Some QBs can’t complete a pass

Re: A QB for the Titans can’t complete a pass

Postby champ99 » Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:16 am

Buhbooh wrote:
Jimboslice wrote:This happens with a lot of 3rd string QB's. They can't seem to complete anything, going 0 for 30 can't be how it was intended. How would they ever be on a roster being unable to complete a pass?

Agreed. It’s astounding that the response has been that this is by design, for a football simulation. The previous reason given holds no water, as you can prevent other players being converted to QB by simply not giving them high passing abilities/ratings. This has made me not want to play the game.

It's this sort of thing which has always stopped me being able to really enjoy the game. I want, really more than anything, a robust football GM/coaching game, where I can integrate both a college and pro career, and DDSPF and DDSCF come so close to realising that, but the game engine just does too many odd things for me.

This specific example may not seem important, but it's representative of the kind of checks and balances which the game engine doesn't seem to be incorporating at times. For this specific case, Kendal Hinton (a WR) started at QB a couple of seasons ago and managed to complete a pass: ... ll_passing. Sure, he had an awful game, but he's not a 3rd string QB, and still performed better than 0/30. A 3rd string QB in real life of course would perform much better than this. Heck, I'd fancy my chances of completing 1 pass of 30.

This plays out further in seeing some wacky high receiving yards in some of my saves from previous years, where half the league's WR1s were achieving 1500+ yard seasons. It's like the results aren't really/consistently pinned to their real-life ranges/bins. I understand that this game isn't being sold as an 'NFL simulator', but it's this kind of occasional wackiness that just gives me less faith in my sims. I'd be less critical if the issues were other GMs AI, because I'd have confidence that this would get better over time. But the game engine doing weird things just checks me out.

The other thing that's been on my mind for a while (apologies for dumping everything in one post - it probably belongs somewhere else) is how the player attributes don't differentiate players and their play styles very well. e.g. for most players, speed seems to be the key characteristic in what makes them successful or not. In real life, a cornerback will have a range of strengths and weaknesses to their game. They may be better in man to man coverage than zone. They may be short, but have a high jump height. They may have stone hands. They may be better at bump and run type play... Are they good at blitzing? etc.

In this game it feels like if they're fast and can tackle then you've got a great player. In real life a player like Jason McCourty is going to succeed in play-calls where he's in man to man coverage, rather than zone. That's his strength. He isn't just 'fast' with "good personality traits".

This is true of all positions in the game. Some QBs are better at short routes, play-action or throwing screens. Some throw bullets which can result in lower INTs but a higher drop %. Some QBs make quicker reads and can spread the ball around more. In this game it feels like arm+accuracy = good and that's about it. It makes game planning less satisfying, because you're not really doing so around your team's strengths.

I don't like to make direct comparisons to other competitors, but the FOF series was great at capturing these nuances, and it really makes your players seem alive and adds much more strategy to everything.

There was a post about increasing immersion that I saw, for me, it's adding all of these nuances to the player ratings that would help me to start buying into what I'm playing. So much of what is in this game is great. The interface is amazing vs. anything we've had before in this genre, the sandbox mode is great, but the actual guts just lose me each time I give this game another try.
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Re: A QB for the Titans can’t complete a pass

Postby brooks_piggott » Wed Feb 23, 2022 1:32 pm

I can tweak this. I'll look at updating the floors for accuracy so lower skilled QB's get better than 0-30. We tend to not try and put artificial floors or ceiling in place so that the ratings spread show through more... a 90+ accuracy QB should be a LOT better than a 40 accuracy QB, but in this case it sounds like you want them compressed a bit. Means the accuracy and other ratings will mean a lot less... why bother getting/drafting/paying a 100 accuracy QB when a 60 accuracy only drops completion rates by 5%. Or 100 int QB's versus a 60 int QB. Kind of the opposite of player differentiation when all the players kind of generate similar stats regardless of ratings. But I'll look at making the change.
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Re: A QB for the Titans can’t complete a pass

Postby Buhbooh » Wed Feb 23, 2022 1:52 pm

Thanks. BUT this issue seems to be related to Intelligence. A 3rd string QB who has intelligence of around 40 is unable to complete a pass, no matter what his passing ratings are. I will see if I can get all the ratings for the player I am talking about here, and post here.
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Re: A QB for the Titans can’t complete a pass

Postby Buhbooh » Wed Feb 23, 2022 2:02 pm

Here is the player I am speaking of.

