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More AI Override Frustrations

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 10:02 pm
by Colly
So, I'm in a bowl game and trailing by 1 point. There's almost 5:45 mins on the clock

I've just scored a TD and at the subsequent KO I chose to do a regular kickoff.
But when I clicked play - the freaking AI changed the call and did an onside kick - which I subsequently lost :mad: :mad: WTAF?

Yes, I realize that's the percentage call.

However, I'd just scored 2 TD's in a row, stopped their offense in the 3 previous drives holding them to 23 yards in total offense on those drives.
Also, my team had not won an onside kicks in 4 previous attempts.
The opponent had 1 timeout left. I had 3 timeouts left. I had all the momentum on both sides of the ball.

I was happy to gamble on a deep kickoff and then hope to stop their drive based on my previous 3 attempts. I aimed to then drive up the field burning the clock and kick a FG at worse for the win.

Obviously I'm not actually the head coach in this game - the AI is. AI outcome - scored a TD (8) on the next play after winning the onside kick. Leaving me needing 2 scores.

It's beyond frustrating to have AI override your calls in this way. Confirming again this game is written for sim players not down by down players like me.

Re: More AI Override Frustrations

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 10:05 pm
by brooks_piggott
I'll look into that. The AI shouldn't be overriding the button you click in play game mode.

Re: More AI Override Frustrations

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 10:14 pm
by Colly
Brooks_Piggott wrote:I'll look into that. The AI shouldn't be overriding the button you click in play game mode.

:cool: Appreciate that Brooks. It certainly did override it but I made an error on clock time. It was approximately 3 minutes left and not 5.45 as I said above.

There's also another bug relating to the "play" button.
At least 2 or 3 times per game (sometimes more) after a play when you choose the next play and click "play" it replays the previous play.
Not a major bug but takes you by surprise every time it occurs.

Re: More AI Override Frustrations

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 7:51 pm
by brooks_piggott
Yea, I found the fix for the kickoff issue and it should be available in the next patch.

Re: More AI Override Frustrations

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:38 pm
by Colly
Brooks_Piggott wrote:Yea, I found the fix for the kickoff issue and it should be available in the next patch.

:D Yay!

You seemed so certain it did not do that, I began to doubt what I saw and started to think I'd hit the wrong button. :confused:

I was so annoyed it happened I just closed the game out without saving it. I copied the old save game onto another new save name and tried four times to see if it might repeat the error but naturally I could not duplicate a game that was that close. In my tests, though it did end up 2-2 each team winning by more than a double TD in every game.

Re: More AI Override Frustrations

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:30 pm
by Ruthian23
Colly wrote:
Brooks_Piggott wrote:I'll look into that. The AI shouldn't be overriding the button you click in play game mode.

:cool: Appreciate that Brooks. It certainly did override it but I made an error on clock time. It was approximately 3 minutes left and not 5.45 as I said above.

There's also another bug relating to the "play" button.
At least 2 or 3 times per game (sometimes more) after a play when you choose the next play and click "play" it replays the previous play.
Not a major bug but takes you by surprise every time it occurs.

This happens when the quarter ends after the previous play.