"Quality of life" suggestions

Re: "Quality of life" suggestions

Postby tanqtonic » Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:47 pm

>> I think the biggest problem with the game in general is that the UI requires so many clicks.


The amount of clicks is very much on the high end to huge extent, imo.

Even in the email thing. Say you have 40 emails stacked up, and have one or two that you want to keep around. You need to click on the specific email, then click delete ----- wash, rinse, repeat 37 or 38 times. Holy moley. Why not have a normal email that has a check in front of each one, and a 'select' all? That way you can selectively delete without 78 distinct clicks if there is something you wish to save?

Or, as the previous example noted in the 'recruit' section. The example of swapping between the action page and the summary page is another example where clicks could be minimized by keeping the spot and the order the same. But, when you swap views there, not only is the view reset to the first page, but the search order may not be the same.

The developers have thrown in a 'grab bag' selection of 'hidden' (as opposed to an actual de-target action), but do not allow any way to 'mark' or 'save off' any player on the summary, scouting, or personality page in any way whatsoever. Why not a simple action to allow a simple 'mark for later use' on these three pages?

I guess the 'Export to CSV' is the way to do this ---- but still extremely clumsy and cumbersome.
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Re: "Quality of life" suggestions

Postby Skeeta » Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:05 pm

I would also like a coaching carousel like in the college basketball game. It would be nice to see coaches getting stolen from good programs to be made head coaches and see your coaching tree grow. The way it is set up now I feel like the coaches have little impact on the programs other than play design
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Re: "Quality of life" suggestions

Postby medical3072 » Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:59 pm

Agree that staff hiring needs to be completely revised.

It's way too punishing to have one of your coaches poached late in the process and then only have one or two chances to hire a decent replacement, even if there are viable options left in the coaching pool after round 5.

For example, my DC was sniped round 4, two coaches rejected offers, and now I'm stuck with an awful internal hire that I'm 100% firing at the end of the season just so I can hire a coach who is currently unemployed. It makes no sense and is entirely too punitive/crapshooty of a mechanic. I don't even get to choose who to hire from my pool of internal candidates, either. :mad:
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