Player: 2nd string QB
Stats: (3 games): 1 for 84 for 18 yrds


Overall : 55
Strength: 37
Agility: 67
Arm: 67
Intelligence: 42
Accuracy: 62
Tackling: 38
Speed: 83
Hands: 30
Pass Blocking: 14
Run Blocking: 16
Kick Accuracy: 27
Kick Distance: 23
Endurance: 62
QB Skill: 61
Last edited by Buhbooh on Wed Feb 23, 2022 7:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A QB for the Titans can’t complete a pass

Postby brooks_piggott » Wed Feb 23, 2022 2:39 pm

Can you add QB skill in there?
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Re: A QB for the Titans can’t complete a pass

Postby Cleasby » Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:34 pm

Buhbooh wrote:Here is the player I am speaking of.

Player: 2nd string QB
Stats: (3 games): 1 for 84 for 18 yrds


Overall : 55
Strength: 37
Agility: 67
Arm: 67
Intelligence: 42
Accuracy: 62
Tackling: 38
Speed: 83
Hands: 30
Pass Blocking: 14
Run Blocking: 16
Kick Accuracy: 27
Kick Distance: 23
Endurance: 62

So I am going to chime in here before what in my opinion is a gamebreaking 'fix' is added. No way should the guy above be used in any reference for being able to compete at the pro level in the game. This guy should either be converted into a RB and hope for the best or cut before training camp.

There is a reason why he isn't throwing well. He has terrible int, accuracy is bad andhis arm is barely average. So of course he isnt going to be able to do much. Not factoring in the endurance which means he wont be able to be effective for many snaps.

I am sure others can articulate the concerns around adding or adjusting a ceiling to inteligence for qb's which could be gamebreaking.
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Re: A QB for the Titans can’t complete a pass

Postby NotMikeZimmer » Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:41 pm

I agree with Cleasby here.

Compressing the effects of QB stats would have a strong negative influence on many aspects of the game. It would reduce QB variety, minimize the impact of elite QBs, mess with the importance of injuries and fundamentally change team building.

OP should just prioritize getting a better back up next season or edit players if in sandbox and it's that upsetting his bad QB is bad. Players have been using and testing this engine for a long time and I have never seen this as a concern.
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Re: A QB for the Titans can’t complete a pass

Postby Buhbooh » Wed Feb 23, 2022 7:18 pm

This is NOT a QB on my team. This is a backup QB on a team controlled by the computer. There is a difference between not throwing well, AND completing 1 pass in 81 attempts. His arm and accuracy are above 60. Intelligence is in the 40s - he should be able to complete 40-50% of his passes with these stats, IMO, albeit with many interceptions.

Even so, the team that has this QB starting should not keep playing him if he is doing this bad, so either way, there is a major flaw in the game, if not two major flaws.
Last edited by Buhbooh on Wed Feb 23, 2022 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A QB for the Titans can’t complete a pass

Postby Buhbooh » Wed Feb 23, 2022 7:20 pm

Brooks_Piggott wrote:Can you add QB skill in there?

Sorry, I added it to my post. His QB skill is 61.
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Re: A QB for the Titans can’t complete a pass

Postby Fire-Bred » Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:16 am

Buhbooh wrote:Here is the player I am speaking of.

Player: 2nd string QB
Stats: (3 games): 1 for 84 for 18 yrds


Overall : 55
Strength: 37
Agility: 67
Arm: 67
Intelligence: 42
Accuracy: 62
Tackling: 38
Speed: 83
Hands: 30
Pass Blocking: 14
Run Blocking: 16
Kick Accuracy: 27
Kick Distance: 23
Endurance: 62
QB Skill: 61

I see nothing wrong with this QB being straight dogshit. He is playing to what his attributes are. Lowering the impact of bad attributes is going to make the elite qbs even more elite and put up unrealistic numbers while raising the floor for QBs breaking the game imo. The AI will prioritize getting a backup QB in the offseason. If you are that concerned about the team change your team to the titans (If career) or login as the titans (If sandbox) and sign them a QB. There are much bigger fish for brooks and the dev team to fry at the moment like glitch coaching hires, glitch scouting, ect. They don't need to be monkeying around with the QB gameplay which I feel like they got down outside of rushing and potentially breaking something and making even more work for themselves
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