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*Nooob Alert* but need help

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2020 12:26 pm
by mancavehawkeye
Reading how to download a mod is like trying to read a book with your eyes closed for, I'm failing at an alarming pace. Are there any youtube videos anyone has done on how to import the real teams/logos and start a season? I really don't want to have to go thru every team and download their real information. Any help would be appreciated because frustration is 100% setting in for me

Re: *Nooob Alert* but need help

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2020 1:25 pm
by brooks_piggott
There is a mod forum with guides on how to do it. viewtopic.php?f=268&t=30961

Pretty sure it's just a download and bundled install kind of thing now, but there are a lot of posts in there if you run into common issues.

Re: *Nooob Alert* but need help

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2020 1:48 pm
by mancavehawkeye
I've tried to use the forum, it's still not downloading correctly and owning games that you can't get to work the way you'd like is more than a little bit maddening

Re: *Nooob Alert* but need help

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2020 2:02 pm
by slybelle1
mancavehawkeye wrote:I've tried to use the forum, it's still not downloading correctly and owning games that you can't get to work the way you'd like is more than a little bit maddening

Assuming your trying to use my mod and if so, let's see if we can get it working. Should be pretty easy. Simply need to download the file and run the setup program and everything is taken care of for you. You don't need to import or setup anything yourself. After you install the mod, start a new league and everything will work fine.


1) You say your having issues with downloading you really mean that? Meaning, can you physically download the file from the site or are you having issues with running the setup program after you have downloaded? Need to better understand this. If you are having an issue, are you getting some error or what is making you think there is a problem?

2) Typically people who can't get it to work is because of one of two things. Either their document folder is on another drive than c:\ or they have installed their document folder onto onedrive. In either case, you can still get it to work, but you have to to paste in the appropriate path when running the setup program.

3) If you still can't get to work, I included a troubleshooter program with the mod to diagnosis the problem. Look at the included manual and run the troubleshooter. Then copy the report to the clipboard (button on screen) and paste he contents here. I can then specifically tell your problem. There is also a button on the same screen to copy the correct path, which you could use to paste into the setup program to ensure correct path set.

Everyone''s computer is different so not possible to cover everyone's scenario, but to the best of my knowledge everyone has gotten it to work as it has been available for a long time. Just try what I said and most importantly paste your report here and we'll be able to figure it out pretty quickly

Re: *Nooob Alert* but need help

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2020 2:19 pm
by mancavehawkeye
I'm gonna grab some lunch and I'll be back to read what you put, it's just head scratching that everytime I think I have it done correctly, I go to the league, open it up and BOOM default teams and names, logos are still there. Maybe some food and a clear head will help. IDK, I've spent all morning trying this

Re: *Nooob Alert* but need help

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2020 2:30 pm
by slybelle1
mancavehawkeye wrote:I'm gonna grab some lunch and I'll be back to read what you put, it's just head scratching that everytime I think I have it done correctly, I go to the league, open it up and BOOM default teams and names, logos are still there. Maybe some food and a clear head will help. IDK, I've spent all morning trying this

run the troubleshooter and post report will quickly tell us the issue and you’ll be good to go:)

Re: *Nooob Alert* but need help

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2020 2:35 pm
by mancavehawkeye
Are you on Discord by any chance?

Re: *Nooob Alert* but need help

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2020 2:41 pm
by slybelle1
mancavehawkeye wrote:Are you on Discord by any chance?

I have an account but don't use it much so not an expert....not sure how you connect but my name there is slybelle

Re: *Nooob Alert* but need help

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2020 2:43 pm
by mancavehawkeye
I suppose we can keep a thread going here and the mods can delete it later. Okay so the step I'm at now that always seems to screw me up is this one. I extracted all the parts to a temp folder (logos, bowls, teams, weather) and this is where I seem to not be doing something right after this

Re: *Nooob Alert* but need help

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2020 2:49 pm
by slybelle1
mancavehawkeye wrote:I suppose we can keep a thread going here and the mods can delete it later. Okay so the step I'm at now that always seems to screw me up is this one. I extracted all the parts to a temp folder (logos, bowls, teams, weather) and this is where I seem to not be doing something right after this

You should not install to a "temp" folder. When you run the extractor, you should put the path to the documents folder, not a "temp" folder. By default it is:

\Documents\Wolverine Studios\DDSCF 2020 (on your c: drive).

If this is where your document folder is, then just extract without changing anything. But if your document folder is on another drive, change the drive letter to it. for example, my documents folder is on drive d:, so I change it.