Personality Type

Personality Type

Postby Rizzo » Tue Nov 16, 2021 6:22 pm

I am creating a GM/Coach right now and there is a list of personality types. Is there a place that helps explain what they all mean or even pros/cons of each type? Also, are these personality types the same as the ones given to players?
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Re: Personality Type

Postby Gary Gorski » Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:44 pm

There is not a direct list of them - its something I have gone back and forth on but right now I am leaning on it being something to discover as a new part of the game. Of course interactions can be turned off for anyone who doesn't want to play with them but for everyone else I would like it to be something you choose and kind of learn about as you play and then as people get and share knowledge about them I think they will be easier to understand. Coaches/GMs have the same ones as the players.

I tried to make them have names that could conjure up an image in your head so for example the Director. That hopefully brings up the idea that he's someone who is used to being a leader. Telling people what to do, giving directions etc...maybe could be too harsh on telling people what to do, bossy....

Contrast that with a Mediator. Hopefully that gives the idea of someone who's in the middle, trying to bring different sides together, trying to find the common ground and so forth. Those two personalities may not mesh well because the Director expects people to do what he says, not to talk it over and see it from someone else's perspective.

Each personality has their own quirks but hopefully all the names give you an idea of the type along with what the generated ratings are for each player in terms of work ethic, greed, loyalty etc...those are no longer random but each has a range to fit a personality type so that you can get a better understanding and paint the picture for yourself of what kind of personality that person might have
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Re: Personality Type

Postby PointGuard » Wed Nov 17, 2021 8:28 pm

Gary, I like the approach of some ambiguity/uncertainty in your games and the necessity of having to figure some things about a game out as you play (and replay) it. So this seems a good approach to me. In real life not every "director" (or "mediator" or any of the other personality types) is or acts the same so if there is some variability within each type, all the better.
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Re: Personality Type

Postby Rizzo » Wed Nov 17, 2021 9:24 pm

I have no issues with it being something the user is to figure out through playing. Just wasn't aware if this was something that was posted or not. Interested to see how these personality types mesh.
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Re: Personality Type

Postby ripkobe » Sun Nov 21, 2021 8:05 pm

Is this something we can edit for players? Would be cool to be able to try to match up players historically to their personality.
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Re: Personality Type

Postby lemon07r » Sat Nov 27, 2021 1:07 am

Honestly not a fan of things being so ambiguous cause these personalities aren't easy to figure out through just gameplay. There's already a lot to figure out in the game. I would appreciate there at least being tooltips on hover that give a short description of the personality type, doesn't need to give away the exact values or modifiers it has but something to point us in the right direction and help us figure things out would be good. I don't like the whole "you can just turn interactions off" approach, because I like having the added mechanic, but I would also like to understand how it works or it won't really be a fun mechanic, especially being this ambiguous. I already feel like Im always trying to google how things work in this game series, but more times than not I won't find anything so I usually end up giving up, and going "well it is what it is", leaving yet another mechanic in a blackbox and not being able to enjoy it cause I dont even get how it works.
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Re: Personality Type

Postby Gary Gorski » Sun Nov 28, 2021 12:05 am

Well if I may ask what are other things you had questions about? I would like to do some tutorial videos for the game so knowing things that are areas where people need explanations of things would be helpful.

As for this I expect there to be discovery and conversations about items in the forums and that people will take it on as a challenge. There's really not a "description" of the personality types - you will see that the desires for things like playing time, work ethic etc will all fall in a certain range based on the player type so that will give you a very visual description of the aspects of the personality type. What is hidden is which personality types interact positively and negatively (or not at all). There's really no way I can hint at this anymore than I already do in the game (like on the player card and in free agency meetings when it tells you who the player is friendly with on the team). That alone should let you start figuring out which personality types mesh well and then the arguments and issues in your email box will help you to learn which are not interacting well.
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Re: Personality Type

Postby lemon07r » Fri Dec 03, 2021 6:07 pm

Gary Gorski wrote:Well if I may ask what are other things you had questions about? I would like to do some tutorial videos for the game so knowing things that are areas where people need explanations of things would be helpful.

As for this I expect there to be discovery and conversations about items in the forums and that people will take it on as a challenge. There's really not a "description" of the personality types - you will see that the desires for things like playing time, work ethic etc will all fall in a certain range based on the player type so that will give you a very visual description of the aspects of the personality type. What is hidden is which personality types interact positively and negatively (or not at all). There's really no way I can hint at this anymore than I already do in the game (like on the player card and in free agency meetings when it tells you who the player is friendly with on the team). That alone should let you start figuring out which personality types mesh well and then the arguments and issues in your email box will help you to learn which are not interacting well.

That sounds like a lot of extra unnecessary mental juggling. Just my input as a player, not my game so do what you will with my input. If you guys think making us have to figure stuff like that out and keeping track of it mentally will be fun for us then sure. I like having extra mechanics added and to play with, but they're not so great to me if they're more ambiguous than intuitive. Ive put a lot of hours into the game by now and I still don't exactly get what all the personality types do. Sure I can sorta guess a general idea, but it's not enough to be meaningful or helpful. I see what you're saying when you say "discovery and conversations about items in the forums", and in concept that would be great, I would be all for that, but reality is this game is not popular enough for it to happen easily. I'm not saying it won't happen, but I highly doubt we will have things figured out and documented anywhere any time soon or at all. There were already so many times in both this year's version and last year's where I had no clue what something did, tried to google for it, and found nothing helpful. So I just end up giving up, and trying to play while ignoring what I dont know or understand, which feels like it's at least half of the game. That's half the game untapped for me. Maybe I'm just too smooth brained for this game, but I did put in the hours to try and understand how things work, but it's like trying to learn how to use a new framework or language, except nobody else uses it, and there's little to no documentation, which really takes away from my experience. Hard for me to come up with specific questions right now while I'm not even playing the game, but off the top of my head it was stuff like, why can't I sign anyone for longer than a one year minimum contract during the season, or extend them after I sign them? I'm not asking for the game to be dumbed down or made simpler, just asking for things to be better explained. And no I don't think as a player I should have to scavenge through the forums for small tidbits of information or watch through entire devlogs to get an inkling of how some mechanics work. I would not be surprised, if as the developers, you guys are a little nose blind to some of this because as the designers of this game you guys probably already have a rough idea of how things work, so what will be obvious to you guys wont be for everyone else. I think a little documentation or more tooltips would go a lonnggg way, but that's just me.
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Re: Personality Type

Postby jlemmen43 » Mon Dec 27, 2021 2:48 pm

Gary Gorski wrote:Each personality has their own quirks but hopefully all the names give you an idea of the type along with what the generated ratings are for each player in terms of work ethic, greed, loyalty etc...those are no longer random but each has a range to fit a personality type so that you can get a better understanding and paint the picture for yourself of what kind of personality that person might have

Is the personality type anchored to the personality ratings? For instance, I see I can edit the personality type in the In-Game editor, but can't edit Greed, Playing Time, etc. When I switch the type, the ratings in the player profile don't change. But I can edit the Greed, etc in the Exported Database. But there's no specific rating for Personality Type. There is a personality rating ,but similar ratings don't seem to correlate to Architect, Planner, etc.

I guess I'm just curious if Personality Type and Personality Ratings are independent of one another, after ratings have been generated? Like if I change a Personality Type, will it alter the Personality Ratings, or if I change the Ratings in the DB, will it alter the Type at some point? Thanks. I really like the idea, and I'm not trying to get a full breakdown of every little detail, but just wanna know the ramifications if I would change any of those things.
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