link leagues doesn't work

Re: link leagues doesn't work

Postby mh2365 » Tue Mar 16, 2021 1:47 pm

sent support ticket ... sent Gary a PM with the link to the dropbox files for both pro and college ...
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Re: link leagues doesn't work

Postby Gary Gorski » Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:11 am

mh2365 wrote:Even the new league I started failed to generate the .dat file .... so no clue ... both games are the most recent version .... didn't buy CB20 or PB20 so this is my first time back in a few versions and the only reason I came back was because of this feature .... so yeah it's frustrating when you follow the instructions exactly and it doesn't work .... will try to figure out how to send them to you

Ok first things first - the reason why your college leagues are not generating the DDSCBlink.dat file is because you missed a part of step one in the instructions for linked leagues. Step one says "when logged in go to the Options page and turn on the linked league option" - the file you sent me did not have that option turned on. As soon as I turned it on and then saved the DDSCBlink.dat file was then generated as it should have been.

Once I did that I went to the pro game which was at the draft class stage and I did the option to pull in the draft class players and it took a couple of seconds and finished just fine. As soon as it finished I checked the scout draft screen and confirmed that there was a freshman from Florida named Jarni Daniels who was expected to be in the draft class. I went back to your college save and there is such a player as a Freshman on Florida so the league link does work just fine.

I do have one concern about your setup though - your pro league game date is 10/16/20 at the draft class import stage while your college game is August of 2021. When starting the leagues you should start them with the same year for the sake of bringing their college stats into the pro game. Here's the timeline of how things setup.

Lets say you use the default for both games which is 2020 as the season. College Basketball starts you in May while Pro Basketball starts you in October (assuming you choose the normal start option). College Basketball takes you through the summer recruiting etc into the season which ends up in April and "end season" at the end of April while Pro Basketball doesn't "end season" until the middle of June. That is why the instructions tell you that you have to go past the "end season" stage in College Basketball before you go to the "view awards" stage in Pro Basketball because that way your college draft class has been finalized and the awards stage is where the final class is pulled in and a draft class is actually set in Pro Basketball.

So ideally after the initial link when you are playing a season you do all the CB summer stuff to get to the season time and get caught up to PB's date since PB starts in October. Then you play out the seasons together so that if you are in Nov 2020 in PB you are in Nov 2020 in CB and you keep that going until you hit the "end season" stage in CB which is at the end of April. Once you go past that you stop CB while you do all the offseason stuff in PB. Then when you get to the stage for the next draft class (Oct 2021) you start up CB again which is in May of 2021 at that point and you pause on PB while you get CB caught back up through the summer. From that point its rinse and repeat.

As a reminder for anyone who is linking leagues if you go to the menu drop down in either game under HELP you will find the explicit step by step instructions on when to do each item in each game to make sure your process is correct.
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Gary Gorski
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Re: link leagues doesn't work

Postby mh2365 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:46 pm

thanks Gary ... the dates were only because I had ran a full season of the college game ... will start the college game over again and try it .... will let you know
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Re: link leagues doesn't work

Postby mh2365 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 2:21 pm

worked just fine thanks for taking a look at it and I apologize for my frustration ... the people actually involved with the game have been great
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Re: link leagues doesn't work

Postby mh2365 » Sun Mar 21, 2021 6:16 pm

through one full season and it all worked fine ... my question is how long do undrafted players stay in the draft pool because in the second season there are potential draftees (guys who weren't drafted)that graduated from my school last season in addition to guys graduating this season

shouldn't they be in the FA pool now instead?
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Re: link leagues doesn't work

Postby Gary Gorski » Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:59 pm

Undrafted players should not be in the draft pool - the draft pool is completely cleared out when done and when imported so something is not right there. Are you sure you timed everything right where those players weren't actually players who stayed in school but perhaps you pulled the draft class too early and they ended up in both?
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