Welcome to DDS:PB 2022 FirstAccess

Welcome to DDS:PB 2022 FirstAccess

Postby Gary Gorski » Thu Nov 11, 2021 3:32 pm

Hello and welcome to another season of DDS: Pro Basketball! FirstAccess begins today. The game is available for pre-order in the webstore and the first beta build is available for download.

Prior to pre-ordering and starting play I want to lay out a few things for you so that we can have a positive experience during FirstAccess.

First, what exactly is FirstAccess? For a really good explanation please visit our blog at https://www.wolverinestudios.com/2020/0 ... rstaccess/

Second, if you find a bug, experience a crash or have a suggestion what should you do? The best thing is to check this forum right here and see if a thread exists on it. If not, start a new one. I will lock the threads as I fix items or if I have implemented that suggestion in a build. I will post here in this forum when new builds are up and will post a download link to update the game. If you need to install the full game please use the link provided to you in your purchase email.

I expect FirstAccess to last about three weeks. If we need more time than that to make sure the final product is as good as possible we certainly will take it.

I want to stress that participating in FirstAccess is totally optional. If you are simply buying for the discount that's cool and we'll see you in a couple of weeks when we have the finished product. If you do have the time and inclination to help us by testing from now until then we certainly appreciate it.

If you're not sure if the game is for you I encourage you to do the following.

1. Read our blog post detailing some of the new items in this year's version at https://www.wolverinestudios.com/post/w ... ketball-22
2. Visit the DDS:PB22 homepage at https://www.wolverinestudios.com/games/ ... basketball - there you will find screenshots, the trailer and a list of some of the new items in the game.
3. Visit our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/wolverinestudios - there you will find Developer Dynasty streams we have done so you can see things in action.

And if you are still on the fence after 1-3...

4. Wait for the demo which will be available upon release - we always have a free demo that you can try and see if the game is for you

A couple of things to note for the initial builds

- the new personality system does still need some fine tuning but before making any further changes I was going to wait for the feedback of our audience here so do not be too alarmed if you see strange things happening in early builds with player attitudes
- there will certainly be adjustments to player ratings before the final build as the first few weeks of the season will give more clarity into not only the rookies and young players who have taken a leap forward this season but also how the new rules changes regarding foul calls affect stats and the need for adjustment in the sim for that
- I am still considering some tutorial videos to be made. If there is a specific subject or subjects you would like to see explained further please let me know. I know one request is going to be on the personality types - I do want there to be some discovery with that and not just a list put out by me that A does not like B etc

Thank you to everyone for your continued support in making this the best basketball sim game on the planet.
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Gary Gorski
WS Development
Posts: 8958
Joined: Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:56 pm

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