Invalid Roster Settings

Invalid Roster Settings

Postby beigeyfolk » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:25 pm

I would like to ask if there any suggestions for how i can deal with a message stating "Invalid Roster Settings" in red. It appears now when i try to advance the game and i cannot progress past the current day. Im two years into this save and really don't want to have to call it quits because of this message that is blocking me. Is there anything i can do about this as i have already checked my depth chart and there is nothing showing red in there in terms of the depth and minutes matrix. I have a roster of 15 players which i believe is not above allowed limits. Despite the game date being March 2022 i then just prior to this message appearing I received several new emails in my game inbox dated in June. They were all to do with off season tasks and rosters but as the season is still underway i paid them no attention and deleted them.
Any light anyone can shed on what i can do to fix this would be massively appreciated.
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Re: Invalid Roster Settings

Postby PointGuard » Mon Nov 22, 2021 5:59 pm

Go through each 2 minute segment in the Depth Chart to ENSURE that there 5 players listed for the 5 positions...even though you are seeing Green buttons at the bottom of each segment. I only say this because I recently ran into a similar issue in DDSCB2020...all buttons were green, but when I went through each segment there was one where there were only 4 players. I added a player for that segment, and was able to proceed with the game. This POSSIBLY is a bug in the green/red button for both DDSCB and DDSPB. Not sure..just something you might want to check. If you find that to be the problem, be sure to advise Gary of the bug.
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