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Created Players

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:26 am
by I_anon_I
Hi quick question I understand how to create a player in sandbox but I cant for the Life of me cant figure out how to add a created player to a team or maybe the draft or free agency...super new to this game so I'm sure I'm missing something simple,so i guess the question is how do i put a newly created player into a team, free agency or the draft, there doesn't seem to be an option specifically for that when you create/add player on commissioners office

Re: Created Players

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:18 pm
by CJacksonCowart
Once you create a new player from the commissioner's office, that player will be added to the free agency pool. From there, you can take control of any team as commissioner and sign that newly added player to a contract.