GL - End Game/Half? - Strategy

GL - End Game/Half? - Strategy

Postby coachcbjii » Sun Nov 26, 2023 9:43 pm

When do these situations kick in?
What is considered Goal Line? anything inside the 10? Inside the 5? Need to know when this situation kicks in and I cannot seem to find the answer

End Half/Game Winning or Losing...when do these kick in? What is considered the end of the half or game? Under 5 mins? 4 mins? 2 mins? Coaches and play styles can make this very different.
Is there somewhere to adjust when it kicks in? Do you have to be ahead or behind by a certain amount for these to kick in? For example, does winning mean winning by any amount like 1 point, or does it have to be 7+ points? Same thing for losing. Again, these are very different game situations, so we really need to know when these situation strategies kick in.

Thank you in advance for any clarification
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Re: GL - End Game/Half? - Strategy

Postby brooks_piggott » Sun Nov 26, 2023 9:52 pm

Goal Line is inside the 5
End of half is within 3 minutes, no point threshold applies
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Re: GL - End Game/Half? - Strategy

Postby coachcbjii » Sun Nov 26, 2023 9:56 pm

Thank you again! Good to know!
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Re: GL - End Game/Half? - Strategy

Postby servo75 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 12:30 am

That's good to know because a team can be ahead at the end of the first half and still trying to score. I've run into situations where that's the case, and we're on our half of the field, but it's 2nd and 1 so the playcalling screen and game plan says run up the middle.

I think there should though be a setting(s) on things like two/four minute drills, end-of-half aggression, or at least situations in the Play Calling screen to have a playbook for that, and not just down and distance. Also settings for aggression on 4th down and for two-point tries. The generic "style" setting isn't quite enough.

Speaking of down and distance, what exactly is meant by "long", "medium" and "short"? I was going under the assumption that 3rd and short meant under 2 yards, which in the NFL seems to be the rule. "Short" can be subjective and vary by down. I would consider 1st and long 15+ yards, but 3rd and long 8+ yards.
But this is vital because I have a "short yardage" playbook with runs and conservative passes. Generally in football 3rd and 3+ is a passing down, but if this game considers 3 yards to be "short" then my strategy won't work.

My interpretation has always been First down long=15+, medium 10-15, short <5. Second down: Long=10+, Medium 5-10, Short <5. Third Down Long 10+, Medium 3-9, Short <3. Fourth down long 5+, medium 1-5, and short <1. As I said what's "short" on 1st down may be medium on 3rd.
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Re: GL - End Game/Half? - Strategy

Postby servo75 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 12:33 am

Another question in that same vein. It involves the mass-substitutions in game planning. I generally have 28+ as the point where subs are sent in. But is that only 4th quarter? I've had starters stay in too long where I had 35 points in the 3rd, where I would definitely sub some people out. So if I have it set at 28 points is it strictly 28+ in the fourth quarter? If that happens and the score narrows do the starters then go back in? How does that work? If the subs could trigger at any time I'd say 30+, but if not until 10 minutes left in the game I might put subs in at 21.
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