Request: manually select a photo for player or coach?

Request: manually select a photo for player or coach?

Postby Sweed » Sat Oct 16, 2021 11:27 am

Unless I'm missing something, on the player\coach>edit screen there is only the ability to select a face using the game's fictional face files. Could we get a "navigate" button to manually select a photo?

My current problem is I installed the real coach pictures and almost all work. I play as my Rams and at first both McVay and O'Connell had game generated pics. First I made sure the files were named correctly, and hit the button to reset coach\player pics. Still didn't show. As best guess I renamed both pics by adding an extra letter to each, then renamed them back to the original. Reset the pics again and McVay showed up but O'Connell(yes the file includes the proper _ before and after the "O") still does not. I have no idea why? In any case if, like selecting team logos, end zones etc., we could simply navigate to any photo we wanted the problem would be easily solved.

Also would be nice for the GM picture so we could add our own photo. With the above problem resetting the coach pics also made a new pic of me as GM. Of course it wasn't anything like the one I created at league creation. Only thing I could do was keep resetting pics until I got something that was at least close. Haven't tried but wonder too if I put my pic in the coaches folder, name it properly, would it show up in game?

I'm not a coder so no idea how hard\easy this is to do? Not a game breaker either, but if it can be done it would be appreciated :)
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Re: Request: manually select a photo for player or coach?

Postby TalonHIFL » Sun Oct 17, 2021 8:16 pm

First_Last.jpg is the format for naming photos for players/coaches/GMs

If you go to your league folder then to html then to images and put the photo in the coaches or players folder.
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Re: Request: manually select a photo for player or coach?

Postby Sweed » Sun Oct 17, 2021 11:00 pm

TalonHIFL wrote:First_Last.jpg is the format for naming photos for players/coaches/GMs

If you go to your league folder then to html then to images and put the photo in the coaches or players folder.

Yeah, already had the pics in the right folder. Most worked fine, just a few were troublesome. In the coach file I d'loaded O'Connell was done as "Kevin_O_Connell" so I assumed that was correct. As I messed around I found it actually needed to be "Kevin_O'Connell".
I still have no idea why McVay wasn't showing up. When I tried renaming his it seems to have made a second copy, identically named, that then showed up. Today I went in to make the background transparent and found the two McVays. First one I made transparent did not show, second one did. Go figure?

In any case it's working now. Thanks though for stopping by and offering advice. It is appreciated. :)
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