Found a coaching bug

Found a coaching bug

Postby Gabe778 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:33 am

So when teams hire internally the coach is signed to a 0 year contract leading to a lot of unnecessary coach turnover in the off season and bugging out my leagues with multiple coaches with 0 year contracts
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Re: Found a coaching bug

Postby Gabe778 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 1:59 am

It seems like if coaches don’t get hired they just automatically retire. I think it would be cool if sometimes if a coach got fired if he didn’t take a job he’d just sit and take a break for a season and have a chance to be hired the next year. I think an active coaches pool would be really cool to have. I know the pro game does it, not sure why the college game doesn’t follow suit or seems like it. It would make sense if there was a large pool of coaches to choose from it would also make the coaching carousel seem more fun. Kind of like how it is in the college basketball games where there are just a bunch of coaches that are underdeveloped sitting in free agency. That’s just my suggestion.
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Re: Found a coaching bug

Postby AKH » Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:31 am

Not all fired coaches retire. It depends on their personality, reputation (more succesful coaches less likely to retire, while all the bad ones retire/get flushed) and age.
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Re: Found a coaching bug

Postby brooks_piggott » Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:36 am

Internal hires are meant to just hold over until you go through coach signing and pick a new coach from there. If you get a good internal coach you can still extend them, but they're not automatically signed long term since they're randomized hires.

The college game and pro game work the same way with coaches going into a pool for you to hire during coach signing phases.
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Re: Found a coaching bug

Postby Gabe778 » Thu Feb 02, 2023 8:27 am

I understand, meant no disrespect at all, I love your games a lot the football games are increasingly more fun every release (esp the college game with the transfer portal OMG I love to do portal only saves) I just thought it was sad and strange to see a 90+ prestige team in internal HC hire limboo for about 5 straight seasons. Also a suggestion i'd like to toss in if its at all possible I know we can unretire players in the pro game, I'd LOVE for the ability to allow us to unretire coaches in the college and pro games. I love to come up with my own storylines and think that a coach unretiring from football to go back to the sidelines after 10 years of broadcasting would be a fun scenario. If not no biggie but I'd LOVE that option! Thank you guys for the swift responses and can't wait for whats in store for the games' futures
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Re: Found a coaching bug

Postby Gabe778 » Sun Feb 05, 2023 5:13 am

bump - unretiring coaches would be a cool feature in every game
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