UI Suggestion I've wanted for years

UI Suggestion I've wanted for years

Postby lemon07r » Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:14 am

I've bought almost every CB and PB game for the last couple years. And each and every time, I wonder, why are there no arrow buttons to shuffle through the different portraits in coach creation? See below for my beautiful artists rendition of what could be. Surely adding left right buttons for face, and up down buttons for the body/clothes would not be too hard. The biggest thing for me is the clothes. This drives me absolutely mad. There are FIFTY-FIVE different clothing styles. Are you telling me I am supposed to open this drop down menu, search for the next clothing style to try, and select it, FIFTY-FIVE times!?!? I'm sorry if this comes off a little antagonizing, but this is absolutely maddening. I gave up after going through twentyish of them in my most dedicated moments, and just didn't want to play anymore. An alternative option would be to add names to the clothing style; for example, instead of reading "6" this clothing style could read "6 - Suit with Red Tie Variant #2" or something like that in the drop down menu.


I'm happy that the UI/UX is improving over the years, it was especially pretty bad before.. but for the price we are paying yearly for these updates (basically $100+ for both CB/PB) I've expected a little bit more on the UI/UX side. No offense intended, but there's still a lot of stuff that feels unintuitive and headache inducing because of how tedious some tasks are made by the UI, a lot of it easily fixed with a few small changes or additions. Perhaps the issue is not enough feedback to even catch and point out these issues? I can make more posts later if this feedback is even wanted.. and encourage others to do so as well if the developer(s) are open to it.

EDIT: I guess I'll add stuff here as I come across things.

- First thing to add, why is there no age column in the trade UI/window? This would be HUGE to have. I'm so tired of having to tab out and google player ages or exiting the trade window to check ages.

- Trade window REALLY needs an exclude toggle next to players and picks, to exclude things when asking for offers with the "Get Offer" button. Basketball GM has had this implemented for years already. It is so so annoying to have to manually remove picks from your offer after hitting get offer so you can try asking for a new offer too. Being able to exclude picks by toggle would fix this issue.
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Re: UI Suggestion I've wanted for years

Postby jlemmen43 » Fri Jan 27, 2023 6:40 pm

If you pull down the clothing style bar and use your up and down keys, you can toggle through each suit/shirt and it'll show what it looks like on the player.
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Re: UI Suggestion I've wanted for years

Postby Gary Gorski » Wed Mar 22, 2023 5:26 pm

Always willing to take UI/UX suggestions - first time anyone (that I have seen) has brought up wanting arrows to scroll through the clothes. Definitely open to any ideas that would make things better for everyone.
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Gary Gorski
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Re: UI Suggestion I've wanted for years

Postby lemon07r » Thu Jan 30, 2025 8:39 am

Gary Gorski wrote:Always willing to take UI/UX suggestions - first time anyone (that I have seen) has brought up wanting arrows to scroll through the clothes. Definitely open to any ideas that would make things better for everyone.

Still open? I feel like much hasn't changed since 2023.
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Re: UI Suggestion I've wanted for years

Postby Gary Gorski » Fri Jan 31, 2025 4:36 pm

I'm adding this in for the clothes - not sure it makes it easier for the picture though. When you click the select picture button it shows the windows dialog box which you could right click on choose view -> large icons and see all the faces at once rather than having to scroll through them but certainly makes sense for the clothes. I will add it to CB25 and will have to patch it into PB25
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Re: UI Suggestion I've wanted for years

Postby lemon07r » Sat Feb 01, 2025 3:27 pm

Gary Gorski wrote:I'm adding this in for the clothes - not sure it makes it easier for the picture though. When you click the select picture button it shows the windows dialog box which you could right click on choose view -> large icons and see all the faces at once rather than having to scroll through them but certainly makes sense for the clothes. I will add it to CB25 and will have to patch it into PB25

Fair enough, happy to see some improvements being made.

Athough if it's not too much to add, I do think having the arrows for the face pictures still make sense from a purely ux standpoint, players will feel familiar with it since it's pretty much a staple in every other game for character creation, plus it's just nice being able to scroll through everything one by one rather than opening up a folder and seeing everything there. Having both options available, is of course ideal. Either way this is a pretty minor thing.
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