Playing Games advice

Playing Games advice

Postby Pandito24 » Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:54 am

So, this is a weird one but since I've been researching mechanics to have as much fun as possible, one has completely eluded me and it's coaching games live.

Whenever I do that, I always feel like a spectator. Whatever I do doesn't feel that significant and I don't feel that my grasp on the game really reflect what my coach should be able to do.

So my question is ; what could I do to really appreciate playing games and not just feel like an outsider?
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Re: Playing Games advice

Postby PointGuard » Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:48 pm

Obviously there are things that a real life coach can and does do that aren't feasible for a game like this. But you can play out a 2D game and do little or nothing as a coach in DDSCB or do quite a bit more. For example:

1. Monitoring individual players' fatigue to know when to sub.
2. Monitoring how individual players are doing to decide if you want to pull them from the game or play them extra minutes.
3. Decide upon and change throughout the game offensive and defensive sets, rebounding and defensive intensities, frequency of full court presses, inside vs outside game on offense, etc., etc.
4. Decide when to run down the 30 second clock and when to foul intentionally.
5. Who you want to double team and which players on the opposition you want each of your players to guard.
6. How much you want to work/yell at the ref (and it can make a difference in how the ref calls the game).
7. Decide if you want to get a Technical to try to possibly change what the ref is doing and also motivate your team.
8. Motivate players and call a play during a time out.
9. Decide when to call a time out to change momentum.
10. Determine when to sit a player due to foul problems.

There's more but those are just 10 off the top of my head. Of course (just like a real-life coach, what you try to do doesn't always work and players sometimes do what they want rather than what you direct.
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