PB24 mod requirements

PB24 mod requirements

Postby Gary Gorski » Thu Oct 26, 2023 3:19 pm

So far the mod requirements for DDS: PB24 will be the same for all areas except two.

1) If you are modding the Teams table for the database you will want to take note to add a column called TournamentPool - for all tables except Teams30 you can enter 0 here. For the 30 team table you will enter the tournament pod they are playing in (1-3 in the east, 4-6 in the west). WARNING - I highly recommend you leave the same number that exists in the default table there unless you are building a new schedule to match your league. Otherwise if you plan on using the default schedule then make sure the teams in the pod remain as they are in the default.

2) If you are creating a custom schedule for a 30 or 32 team league you will have to create one of two files. If you create 30Schedule you can do that in exactly the same manner but you have to make sure your league is setup to NOT use the in-season tournament. If you want to play the in-season tournament in your league you will have to create a table called 30ScheduleIST (or 32ScheduleIST if you have expanded to a 32 team league). In this table you will need to create a boolean column called Tournament and each game will have to be labeled TRUE or FALSE. I recommend copying the one from the default schedule.db file and working with that because the tournament games have to be played on certain days and you must also include the games with team id at 1000 and higher because those are placeholders for the teams who do not make it out of the round robin and for those who lose in the quarterfinals. Also if you are editing the IST schedule file there is only 80 games scheduled because each team gets an additional 2 and the finals do not count towards the record so all-in-all good luck if you take on the task of editing the schedules because its a PITA :) If you are wondering why I didn't mention the other config schedules the IST is not available in those size leagues both because it would be even harder to deal with in an odd sized league and for my own sanity.

The mod that exists for RW teams probably will need to be updated before its useable for PB24 as it would have to fix that teams table. I don't know exactly what is in that mod but it probably needs updating.

All the logos, courts, player photos etc should still remain the same sizes so those can be reused from the ones made for PB23.
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Gary Gorski
WS Development
Posts: 8958
Joined: Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:56 pm

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