Preseason and Postseason Tournaments

Preseason and Postseason Tournaments

Postby Wildcat18 » Thu Dec 03, 2020 3:07 pm

Hey, relatively new player here. Got the game back in March at the beginning of quarantine, and I'm returning to it after a few months since college basketball has restarted. After learning the game with a Layafette game back in March, I've started up a career starting as the HC of Fordham. I've got a pair of questions:

1) How does one get into the preseason tournaments at the beginning of the season?

2) What are the requirements for getting into the NIT and the two other postseason tournaments if you don't get into the main tournament?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Preseason and Postseason Tournaments

Postby PointGuard » Thu Dec 03, 2020 6:22 pm

Selections for the pre-season tournaments are made by the game's AI. There's no way for you to influence that. The chances for a lower prestige program to get into a pre-season tournament are much lower than higher prestige programs.

Selections for the NIT, CBI, and CIT tournaments are primarily based on a team's record and RPI.

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Re: Preseason and Postseason Tournaments

Postby Wildcat18 » Thu Dec 03, 2020 6:32 pm

PointGuard wrote:Selections for the pre-season tournaments are made by the game's AI. There's no way for you to influence that. The chances for a lower prestige program to get into a pre-season tournament are much lower than higher prestige programs.

Selections for the NIT, CBI, and CIT tournaments are primarily based on a team's record and RPI.

Welcome back to DDSCB and the forums.

Thanks for the help, and the welcome!
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Re: Preseason and Postseason Tournaments

Postby rgbuga » Thu Jul 04, 2024 5:36 pm

Is there a way to view the conference tournaments in the college basketball game?
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Re: Preseason and Postseason Tournaments

Postby PointGuard » Thu Jul 04, 2024 9:23 pm

On the Daily Schedule where you see "Games Grid" (toward the top)...use the down arrow and go down the list and you can see each conference tournament bracket once it's set up...and the results as it's played or after it's completed.
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