DDS: College Basketball 2021 - FA Build 9.0.25 (3/2/21)

DDS: College Basketball 2021 - FA Build 9.0.25 (3/2/21)

Postby Gary Gorski » Fri Feb 19, 2021 3:52 pm

The latest FA build is now available at ... Update.exe

Please note one thing here in testing - if you come across something in your playing that is not working right and is repeatable, or you are stuck etc alongside posting about it please submit the game files with instructions on how to recreate whatever the issue is. It is MUCH faster to just download your files and run them than try and recreate the same scenario which may or may not happen on our end. Instructions on how and where to submit the files are under HELP in the game menu - please be aware that you need to submit both the .cbb file AND the folder that belongs to the save. Thanks

Build 9.0.25
- HTML fixes
- corrected ratings to show +/- on recruiting screen
- fixed issue where typing in notes or save as while on recruiting screen would result in quick keys being triggered for recruiting
- default schedule fix for 14c structure

Build 9.0.24
- HTML fixes
- import CB20 leagues functional
- changed coach assignment screen to automatically assign role to coach when changing role of another coach

Build 9.0.23
- quick guide update
- should be able to access menu without internet now
- fixed bug where possession gets screwed up after a technical foul
- added average NET rank for team in conference under almanac -> conference
- added conf record and NET rank to scouting report email
- added new sim speed option that will slow down the sim on your games, conf games and top 25 games
- added held balls and change of possession via the arrow (once in a while - not a common thing that will happen)
- majority of HTML output redone

Build 9.0.22
- corrected an issue in the scheduling database
- attempted to fix issue where if you cancel 2D game play the daily schedule screen had to be reloaded again
- corrected text in help FAQ
- added your team rank to the record label on simulation screen
- added generation of taller guards (rare)
- changed code to allow more underclassmen to declare to get to a more realistic number
- adjusted code which caused rare issue in 2D screen for defender to appear off court

Build 9.0.21
- Added 3rd ratings option for 1-100 scale adjusted
- next 3 upcoming games will update while simming and team record is displayed at all times
- drop call/watch list from recruit card buttons now working
- fixed parental control indicating bar on recruit card
- added positions to player name in drop down box on editing screen
- adjusted o/u on game previews
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Gary Gorski
WS Development
Posts: 8958
Joined: Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:56 pm

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