Recruiting - Home Visit Bug

Recruiting - Home Visit Bug

Postby gmt08 » Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:34 am

Ever since downloading the new patch. I've noticed that when you home visit a recruit. Most of the time it doesn't do anything when you advance to the next week and the 5 outreach points are wasted. The box for home visit is still available even though I had it checked the previous week and advanced. I did a test league after noticing it happening on my current save and the home visit worked about 30% of the time on recruits.

I overall enjoy the game and want to give a head's up on this.

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Re: Recruiting - Home Visit Bug

Postby tbrtb » Fri Feb 03, 2023 4:46 pm

check the prospect's history. i think sometimes they get "double-booked"; they may have simply visited another school that week.

i wish that we were "refunded" the points when that happens. or somehow alerted if the recruit has a conflict. it does feel like this could be better handled
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Re: Recruiting - Home Visit Bug

Postby gmt08 » Fri Feb 03, 2023 6:03 pm

Thanks for your response. Yeah, it looks like that's the case. I checked the history and it's exactly what you said, they are visiting another school that week. I was thinking this was a bug because I hadn't encountered this until yesterday. I agree, those points should be refunded, be notified that a prospect rejects your home visit and allows you to reallocate the outreach points or prospects should be able to have multiple home visits in the same week. Anything would be better then the current way it's handled.
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Re: Recruiting - Home Visit Bug

Postby AKH » Sat Feb 04, 2023 7:22 am

outside of phonecalls recruits can only do one thing each week. So if you schedule both a home visit and invite them to a game, they will only do one.
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Re: Recruiting - Home Visit Bug

Postby tbrtb » Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:22 am

AKH wrote:So if you schedule both a home visit and invite them to a game, they will only do one.

i think the issue is regarding other teams. we can click the checkbox for one of those things, but we don't know if other teams have scheduled him for something. and we don't find out until the following week, and that's only if we notice that the thing we checked last week actually doesn't have a green checkmark this week. and we lose the points regardless.

i've also noticed that sometimes i can schedule multiple facility tours. is that intentional?
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Re: Recruiting - Home Visit Bug

Postby WarEagle13 » Thu Feb 09, 2023 6:32 pm

I’ve noticed on the multiple scheduling deal. Mine involved inviting to a game. Had two guys accept. Got email and bonus points from them. Couple weeks later when looking to invite others to another home game, it appears they have no check and I can invite them again

Is this by design or a bug? I posted screenshots in discord
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Re: Recruiting - Home Visit Bug

Postby gsellisca » Sun Aug 06, 2023 1:41 pm

Are there any plans to change this? Most games let you see if someone is already booked and/or provide some kind of feedback regarding acceptance of an invitation so that the recruiting resources aren't wasted.
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