Can someone tell me how to use the SQLite editor program?

Can someone tell me how to use the SQLite editor program?

Postby beatle » Wed Jun 16, 2021 9:09 pm

Can someone tell me how to use the SQLite editor program? I downloaded the program but I am not having much luck with getting the saved game file loaded and uploaded to edit. Any help would be appreciated. The previous editor, MDB plus was much easier to use. I wish he did not change that.
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Re: Can someone tell me how to use the SQLite editor program

Postby hansmellman » Thu Jun 17, 2021 8:55 am

What are you trying to do?
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Re: Can someone tell me how to use the SQLite editor program

Postby beatle » Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:12 pm

I was going to edit owners, players salaries, term of contracts and so forth. I read this was the editor to use but it is not like the MDB plus. I need some instructions on how to load the data base and than how to get the data up such owners so you can edit them. The instructions didn't really help me. I am that technical when it comes to these programs, although MDB was easy to use.
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Re: Can someone tell me how to use the SQLite editor program

Postby hansmellman » Fri Jun 18, 2021 7:31 am

I cant speak to the change from MDB plus to other software as I've only edited this years and last years version and have always used a mixture of SQLiteStudio but mostly I use DB Browser which can be found here -

That is the most user friendly and intuitive when learning I think.

I terms of how to do edits once you've got the software downloaded, you dont actually edit your 'save' which I think is what you have mentioned but you edit the database itself so that when it creates ANY new save it will use the edits you have made. I actually go into a fair amount of detail at another users request about how I do the editing for the updated rosters etc that I put in the mods section for DDSPB. You can read through that thread and I think you may find some of it helpful - viewtopic.php?f=328&t=34064

Just so I understand the situation fully, are you looking to make edits to the real world mod/nba? Or are you looking to make these edits to a fictional universe generated by the game?
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Re: Can someone tell me how to use the SQLite editor program

Postby beatle » Sat Jun 19, 2021 12:15 am

Real world NBA
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Re: Can someone tell me how to use the SQLite editor program

Postby beatle » Sat Jun 19, 2021 1:13 am

I see it can open the default data base now, thankyou! But I can't seem to open the saved game file. It won't show up, I even put the name in NBA.pbb and it says file not found. When I put the full file extension in the file says it's not a data base. Maybe it only opens the default file not the saved game. However I appreciate your help, I have gotten further than ever before. Appreciate it!
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Re: Can someone tell me how to use the SQLite editor program

Postby hansmellman » Sat Jun 19, 2021 6:55 am

Yeah, it wont open the saved game, that's not how it works. As i'd mentioned in my response above, the editing you will do to the main database will affect ALL NEW games going forwards because the game uses the data from that database to generate the world. Also just to reclarify, depending on the option you're gonna use when starting the tabs on the database listed as 'playersOS' and 'NonplayersOS' I assume are for the start in the offseason option and the other two tabs are for the regular starting option.

Good luck and feel free to let me know if you've got anymore issues and I'll try to help where I can.
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Re: Can someone tell me how to use the SQLite editor program

Postby beatle » Sat Jun 19, 2021 3:44 pm

Thanks for your insight and help
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Re: Can someone tell me how to use the SQLite editor program

Postby beatle » Sat Jun 19, 2021 4:57 pm

Thanks for your insight and help
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