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Bug (?) - Various Screens Failing to load completely

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 6:21 pm
by Fire-Bred
I have seen this happen on multiple screens, it was happening in 21 too but seems to be happening more often in 22. Opening a new page and then going back to the page that failed to load fixes this problem almost all of the time. Just is tedious and kills user immersion

Re: Bug (?) - Various Screens Failing to load completely

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 7:21 pm
by brooks_piggott
In some cases it's dependent on how much data you're loading and what your specs of your CPU are. In other cases it's affected by things like onedrive or internet security programs where files are locked by Windows. (basically they're timing issues that are near impossible for me to fix unless we can get a highly reproducible case in a certain scenario or league)

Re: Bug (?) - Various Screens Failing to load completely

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 1:30 pm
by markprior22
i've got a similar problem (see my post about advancing past FA rd 6). I've turned off security programs and one drive isn't involved. I've uninstalled, reinstalled also with no luck. My laptop is a gaming computer (not necessarily high end gaming) and I've never had errors like this in any other programs. Sounds like this really needs to be looked into.

Re: Bug (?) - Various Screens Failing to load completely

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 5:43 pm
by brooks_piggott
Sure, if you have a specific league file that breaks at the same spot I can definitely take a look if you share the .bin file. If they're just "random" or "intermittent" then those are the tough ones since I can't force them to happen and therefore can't be sure that they're fixed. If we're able to find a pattern then I may be able to do more.

Re: Bug (?) - Various Screens Failing to load completely

PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:31 am
by markprior22
The only thing I can think of to look at the problem is a teamviewer session, which I would be willing to do. We would just need to figure a time. Evenings and weekends are my availability.

Re: Bug (?) - Various Screens Failing to load completely

PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 11:16 am
by brooks_piggott
I'm not sure teamviewer would help. The only way for me to fix is to find a league where it can be replicated each time and then run that league through a debug session where I can see what it's getting hung up on. If you have a .bin file where it happens consistently feel free to share and I should be able to fix. Having the .bin file allows me to set what exact settings the league was set up with and helps determine if there are additional paths I've missed in testing.

Re: Bug (?) - Various Screens Failing to load completely

PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:26 pm
by markprior22
Ok...sent bin file to WS support email. Thanks