Questions / Suggestions

Questions / Suggestions

Postby servo75 » Sun Sep 03, 2023 11:35 pm

1. Can we have a 24-team playoff option if you're running an FCS, with no bowl games? Teams play 11 games weeks 1-13, then Round 1 in 14, Round 2 in 15, Round 3 where conference champs or bowl I would be, Semifinals in 2nd bowl week, then finals when the FBS has theirs?
2. In custom playbooks can we see play statistics before adding to playbook?
3. Team Info and league media - can we filter by conference?
4. In player info screen for recruiting, it would be easier to judge location if we had the distance or at least distance range displayed. Especially being in WA, CA can be within 500 or more than 1000, so having to go back and forth to find the distance on whether to talk about location can be a pain.
5. Recruiting menu - filter by multiple positions, the same way we do in free agency?
6. Like having the schedule on front page is good but it would be nice to have a home/away indicator, as well as school abbreviations for unfamiliar schools.
7. I mentioned conference scheduling in another post. Can we at least require last week to be conference? The ability to set # of conference games? Some conferences like Pac-12 play 9 not 8.
8. Regarding the change in game planning. I don't understand why the change was made to formations. It looks to me that all that happened was REMOVING the ability to set package percent formation. But why just take it away with no other changes? The previous version was far from perfect, but worked for some situations. I used it as another way, for example, to rotate defensive linemen in by having a "subs" package that I could apply to all formations at 10% or so.
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Re: Questions / Suggestions

Postby slybelle1 » Mon Sep 04, 2023 5:02 am

servo75 wrote:6. Like having the schedule on front page is good but it would be nice to have a home/away indicator, as well as school abbreviations for unfamiliar schools.

This one I would also like to see changed. As is, the schedule screen is nice looking visually with the logo, but isn't as functional as it could be, requiring the player to go to the actual schedule screen to see typical schedule information. I know there is limited space, but in my opinion listed in the order of importance, would like to see the following added which you largely indicated as well.

1) Need the team name/abbreviation to show. Having the logos is not enough to identify the team even with the real world logos. If you use fictional logos like default, not much of a chance anyone will recognize the team. Below is a sample screen when default fictional logos used, not a chance I could know who they are:) Preference would be for the abbreviation/name to show all the time, but if it can't, minimally would like to see the name show when you hover the mouse over the logo. (I.e. at #1 PSU (5-2) )
2) Home or away indicator. Same as team name/abbreviation, preference to see all the time but if can't show all the time, at least when hovering over the logo (I.e. at #1 PSU (5-2) )
3) Record of the team on the schedule, along with their ranking. Same as team name/abbreviation, preference to see all the time but if can't show all the time, at least when hovering over the logo (I.e. at #1 PSU (5-2) )

Again, I think it looks nice, but in current state it doesn't save me any time as I always need to look at the actual schedule screen to see the meaningful information. Don't want the schedule removed from dashboard as very helpful to see at a glance with the other info, just needs enhanced in my opinion.

Schedule Widget When Using Fictional Logos
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Re: Questions / Suggestions

Postby drummerJ99 » Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:54 am

#1 | Please, please, please a light skin UI. The dark gray on black gives me a headache. 2021 combo was perfect. White/Gray/cream color. I understand they want all to be dark now for consistency across the board but why not give users the ability to choose?

#2 | The playbook art could really use some colors. Red for blitz on defensie and run on offense. Shaded circles for zone. As it is now it doesn't look like any football game I've ever played and is kinda confusing. Something like these IMHO would make more sense.
Image Image
Please give us a light skin UI option for all games. A Clone of the 2021 themes would be perfect!
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Re: Questions / Suggestions

Postby brooks_piggott » Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:17 am


We've had custom theming in the game for years at this point for those folks who want to adjust things to their liking.
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Re: Questions / Suggestions

Postby drummerJ99 » Tue Oct 17, 2023 12:23 pm

brooks_piggott wrote:

We've had custom theming in the game for years at this point for those folks who want to adjust things to their liking.

Interesting..So I could make it look like 2021? I may have to check into that customtheme more.

EDIT: Couldn't make it look just like 21 but it's closer. Is there a guide or FAQ on what we need to add to make changes?
Please give us a light skin UI option for all games. A Clone of the 2021 themes would be perfect!
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Re: Questions / Suggestions

Postby drummerJ99 » Sun Oct 29, 2023 9:04 am

Another suggestion to make it more aesthetically pleasing would be to change the player photos. With CF21 it made sense as the logo is to the left of the player like below:

Howver since 2022 version the logo has been moved behind and to the side of the player.


Which I think looks better but now the problem is the player is cropped weirdly at the shoulders. Which is the same as '21 but now it just looks so odd. I think it'd look more aesthetically pleasing to make it like the College Basketballa and pro basketball games an include the full shoulders like below.


On a side note would love a tutorial on what all can be changed in the customtheme.css and what changes what in each section. For example, I changed something and it made the weekly schedule matchup box text black but kept the box dark gray. So was impossible to read. A tutorial on that would be amazing.
Please give us a light skin UI option for all games. A Clone of the 2021 themes would be perfect!
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Re: Questions / Suggestions

Postby servo75 » Sun Nov 05, 2023 7:32 pm

drummerJ99 wrote:#2 | The playbook art could really use some colors. Red for blitz on defensie and run on offense. Shaded circles for zone. As it is now it doesn't look like any football game I've ever played and is kinda confusing. Something like these IMHO would make more sense.

Agreed. I think the defense diagrams, even though there are explanations for them, are a bit complex and confusing. I don't even think color would be necessary, but depict zones as lines going toward a circle. Lines forward indicating man coverage or run support, and arrows forward indicating pass rush / blitz. We really don't need all of those shapes.
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