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Editing Rosters

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:04 am
by vipermaw1982
So i read a different topic about exporting then re importing rosters. I used the CSV converter to the Json file. However when I tried to import it with a new league it just gets stuck on 10 percent when importing recruits (didnt edit recruits) I actually just changed one name to experiment with how it would work.

I've tried to just do a roster export and I tried to go to the search button and export all the players. After the conversion I'm getting the same locked screen at 10 percent. I tried also to create a Player ID field as i saw that posted somewhere else and number all of them. Still got stuck at 10 percent. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Re: Editing Rosters

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:44 am
by brooks_piggott
Basically you export players into a .json file, then edit that file if you're just changing a name. If you're going to be editing a bunch you use the converter to move .json to .csv and edit there. The main problem is that the .csv file must still have the same format and programs like Excel can mess with things a bit. Easiest way to tell is to compare the .csv files before and after you edit them with something like notepad or notepad++ where you can see all of the characters. Once you're happy with the .csv file, then you run it back through the converter program to convert it back to .json and use the .json to start your league.

Re: Editing Rosters

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:49 am
by vipermaw1982
Brooks_Piggott wrote:Basically you export players into a .json file, then edit that file if you're just changing a name. If you're going to be editing a bunch you use the converter to move .json to .csv and edit there. The main problem is that the .csv file must still have the same format and programs like Excel can mess with things a bit. Easiest way to tell is to compare the .csv files before and after you edit them with something like notepad or notepad++ where you can see all of the characters. Once you're happy with the .csv file, then you run it back through the converter program to convert it back to .json and use the .json to start your league.

Is there a different tool to convert the json to the csv file? The one I have only says convert to a json file not sure how to convert it to the cvs. We are looking to put together as much of a college football league as we can so we would hope to adjust names and attributes to a degree.

Re: Editing Rosters

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:55 am
by brooks_piggott
The converter from the mod forum should go both ways.

Re: Editing Rosters

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 1:14 pm
by vipermaw1982
Brooks_Piggott wrote:The converter from the mod forum should go both ways.

Hmmm didnt work

The csv is coming across with the player ID and everything and I keep the format when I save it to send it back to json, not sure what I'm missing. When i use notepad++ it shows only one player in the initial json file. But when i convert it the entire list is there as well.

My excel variation is

Character set Unicode (UTF-8)
From Row- 1
Separated by Tap, Comma

Idk if this helps

Some Colleges are listed as N/A does that matter?

Still failing
Stopping at the same import area

Re: Editing Rosters

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 5:04 pm
by brooks_piggott
If you edit the csv in notepad and then run it through the converter does it work? (Skip using excel)

Re: Editing Rosters

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 6:01 pm
by vipermaw1982
It worked! Kinda hard to read everything adjusting in Notepad vs an excel sheet but I can make it work

Re: Editing Rosters

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 6:04 pm
by brooks_piggott
You just have to make sure when you save/export from excel that it's using basic CSV and not extra excel processing, number formatting, extra quotes, extra columns, etc.

Re: Editing Rosters

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 6:13 pm
by vipermaw1982
Brooks_Piggott wrote:You just have to make sure when you save/export from excel that it's using basic CSV and not extra excel processing, number formatting, extra quotes, extra columns, etc.

I use apache open office, mayve there is something in there messing it up

Re: Editing Rosters

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 8:58 pm
by brooks_piggott
Possibly... it could be adding extra quotes around things, or depending on your windows settings could be using different formats for decimal numbers.