Can You Share Your Views On FA CF2022 Please

Can You Share Your Views On FA CF2022 Please

Postby Colly » Sat Feb 12, 2022 9:57 pm

I really enjoy the DDS titles, especially College Football 2021, which I bought 3 months ago and now have 300+ hours logged playing.

I like building a career save in a single-player game in CF21 but unfortunately from the information currently available, I'm struggling to see a lot of new stuff (at least major new stuff) and so was hoping some folks in the community who are already playing the FA version could share some of their early impressions good and not so good.

I'm particularly interested in features that expand on your career history as the coach of a college program, expanded training and player development features, or more details around the buildup toward gameday each week?

Last edited by Colly on Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can You Share Your Views On FA CF2022 Please

Postby slybelle1 » Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:14 pm

Since people have different likes and views on what is worth an upgrade, I always think best to try yourself as other people's opinion will differ.

You'll have two options.

1) When game releases, they always make a FREE demo version available. You'll be able to try things out and make an informed decision.
2) If you buy on Steam....Steam has a refund policy that will allow you to play the game for up to 2 hours and/or 2 weeks.
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Re: Can You Share Your Views On FA CF2022 Please

Postby Colly » Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:22 pm

slybelle1 wrote:Since people have different likes and views on what is worth an upgrade, I always think best to try yourself as other people's opinion will differ.

You'll have two options.

1) When game releases, they always make a FREE demo version available. You'll be able to try things out and make an informed decision.
2) If you buy on Steam....Steam has a refund policy that will allow you to play the game for up to 2 hours and/or 2 weeks.

Thanks, I know that. I edited my post and hope folks might leave some of their thoughts about the new game good or not so good and in particular how it is different from 2021.
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