Gameplay Bugs

Gameplay Bugs

Postby btpiechowski » Fri Feb 18, 2022 5:58 pm

I like to call the plays during the game, but while doing so I've run into an issue. The game play seems to "freeze" when calling plays on defense. I call the play, and it either won't show the play (and appears to freeze but it's not frozen, it just doesn't show the results of the play) or its glitches and jumps into the future, except I didn't call any of the plays and I have no idea what happened. I am running the NCAA mod and running the direct download version of the game. I can provide other tech specs if needed. I've played DDS Pro Football 21 (on Steam) and have had no issue calling plays. At this time, I'm stuck on week one because I can proceed. If there is a better place to report bugs, please let me know.
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Re: Gameplay Bugs

Postby Colly » Fri Feb 18, 2022 9:04 pm

btpiechowski wrote:I like to call the plays during the game, but while doing so I've run into an issue. The game play seems to "freeze" when calling plays on defense. I call the play, and it either won't show the play (and appears to freeze but it's not frozen, it just doesn't show the results of the play) or its glitches and jumps into the future, except I didn't call any of the plays and I have no idea what happened. I am running the NCAA mod and running the direct download version of the game. I can provide other tech specs if needed. I've played DDS Pro Football 21 (on Steam) and have had no issue calling plays. At this time, I'm stuck on week one because I can proceed. If there is a better place to report bugs, please let me know.

Yup. I concur. I play the same way as you and have the same issues. Playing the game this way is very buggy. If you follow the forums most people are simming the games. It was that way in CF2021 too. I have played the game on both direct download and Steam. The same issues exist. Sometimes when I think it's frozen I am able to progress as I've found what I first thought was the game freezing turned out to be my coordinator mixing up plays and formations. I was able to select a formation then select a new play then click "call play" and the game progressed fine.
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Re: Gameplay Bugs

Postby brooks_piggott » Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:53 am

I think I found this and fixed it for 6.0.1
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Re: Gameplay Bugs

Postby Ruthian23 » Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:50 pm

I have noticed that after a kickoff or punt return late in the game, the AI will spike the ball on first down (even though the clock should be stopped after the kickoff return). One other small thing I noticed is that a horse collar tackle penalty does not give an automatic first down, when I believe it should. Lastly, even when all e-mails have been read, sometimes the little icon indicating an unread e-mail is still there. This doesn't really hurt anything but triggers my OCD a bit. Maybe a Mark All as Read button can be added if it's not an easy fix.
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