs, then look at my home state to fill those. Depending on the program I'm using, I will click the recommend targets tab. Between my Coastal Carolina dynasty, which got me hired in Oregon, I can reach for big name recruits with Oregon. I typically interview guys and see if they have specific traits that I look for, like zone corners or athletic blockers. After interviewing around 20-30, I top out points and then dig in with scout points. I also watch who else is recruiting them and look for guys not being recruited by anyone, and after a few weeks I try to fill out my roster the un-recruited guys that have higher potential. Obviously, coastal carolina I had to go with 2 star guys and reach for 3 stars.
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