Recruiting Suggestions/Brain-storming

Recruiting Suggestions/Brain-storming

Postby getheroff » Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:30 am

I would like to preface my feedback by stating that I really enjoy the game and I appreciate Gary's efforts and responsiveness to his customers in this early access period. I have played Wolverine's College Football and Basketball games over the years, and the Basketball game in particular has seen a tremendous amount of positive development during this time. I have played 100s of hours of the 2021 version and I am very excited about CB 2022!

Most of my suggestions have the aim of trying to improve immersion, or to state it in a different make the game more accurately reflect real-life concerns and decisions.

Consider a deeper paradigm for scouting in the recruiting process. Right now it feels like you get information about recruits that is not very relevant and does not help you make important assessments and prioritizations. As a start, it would be great if you could ask your scout to acquire specific information (maybe slightly more expensive?); e.g. work ethic, discipline, and health are much more important to me than “he is familiar with such and such O or D formation” or repeated assurances that “he has a great work ethic”. Much of scouting/recruiting seems like a repetitive exercise, where there are infrequent tangible improvements to your understanding of a recruits capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

I thought about this quite a bit and I think it would be cool if your scout had a standard form for each recruit; that basically matches a player card, plus the info on the player profile (health, work ethic, personality, playing time preference, and potential popularity). The card would start off blank. With the first "in-person" interaction, your scout’s initial assessment of all the recruit’s capabilities would be revealed (though at low confidence). Your scout’s skill at scouting would also play a role as to how reliable the assessment was (e.g. higher scout skill=higher confidence level of assessment). For interactions that are not in-person or that do not involve watching the player perform (e.g. a recruit is on the watch-list, call list, or you are texting, etc.), less information is gathered by the scout and confidence levels go up slower.

In any case, with each scout/coach interaction with the recruit (camp attended, film watched, personal visit, campus visit, in-home visit, text, watch list, call list) more of the categories in the card would be revealed. How much would be revealed, or how much confidence level would improve would depend on the quality of interaction. So for example, each week a recruit is on your scout’s watch list another parameter is revealed (or as discussed more fully below, the confidence level of the assessment is enhanced). But each week a recruit is on your scout’s call list maybe 2 parameters are revealed. Each personal visit would reveal 3 parameters, etc. etc. The parameters revealed would not be perfect information, but rated at something like 0, 25, 50, 75% confidence. After all parameters were revealed, then additional interactions would increase the confidence level in already revealed parameter assessments.

Changes like those described above would make it feel like you are constantly making progess towards a goal and that your investments in time and game currency are acquiring helpful information.
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Re: Recruiting Suggestions/Brain-storming

Postby Gary Gorski » Tue Mar 08, 2022 6:02 pm

That is another very good suggestion - again, beyond the scope of what can be added or changed at this point but definitely going on the list for future changes
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Gary Gorski
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Re: Recruiting Suggestions/Brain-storming

Postby getheroff » Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:01 pm

Completely understood...yep, just sharing ideas of potential areas for further development.
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