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How to Mod to old school NCAA

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 8:55 am
by Chiefsfan
Pretty new to Wolverine Studios.

I picked up the Real World Mod for DDSCF.

I am wondering could I use this file and change the teams and conferences to recreate the football of the 70s and 80s with the Big 8, Pac-8, original Big 10, and South West Conference?
Could you do the original bowl ties...Orange Big 8, SWC to Cotton Bowl, etc.

Re: How to Mod to old school NCAA

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 5:58 am
by slybelle1
I am not sure using my real world mod is going to give you much advantage in creating a college experience back in the 70's and 80's for a number of reasons.

- Teams/conferences names are different (although for whatever teams/conferences are the same certainly could be a starting point)
- Team colors may be different
- Conference alignments are different
- The play styles for older seasons are likely different then what is contained in this mod
- The team logos could be different
- The conference logos could be different
- The fields likely are different
- Bowl setup is likely different...I don't recall how bowl games were decided in the 70's, 80's, going to guess different then now. There is flexibility in setting up your own, just not sure to what degree.
- Jerseys/helmets likely different in a number of cases
- etc.

If truly creating an older season experience, just not sure there is much to really leverage from the real world mod as it represents current day, likely need to create own custom league to give the experience you want.

Re: How to Mod to old school NCAA

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:05 am
by brooks_piggott
If you're looking on how to build the mod and what files to include, how to name them, how to edit them, etc. then the real world mod is a great example of how to do all that. And yes, all that you list is certainly possible. It just may be easier to start with files from scratch.. and/or look at other mods created to get a sense for the different options you have.