Issue - QB running default plays

Issue - QB running default plays

Postby Cleasby » Sat Oct 02, 2021 3:12 pm

Shotgun and 4WR shotgun qb run plays are still not functioning correctly from my tests.

Blocking assignments are not function at the G/TE positions and the QB is dropping back far too deep after the snap on offence.

On defence the recognising the DEs have nobody to get past it appears to do 1 of 2 things:

1. Easy tackle loss yardage for offence.
2. DEs seem to hover and drop back to allow the qb to run.


Im sure others with more experience of QB run play than myself can add in here.
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Re: Issue - QB running default plays

Postby AKH » Sun Oct 03, 2021 7:01 am

i think its because its draw plays, so the DEs arent sure if he will actually pass the ball or run, and only close down as he approach the LOS. In the cases where they get the TFL, the DEs likely recognized what was going on and/or gambled.

I looks like the QB got 4-5 yards on one of the plays as well?
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Re: Issue - QB running default plays

Postby AKH » Sun Oct 03, 2021 7:10 am

Checked the blocking the play, and you are right a bunch of guys were on the wrong blocking scheme - fixed that
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Re: Issue - QB running default plays

Postby Cleasby » Mon Oct 04, 2021 3:00 pm

So I think there has been some notable progress on QB rushing. But I think this has only highlighted some issues on the defence side.

I am still unsure on the DE logic to tackling on qb run plays. See above video the movment seems janky and at times they seem to beat the line and step back to the opposition G rather than hunt the QB. My guess is the INT checks are too high which means they get lost at times not doing anything useful. I understand the 2d may at times not be showing a true reflection of the play but this in my opinion needs to be smoother. Either have the DE blocked from the start or free and rush the qb. Even when they get to the qb you see an odd backward movement which to the user appears like that are afraid to tackle.

I am also seeing the same with LBs when a rush occurs they seem to hold on a spot versus recognising rush and attempting to tackle. Again I am assuming some kind of INT check fail.

I will again state I am no QB rushing expert but maybe someone in FA can clarify anything from past experience. I just know its a big part of some CSFL GMs plays and I want to give it a fair test.
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Re: Issue - QB running default plays

Postby NotMikeZimmer » Tue Oct 05, 2021 2:46 pm

This definitely deserves a closer look I have seen these same behaviours. The DEs have a lot of missed reads on run plays in general.
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