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Removing Stamina from Athleticism a thought (discussion)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:22 pm
by RockossmosD
Good afternoon community. I hope you don't take this as demand for a feature change but more as opening dialog into an attribute that may change fundamental behavior in gameplay. Stamina is the attribute in questions and my opinion is that it is made its stand alone attribute. I feel the same for every athletic attribute (speed, strength, vertical, agility, acceleration, etc.), But Stamina is a good start. Reason being it will make the game more involved in how you manage the game in 2d view and even how you manage depth chart matrix giving coaches that extra wrinkle in involvement. another positive is adds extra wrinkle to recruiting and how does this player fit your schemes, pace and so on. Furthermore this can expand to overall player fatigue for the Pro game to implement such things as load management and so on. Now If stamina is implemented I hope it is given a 2 to 3 year leeway to make sure it works well before they move to the other athleticism attributes but i believe it will be a good attribute to give a stand alone place in the player screen. What are your thoughts? hope can get a lot of back and forth on the pros and cons (which i didn't mention much) and have a good community discussion.

Re: Removing Stamina from Athleticism a thought (discussion)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:28 pm
by Gary Gorski
Endurance is its own rating under the hood separate from Athleticism - its just something that isn't really displayed like the pro game because there is not a great disparity in it like in the pro game where old players will have a significantly lower EN than players in their prime.

As for other things...speed, strength, vertical, agility, acceleration.... in order to add a new rating I have to have a reason to do it. Like what would vertical do? How would it impact the game? Well you assume someone who has a poor vertical would probably be a bad shot blocker and not dunk very often if at all. Well those things are already covered by the shot blocking rating and the dunk rating.

I like that you are thinking about ways to enhance the game but I don't want to add things that are just for show and not impacting things in any meaningful way. That's why I like the Athleticism rating in the game as it kind of takes into account those types of things and rolls them into one so that you will know who is a great athlete and would be good for a trap/press style that would require all of those traits.

Re: Removing Stamina from Athleticism a thought (discussion)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:28 pm
by NCAAhoops
This was discussed previously here They are separate ratings already.
Endurance (Stamina) is a hidden rating. You can get a feel of your players rating when you go to to Depth Chart, click on a player line and in the bottom right corner there is a "Sub at/Below %" The higher or lower the % gives you an idea of the players Endurance (Stamina) set by the game or your coach however you wish to look at it.

Re: Removing Stamina from Athleticism a thought (discussion)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:50 pm
by RockossmosD
Gary Gorski wrote:Endurance is its own rating under the hood separate from Athleticism - its just something that isn't really displayed like the pro game because there is not a great disparity in it like in the pro game where old players will have a significantly lower EN than players in their prime.

As for other things...speed, strength, vertical, agility, acceleration.... in order to add a new rating I have to have a reason to do it. Like what would vertical do? How would it impact the game? Well you assume someone who has a poor vertical would probably be a bad shot blocker and not dunk very often if at all. Well those things are already covered by the shot blocking rating and the dunk rating.

I like that you are thinking about ways to enhance the game but I don't want to add things that are just for show and not impacting things in any meaningful way. That's why I like the Athleticism rating in the game as it kind of takes into account those types of things and rolls them into one so that you will know who is a great athlete and would be good for a trap/press style that would require all of those traits.

Completely understand the point you made on vertical and also for things such as speed and acceleration because how would that really be represented in 2d gameplay. I guess the only one I really want get a better understanding about a players ability and endurance. I kind of want to know if I got a player with a low gas tank or high motor. would that kind of indicator instead of being hidden a detriment to the game, do you think it would make it too easy for player management if that information was know?