

Postby yo31 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:24 am

I accidentally chose to purchase a gold star report and now i only have 9k left on my 2nd week of recruiting. That is nearly not enough as i have 3 spots open. Is there any way to increase it in commish mode? And also is the gold star report more trustworthy than the wssn scouting?
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Re: Budget

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 12:57 pm

The Gold Star report is more informative, accurate, and useful. I don't know of a way to undo your mistake re the budget. If you're at a low Team prestige school recruit in state. You may do okay, and it's dirt cheap. Save some money for in region recruits but don't spend it unless they seem VERY likely to commit. Forget out of region or foreign. I have luck with jucos when I'm at a low ranked school, so don't ignore them.
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Re: Budget

Postby PointGuard » Sat Dec 12, 2020 7:12 pm

Yeah, agree with Wayne re going after in-staters during the summer/fall and see how you do while CONSERVING as much money as you can. Then after 1/28, focus on guys with high enough SAT scores for your school and JC players (particularly those within your region) and try to build some interest in them mainly through calling. Try to keep some available money so you can try to land someone in March/April. If you don't fill all your scholarships, you can go after transfer players early the next season.
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