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Correct Rosters team names etc

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:08 pm
Hi All,

Sorry for this question i am completley new to this game.

is there a way i can download the current NFL roster for each team and change the names?

Also what salary cap settings etc do you use when setting up the game? I want it to be as realistic as possible.

Many thanks

London Bronco

Re: Correct Rosters team names etc

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:20 pm
by AKH
the game comes with a 2020 roster file that will have player names and approximate ratings.

To get logos, teamnames, stadium names, and pictures consult the mod section. Those are done already I think. (ill take this opportunity to give big props to the community modders for their great work).

Re: Correct Rosters team names etc

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:24 pm
Thanks very much.

What salary cap do you use? Sorry just trying to get to grips with it all!